Ultra Structure and Characteristics of Fungi

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Ultra structure and characteristics of fungi:

 It is a unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic cell.
 Example of unicellular fungal cell is yeast.
 Example of multicellular fungus is mould, rhizopus and
 They are fresh water and land living organisms.
 Fungi do not consist of any chloroplasts.
 It cannot synthesize its own food.
 It feeds by absorption or adsorption mode of nutrient.
 Study of fungus is known as mycology.

 It is a primary terrestrial organism.
 3/4th of this fungus interacts with plant roots. It is
known as mycorrhizal interaction.
 Sometimes fungus may be interacted with algae. It is
known as lichens.

Importance of fungus:
 Generally 90,000 species of fungus is distributed.
 They contain both beneficial and harmful effects.
 Beneficial effects:
In industries:
It is used in industries for preparation of fermented
Example: wine, beer, antibiotics etc.
It easily degrades the complex compounds present in
the soil.
 Harmful effects:
 Highly pathogenic and causes infection to human,
animals and plants.
 Food spoilage. Example: bread.
Structure of fungus:
 Body of fungus is known as thallus.
 Shape and size of thallus varies from species to
 Outer most layer is made up of chitin.
 Chitin substance consists of flexible nitrogen containing
polysaccharides and n-acetyl glucosamine residues.
 Flagella are absent.

 It is a unicellular, eukaryotic organism.
 It consists of distinct nucleus.
 Its size is slightly greater than the bacterial cell.


 It is a multicellular, eukaryotic organism.

 It has a long, filamentous and branched like structure.

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