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(Intercultural Communication)


(Intercultural Communication)
() ( .. )

(Culture, Language and Personality)

. (Intercultural Communication)


. (Definition and Elements of Culture)


. (Edward Sapirs
Definition of Culture, Language and Personality)
. (Edward Sapir)

. (Problems of Interpretation)


() (intercultural communication)
() (cultural framework)
() (cultural perception)
() (cultural awareness)
() (cultural diversity)
() (elements of culture)
() / (Gary Wearers iceberg diagram)
() (social reality)
() (dominant culture)
() (sub-culture)

(Intercultural Communication)

( cultural
framework) ( cultural perception)

(cultural awareness) ( cultural

(Tomalin and Stempleski)

(Definition and Elements of Culture)

(Tomalin and Stempleski)

() ( products) (literature)
(folklore) (art) (music) (artifacts) ()
( ideas) ( beliefs) ( values) ( institution) ()
(behaviors) (customs) (habits) (dress)
(foods) (recreation)
(Gary Weaver)
( Big C)

( Small C) (Little C)

(Gary Wearers Iceberg Diagram)

(Edward Sapirs
Definition of Culture, Language and Personality)
(Edward Sapir)

(the real world / social

(dominant culture)

(Problems of Interpretation)

(social reality)

(Culture, Language and Personality: Application 1)

(Effects of Cultural Experience on Ideas and Perception)

. (Enculturation)
. ...
. ...
.. (formal)
.. (informal)
.. (technical)

. ( Cultural
Awareness and Enculturation)

. (Nationalism and Ethnocentrism)


. ...
. ...

() (enculturation)
() (formal learning)
() (informal learning)
() (technical learning)
() (mbius strip)
() (empathy)
() (nationalism)
() (ethnocentrism)
() (imagined community)
() (communicative distance)
() (ethnocentric speech)


( Formal Learning)

( Informal Learning)

( Technical Learning)

(Learning is repetitious)

(mbius strip) infinity

infinity sign

( Cultural
Awareness and Enculturation)

(cultural eye-glasses)

( empathy)

(Nationalism and Ethnocentrism)

(the otherness)

(imagined community)
(Benedict Anderson)

( stereotype) ( prejudice)


(real people)

( the East)
( the West)

(communicative distance)
(ethnocentric speech)

(Effects of Cultural Experience on Ideas and Perception: Application 2)

( nationalism)
( nationalism)
( patriotism)
(Thai nationalism)

(Communicative Strategies)

. (Communicative Competence)
- (linguistic skills)
- (interaction skills)
- (cultural knowledge)
. (Other Barriers to Intercultural
( stereotype) ( prejudice)

. (Ethnography of Communication)

() (communicative competence)
() (linguistic skills)
() (interaction skills)
() (cultural knowledge)
() (stereotype)
() (prejudice)
() (overgeneration)
() (ethnography of communication)

(cultural awareness)
(Communicative Competence)
- (Saville-Troike)

(Linguistic Skills)
(verbal communication)
(non-verbal communication)
(supra-segmental features) (volume)
(pitch) (tone) (vehemence) (stress)
( intonation)

(linguistic competence)

(context) meta-message highcontextualized message socio-cultural schemata

( Interaction Skills)


( cultural knowledge)


( Other Barriers to Intercultural

( diversity)


( overgeneralization)

(Ethnography of Communication)

(Communicative Strategies: Application 3)

(stereotype) (prejudice)

(Verbal and Nonverbal Communication)

. (Language as a Shared Experience)



. : (Verbal
Communication: Language seen as a Wrapping)


( talking up)
(talking down)

. (Nonverbal Communication)


.. kinesics

.. proxemics


() (verbal language)
() (nonverbal language)
() (shared experience)
() (linguistic competence)
() (linguistic wrapping)
() (talking up)
() (talking down)
() (kinesics)
() (proxemics)
() (self)
() (cultural norms)
() (cultural distance)
() (cultural framework)
() (interpretation)
() (cultural context)

(Language as a Shared Experience)

Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening
I you
(individual equality)

(higher class)
. (Birdwhistell)
(words) (logic)
(sentence structure)
( style) (tone of voice)
(degrees of vehemence)


( personal experience)
(individuals linguistic competence)
(vocabulary) (perception of
meanings) / ( choices of words)

style) (dialect)

: ( Verbal
Communication: Language seen as a Wrapping)

(linguistic wrapping)
( wrappings)

() talking up
( wrapping
layers) ( physically)
(linguistically) (solidarity)
() talking down

() ( assimilation)
(acceptance) (sympathy) (votes)

(hierarchical social pattern)

( social distinction)
/ ( social
indirection) (deceit) (joking) (insult)
(allusion) (sarcarsm)
(social distance)
(non-natives) (outsider)

( individualistic
society) ( hierarchical society)
( collectivistic society)

(Nonverbal Communication)

(body language)

( encode)
(interpret) (decode)

( cultural norms)

(cultural distance)

(Cultural Framework)


(Cultural Context)

(Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Application 4)


(Gender Differences in Communication)

. ( Gender
(Intercultural Communication)



. :
(The Learned Culture: Hierarchy and Patriarchy)

( a learned culture)
( myth) ( make-believe world)

. (Intermarriage)


. (Statuses and Roles of Thai Women)


() (gender)
() (patriarchy)
() (make-believe world)
() (male dominance)
() (intermarriage)
() (domestic domain)
() (public domain)

( Gender
(Intercultural Communication)
( enculturation)

: ( The
Learned Culture: Hierarchy and Patriarchy)

( Patriarchy)
( female genealogies)

( domain)

(domestic domain)
(public domain)

(make-believe world of male dominance)

( inducement myth)

(verbal language)

( stereotype)
(style) (word choice)
( supra-segmental features)
(pitch) ( tone) ( stress) ( intonation)

( social reality)

le fermier

la ferme

(nonverbal language)

( Intermarriage)

(genuine understanding) (awareness)

(Statuses and Roles of Thai Women)

( male dominance or patriarchy)

( hold
the purse string)
(domestic domain) (public domain)

(access to rights to choices)

(human rights)

(Gender Differences in Communication: Application 5)

(Inside Thai Society)

. ( Communication in Low-context
Cultures and High-context Cultures)


. (Loosely-structured Society)

. (Thai Social Value)

() (high-context cultures)
() (low-context cultures)
() (loosely-patterned society)
() (moral debt)
() (seniority)
() (?) (consideration)
() (ego)

( low cultures)
(high culture)



Overtness of Messages
Locus of Control and Attribution for Failure
Use of Non-verbal Communication
Expression of Reaction
Cohesion and Separation of Groups
People Bonds

Level of Commitment to Relationship

Flexibility of Time

Low-context Culture
Many overt and explicit messages that
are simple and clear.
Outer locus of control and blame of
others for failure.
More focus on verbal communication
than body language.
Visible, external, outward reaction.
Flexible and open grouping patterns,
changing as needed.
Fragile bonds between people with little
sense of loyalty.
important than task.
Time is highly organized. Product is
more important than process

High-context Culture
Many covert and implicit messages,
with use of metaphor and reading
between the lines.
Inner locus of control and personal
acceptance for failure.
Much nonverbal communication.
Reserved, inward reactions.
Strong distinction between ingroup and
outgroup, strong sense of family.
Strong people bonds with affiliation to
family and community.
Low commitment to relationship; Task
more important than relationship.
Time is open and flexible. Process is
more important than product.

(Loosely-structured Society)

(independence) (ego) (flexibility)
( high social integration)
(low social sanction)
( avoidance of confrontation)

(Thai Social Value)

(extended family)
( codes of behavior)
(social values) ( enculturation)
( family hierarchy)
(seniority system) ( social harmony)

(Moral Debt)

( individualism)

( Seniority)

( Silence is golden.)
( directness and assertiveness)

(Showing Consideration)

( harmony)

( lack of confidence)

( ego)

(to lose face) (to save face)

(Inside Thai Society: Application 6)

(Cultural Adjustment and Readjustment)

. (Acculturation)

. ( Foreigners and Motivation to

( cultural adjustment)
(cultural stress) ...
.. (excitement/honeymoon stage)
.. (depression/avoidance stage)
.. (gaining ground/near recovery stage)
.. (adjustment/full recovery stage)

. (Cultural Adjustment)

(cultural readjustment)

. (Cross-small/sub-culture Communication)

() (acculturation)
() (sojourners)
() (expatriates)
() (immigrates)
() (refugees)
() (culture shock)
() (cultural stress)
() (cultural adjustment)
() (excitement/honeymoon stage)
() (depression/avoidance stage)
() (gaining ground/near recovery stage)
() (adjustment/full recovery stage)
() (cultural readjustment)
() (sub-culture)



(miscommunication traps)
( Foreigners and Motivation to

. (Sojourners)

. ( Expatriates)

. (Immigrates)

. (Refugees)

culture shock

( pressure
to adjust) (motivation to adjust)
(Cultural Adjustment)

(fish out of water)

(cultural differences) ( self-identity)
(emotional conflict) culture shock

culture shock

culture stress


. Excitement/Honeymoon Stage

. Depression/Avoidance Stage

( homesickness)

. Gaining Ground/Near Recovery Stage

. Adjustment/Full Recovery Stage

(cultural readjustment)

(Cross-small/sub-culture Communication)

(large/main stream culture) (Holliday)
(small culture or sub-culture)



( acculturation)

cultural stress (cultural adjustment)

(Cultural Adjustment and Readjustment: Application 7)



Mama, Do you love me?


() .

() (Eskimo) (Inuit)





() A Work of Artifice (Marge Piercy)

() Thats neat! Thats cute!
Thats nice! Thats good!



() Look Tha

Cambodian refugees

() /
() (Iceberg Diagram)











adjustment stage

avoidance stage

communicative competence

communicative distance


cultural adjustment

full recovery stage

depression stage

cultural awareness

cultural context
cultural diversity

cultural distance

cultural framework

cultural knowledge

cultural norms

cultural perception

cultural readjustment

cultural stress

culture shock

depression stage

avoidance stage

domestic domain
dominant culture


elements of culture



ethnocentric speech


ethnography of communication

excitement stage


formal learning

full recovery stage

gaining ground stage

Gary Wearers iceberg diagram


honeymoon stage

adjustment stage

near recovery stage

(Big C)

( Small C)
(Little C)

honeymoon stage

high-context cultures

imagined community


informal learning

interaction skills

intercultural communication

excitement stage




linguistic competence

linguistic skills

linguistic wrapping

loosely-patterned society

low-context culture

make-believe world

male dominance
moral debt

mbius strip

infinity ()


near recovery stage

nonverbal language





gaining ground stage

public domain



shared experience

social reality



talking down

talking up

technical learning

verbal language

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