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Modal Verbs

The Modal Verbs are:

Can could will would - shall should may might must had to mustnt neednt. Modal verbs are followed by the infinitive form:Examples: 1- He must study his lessons. 2- They should [ obeyed obey obeys] their parents. Sylva Kotchounian

It is allowed : It was allowed: Will be allowed: You arent allowed:

Can Could ill be able to Cant

erhaps ! It is possible: !ay It was possible:

Sylva Kotchounian



Could "#####.$ ould you ####..please $

$ olite %e&uest' ( want: $)ffer': $*u++estion': $I advise you'

%hall "######$ %hall we #####.$ %hould %houldnt

I advise you not to ! It is advisable not to:

Sylva Kotchounian

It is ne,essary:


It was ne,essary: Had to !ustnt It is forbidden: &eednt It isnt ne,essary: -------------------------------

Sylva Kotchounian

1- "t is allowed to par' here. +ou can par' here.

2- (erhaps " will )isit you. " may )isit you.

tra)el abroad. *- ""tmay is possible that " tra)el abroad.

Sylva Kotchounian

,- +ou want to go to the club.[%uggestion].

%hall we go to the club $

-- " as' the teacher to e.plain the lesson again [polite re/uest]

ould you e.plain the lesson again 2 please $

0- +ou arent allowed to touch things in the museum.

+ou cant touch things in the museum.

1- " ad)ise you to wear hea)y clothes today.

+ou should wear hea)y clothes.

Sylva Kotchounian

3- "t isnt necessary to go shopping today.

+ou neednt go shopping today.

4- 5s' your mother to go to the beach. Could " go to the beach $

16- +ou want to wash the dishes %hall " wash the dishes $ 7or your mother.[o77er]

11- "t is 7orbidden to ta'e photos here. +ou mustnt ta'e photos here.
Sylva Kotchounian

12- "t is ad)isable not to par' the car here.

+ou shouldnt par' your car here.

1*- +ou must [ do to do did ] your H. .

1,- +ou [ must mustnt ] [ respect to respect respected ] your teacher. ######################## #########.
Sylva Kotchounian

/- It is possible that the plane will land safely0 1- It is ne,essary for the ,hildren to drin# mil#0 2- I advise you not to be shy or nervous0 3- Its forbidden to eat pop ,orn in the theatre0 4- We want to +o for a trip on the 5ile0$*u++estion' 6- It isnt ne,essary for them to study today0 -----------------------------

Sylva Kotchounian

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