Sports Grant Report 2013 2014

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Heversham St Peters C of E Primary School Sports Grant expenditure Report to Parents: 201 !

#hat is the Sports Premium$
The government is providing funding of 150 million per annum for the academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15 to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding The funding is being !ointly provided by the "epartments for #ducation$ %ealth and &ulture$ 'edia and (port$ and will see money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the )uality of sport and *# for all their children #ach school will receive +$000 plus an e,tra 5 per pupil each year for the ne,t two years The money can only be spent on sport and *# provision in schools

Purpose of the fundin%

-t %eversham (t *eters & of # *rimary (chool we recognise the contribution of *# to the health and well.being of the children /n addition$ it is considered that an innovative and varied *# curriculum and e,tra.curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration$ attitude and academic achievement of all children The governors agree that the money must be used so that all children benefit regardless of their sporting ability /t is important that we use this money wisely 0e will continue to place a high priority on our *# provision and resources to further enhance the curriculum 1ur (ports 2unding allocation will enable us to continue and e,tend our provision through employing more sports professionals$ entering into more competitive sports competitions and by training our staff to deliver )uality *# sessions

Ho& do &e use Sports Premium fundin%$

-t %eversham$ we hope to use *# and sport to inspire all children to become physically confident and gain a love and en!oyment of sport and its benefits To implement this we firstly monitored our teaching and e)uipment to highlight areas which we should focus on 2rom this monitoring we have prioritised these areas3 %igh )uality teaching and learning with high levels of engagement *urchasing of new *# e)uipment . we have purchased new 4ymnastic mats$ and balls for various sports including hoc5ey and rugby

(wimming lessons for all 6ey (tage 2 (pecialist sports coaches for 6ey (tage 1 and 2 (pecialist sports coaching for after school clubs &*" for members of staff 7Tag rugby this spring 0e are using the funding to employ e,perienced and well )ualified sports and swimming teachers to deliver inspirational lessons %aving e,perienced coaching in specific fields has helped to e,tend and inspire teachers delivering other *# lessons (ome of the funding has been spent on transport to allow our pupils to e,perience sport with other schools$ which in turn increases the motivation to perfect their s5ills

Ho& &ill the impact 'e measured$

'onitoring and observations using 12(T#" criteria 8 'onitoring upta5e of after schools clubs 8 1bservations of specialist coaching and its impact on learning by all staff 8 /ncreased participation in *#/sport$ for e,ample thirty seven of our pupils3 a good mi, of boys and girls$ too5 part in the inter schools cross country competition organised by "allam secondary school 9our local comprehensive school: Twelve pupils across 6ey (tages 1 and 2 entered 6ey (teps gymnastics competitions and all came first in their age range to )ualify for the ne,t round in &ounty finals in 'arch$ since then our youngest children have got into a further round

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