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Kinder News

March 26, 2014

Please send your child in his/her Kinder T-shirt on Friday, the 28th The FTE yearbook committee would like to take a Kinder picture !

!pril "rd / Kinder #ound $p / %&'' (pirit !ssembly )&*' !pril +th ,ate (tart -ay/ )'&2. !pril ))th- Kinder Field Trip to the !ustin /ature enter

01t is not what you do 2or your This Week in Kindergarten children, but what you ha3e tau4ht 7Focusin4 on 2inal /ks/ 8 them to do 2or themsel3es, that will 7 ,istenin4 comprehension 9 ause : E22ect make them success2ul human 7/ew ;i4h Fre<uency words& here, 4o, 2rom, bein4s56 yellow, blue, 4reen -!nn ,anders =uestions to ask your child& )5>hat did you plant in the 4arden? 25 >hat do plants need to li3e? "5 Tell me the * parts o2 a plant5

In Math we are learning the parts of a clock and how to tell time to the hour and identifying 3-D shapes.

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