Business Analysis Based On BABOK®

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Business Analysis based on BABOK version 2.

BUSINESS ANALYSIS TRAINING SYLLABUS based on BABOK 2.0 Part I Introdu t!on to Bus!ness Ana"#s!s$ S%L& and Re'u!re(ent )ana*e(ent. 1. Introduction to Business Analysis. 2. Role of a Business Analyst and Expectations. . !oft"are #evelop$ent %ife &ycle 'et(odolo)ies. *. Re+uire$ent ,lannin)- .at(erin) 'ana)e$ent./"e cover co$plete BABOK 2.0 boo01 2. Re+uire$ent 'ana)e$ent 3ools 4. Business Artifacts Part II %es!*n$ Ana"#s!s and Bus!ness )ode"!n*. 1. '! 5isio- '! ,o"er,oint- '! 6ord 2. Introduction to Rational Rose . Introduction to 7nified 'odelin) %an)ua)e /7'%1 *. 7!E &ase Artifacts 2. 'odelin) 3ools 4. 7!E &ase Exercises Part III Bus!ness Ana"#s!s Essent!a"s 1. &oncepts of Ob8ect Oriented ,ro)ra$$in) 3ec(ni+ues 2. 9unda$entals of ,rototypin) . &onductin) a :A# !essions *. Introduction to 3estin) 'et(odolo)ies- 3estin) 3ypes and 3est 3ools 2. Introduction to !oft"are ;uality ,rocess <. Business ,rocess 'odelin) and ,rocess 'appin) 4. Basics of #atabase 'ana)e$ent ,lease &ontact 's !and(ya on =1>=?<4 22?<* or "rite at sand+#a,an!sans. o( to discuss t(e detailed course content or any +ueries re)ardin) t(e 3rainin)

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