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Interesting Quote: We do not learn by being exposed to a concept only once.

Rather, we learn by being exposed to concepts a number of times, in different ways, at successively more challenging levels. (p.6 3)
Big Idea: Social studies curriculum can be structured using other methods than the traditional widening horizons approach. Using the spiral method for example introduces students to concepts and themes at an early age. As these students move up in grade levels, the same concepts and themes are expanded upon as students have developed higher levels of critical thinking. Make a Connection: It does trouble me to hear of school districts cutting social studies by 75 minutes per week. Sadly enough, I had watched this taking place in one of the classrooms I observed. Instructional time is being focused on literacy and math instruction because of the pressure to increase test scores. I believe it is very important to know how to calculate measurements for example, but how will students calculate how long it will take them to get to Australia if they dont even know where it is on a map? I need to be innovative in finding ways to incorporate social studies with other content areas to make up for time lost.

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