Decentralisation 1918 Out On Their Claim

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Mr. Holman mentioned, too, that the National party was particularly anxious that an effective system of decentralisation should be carried into effect, in order to prevent congestion in the city. Mr. Holman might have told his audience that it was the much-despised Labor party, of which he was then a member, that was responsible for the only genuine attempt to bring about that much-desired end. N.S.W. Labor-leader J. Storey.

Out on their claim! Would these decentralise? It is our job. We started long ago. The crowded cities festered in our eyes; We saw the torrent life about them flow; We said within our hearts Shall these things be? Give us more ports that lead to open sea! Long did we toil to find the people room. North, south and west, behold the thing we wrought: The wider harvests that we taught to bloom, The crowded peoples out of bondage brought! Imagination, striving, almost fails To grasp the thing we did for New South Wales. Observe those twenty cities on the coast, The linking railways filling them with trade, Where Sydney stood alone, their only boast, The single port a century had made! Never forget we opened all their eyes When thus we started to decentralise. Whats that? You cannot find them on the map, Sydney is still alone and growing fast. Well, thats the folly of the other chap Who stays in office now our chance is past. But we began it; yes, indeed we did, Although obscured, out triumph is not hid. We did not build the cities? Well, not quite, There were few votes around where they should be: But I remember someone talked on night Of other ports upon the outer sea. That was the start. Some twenty years ago I heard his liquid Labor accents flow. Talks cheap? Make no mistake upon that score. Talk is expensive, and expansive, too. Decentralise! was a great cry of yore As indicating what we meant to do. If we forgot it when we came to power, 1

Why should the other fellow pluck our flower? But, really, when it comes to bedrock fact. What is this talk of open ports about? It makes good noise, but no one wants to act In any sort of fashion that might flout The Sydney crowd who, holding still the reins, Sit tight and gather in their solid gains. The public suffers. What is that to us? The State is losing force for lack of room. Well, let it lose! Why should we make a fuss? The smells of Ultimo are all in bloom Smells and a Labor vote. Still, we protest: Decentralising, we have done the best.
Curse OMoses Pseudonym of David McKee Wright N.S.W. The Bulletin, 30 May 1918.

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