Assignment 3 of EE4380: February 21, 2014

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Assignment 3 of EE4380

February 21, 2014

1. Show that the Z transform of u(nT )e nT sin (n T ) is given by e T sin ( T ) z z2 2e T cos ( T ) z + e2 T and that the Z transform of u(nT )e nT cos (n T ) is given by z2 2e T z2 e T cos ( T ) z cos ( T ) z + e2 T

2. Find the impulse response corresponding to the Z transform H (z) = c + dz1 z2 + az1 + b

3. Design a digital low pass lter whose 3 dB cutoff frequency is 0.2 and that falls to 20 dB by 0.5 using the impulse invariance method. Plot its Magnitude response on the unit circle. 4. Repeat the same problem for a lter whose 1 dB cutoff frequency is 0.2 that falls to 20 dB by 0.5 also using the impulse invariance method. Plot its magnitude response. 5. Design a low pass lter whose 3 dB cutoff frequency is 0.6 and whose gain is 0.1 at 0.9 . Plot its magnitude response. Does it meet the specications? Explain why or why not. 6. Do Q3 using the Bilinear transform method. Plot the magnitude and phase response of both methods and discuss how they differ. 7. Consider Example 7.2 on page 475. This is a sixth order Butterworth lter, that has been converted into a digital lter. (a) Plot the magnitude response and recover Fig. 7.5(a). (b) Implement H (z) as a parallel set of three second order lters. (c) Write a python program that takes a sequence x[n] and computes x[n] h[n] (d) Let x[n] = sin (0.1n ) + sin (0.4n ). Plot the sequence. (e) Generate the output and plot y[n]. Is the frequency component at 0.4 suppressed as desired?

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