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Listen to Reason! The mercy, forgiveness, and scapegoat dogma of Religion obstructs justice. JUST !

" S #$R% $&% $LS' #"$(), and if it is tempered *ith +"R!) and ,'R- ("&"SS and S!$."-'$T S+, it is not justice any longer but !'+.R'+ S" ,'R TR$&S-R"SS '& instead. /hen JUST !" becomes !'+.R'+ S", the compromise encourages further ini0uities and transgressions, and *e end up *ith a *orld li1e *e have today at the time of this *riting. !'+.R'+ S" ', TR$&S-R"SS '&S means that the violations of The La*s of &ature have not been accounted for in the right *ay, because accounting for transgression is paying the penalty for ini0uity re0uired by The La*s of &ature. T#" '&L) /$) to ultimately satisfy The La*s of &ature is for T#" -U LT) .$RT) himself or herself or his o*n 1ind pay the penalty re0uired by &$TUR$L L$/.

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