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1. To cause a mutiny the crew must set up three key items: the Weapon, Restraint, and Hint. 2. To set up these three items you must play a card at the designated spot: Play a Weapon card in the Armory Play a Hint in the Captains Quarters Play a Restraint in the Hold 3. If you play a card for the mutiny you do not use its effect, but instead gain 2 coins to your Personal Stash if it is the first of its kind. 4. Once all 3 mutiny cards are on the board anyone can start the mutiny from the Plank squares instead of playing a card on their turn.

To split the treasure, pick one of the following options:

One for all!

Thin the ranks

All for one!

One treasure for all the players!

Spilt the Captain's Stash evenly with the player who started the mutiny getting any extra coins.

You need some extra loot!

1. Duel any remaining players with 1 weapon card from your hand. 2. Both players pick a card from their hand to use in the duel. 3. Compare power on the weapon cards. 4. The winning player gets the losing players cut of the Stash. 5. Ties result in the player who started the duel giving the other player 3 of their coins.

You are desperate for loot!

1. Fight every other living pirate on the ship for the Stash. 2. Pick your strongest weapon card while everyone else alive picks their weapons. 3. Compare power of your card versus the combined total of their cards. 4. Winning means you collect all of the Captain's Stash. 5. Ties or Losses mean you get no share of the Captain's Stash.

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