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DIRECT INSTRUCTION LESSON PLAN GUIDE AND TEMPLATE Name: Emily Hutchins Lesson #: Lesson Title: A New Coat

for Anna Topic: Trade and Bartering

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade/Social Studies NCES/CCSS Standard and Objective (1)

Standard: 3.E.1.1 Explain how location impacts supply and demand.

RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Revised Blooms level of Understanding- Students will understand and recognize supply and thinking/type of knowledge (1) demand and how it impacts individuals. Behavioral Objective (2) After reading and discussing A New Coat for Anna, students will be able to write about if they would rather barter or buy goods and explain their reasoning. They will have also completed questions about their bartering activity and the knowledge they have gained. Objective Rationale (1) Children need to learn about supply and demand along with bartering because they will use this information. They need to understand the difference between bartering and buying goods. They also need to understand how supply and demand can influence individuals. Prerequisite Knowledge and Students will already have knowledge of resources including human, Skills (1) capital, and natural. Students should know the differences between the resources. Key Terms and Vocabulary (1) Resource, Human resource, Capital resource, Natural resource, Barter, Production. Content and Strategies Instructional Strategies Focus/Review (prepares Teacher will begin Smart Board presentation. Students Direct Instruction students for the lesson) (2) will be seated at their desks. The teacher will inform the students on what we are going to learn and will start by reviewing the vocabulary words that we will cover. The teacher must move the magnifying glass to reveal each new vocabulary word. Teacher will reveal words and ask Who remembers what resources are? What do you think the word barter means?. Students will provide input for each vocabulary word. The teacher will show the resources that will be seen in the book they will read, A New Coat for Anna. Those resources will be categorized and reviewed before reading. Objective as stated for students Today we are going to learn about resources and bartering by reading the (helps students set their own book A New Coat for Anna. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to goals for the lesson) (1) write about if you would rather barter or buy goods and explain what you think.
Revised for spring, 2012

Teacher Input (provides the The teacher will introduce the book A New Coat for Direct Instruction content to students in a teacher- Anna to the class. The teacher will read the book and directed manner) (3) return to the Smart Board. The teacher will go step by Cooperation step through the book about what was bartered for what. The students will then be separated into two groups, blue and yellow. Each student will be given five cards of the same item. The blue team can only barter for blue cards and the yellow team can only barter for yellow cards. They are told that they are the producer of the item and they must barter with their group to get as many items on the school supply list as possible. A possible scenario will be given. For example, I am the producer of pencils. I might try to barter one pencil for an eraser. I also might try to barter one pencil for a pack of paper AND a bottle of glue. Students will do the activity for ten minutes. The teacher will be involved in one side of the game to help rig it. This group can have students who might struggle more with bartering. The teacher will monitor both sides to check for understanding. If students are not understanding, the teacher will explain what bartering is again and how the process goes in a more step by step explanation. Guided Practice (scaffolded Students will turn to their table partner and work on Cooperation practice with the content; helps answering the four questions on the Smart Board students make sense of the together. Once the students have had time to complete it, Direct Instruction content provided in Teacher the teacher will review what happened during the Input) (3) activity and get the students input. This is where the teacher will focus on explaining supply and demand. The teacher will go over the four questions and discuss possible answers. Independent Practice Students will answer if they would rather barter or buy goods on an index (application activities to help card independently. They must explain their answer. The students will then students use and demonstrate turn it in to the teacher where their knowledge of bartering will be what they have learned) (2) evaluated. Closure (provides a wrap-up Once everyone has turned in their index card, they are to turn to a partner for the lesson) (1) and discuss what they wrote. They will also have the opportunity to share with the class what they put. The teacher will summarize all the responses and ask So what have you learned about bartering and supply and demand today?

Revised for spring, 2012

Evaluation (How will you assess Formative: The questions that the students answer in pairs during the students learning so that you guided practice will be the formative assessment. Emphasis will be placed can determine if they met the on their explanations. The students answers to the teachers questions will objective of the lesson?) (2) also be formative. Summative: The index card answering if they would rather barter or buy goods and why will be the summative assessment. Emphasis will again be placed on their explanation. They will have achieved mastery if their decision why is supported with a correct explanation. Plans for Individual Differences For those who finish early: they will have time to focus on reading to help (differentiations needed for with literacy. students) (1) Struggling writers: Student can receive extra attention during guided practice from teacher. Struggling ELL students: they will be placed with a partner who is good at assisting others and will help with translations.

Materials used in the lesson; Materials needed: Smart Board, index cards, A New Coat for Anna, barter Resources used in developing the cards, Smart Board presentation. lesson (1) Resources: Ms. Hailee Stevens (classroom teacher) 21st Century Skills (must be in Communication--Takes place during guided reading. It deals with three lessons) communicating with others and having meaningful interaction. Cooperation takes place during the teacher input. It deals with working together to achieve some kind of goal. It means you need to work together in harmony in a social environment. Global Awareness (must be in Attention will be drawn during Teacher Input that multiple places use a two lessons) bartering system today. India and China are known for using bartering to get what they need instead of cash. Culturally Responsive Teaching Attention will be drawn to sports and movies during Teacher Input. Sport (must be in three lessons) teams will trade and barter for different athletes to join their teams. For example, Steve Smith, former player of the Carolina Panthers. Movie actors also barter for how much they get paid to do a movie. If they were offered only a hundred dollars to do a film, they would obviously barter for a higher salary. Overall alignment in the lesson (2): The behavioral objective must be aligned to the lesson objectives (NCES/CCSS). The instructional activities must help students meet the behavioral objective and be successful on the lesson assessment. The lesson assessment must provide enough reliable and valid data so the teacher can determine if each student has met the lesson objectives or not.

Revised for spring, 2012

Add any instructional materials needed for the lesson here (worksheets, assessments, PowerPoints, slides from SmartBoard programs, etc.) (2)

Revised for spring, 2012

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