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I WORK BEST WHEN.................................

I am the individual kind and so prefer to work individually. If I am in a group I feel distracted. If I am hydrated and full I feel like I can work extremely well too. If not I am cantankerous. When I am HA(hyperactive) I feel very dgety and so work best when I feel calm. When I am comfortable I can work miracles. When I am comfortable I feel relaxed and less hyperactive and so work exceptionally well. By comfortable, I mean in a comfortable position in a comfy armchair on which I can lie down. I prefer to work when classical music is on like Mozart or Beethoven or Bach.

I work best when I have a reward. By that I mean that I work best when I am rewarded with something that I like. But it always has to be delivered at the end otherwise I end up dgeting with it instead of working.

I work extremely well if there is something that I like waiting for me back home like a lego star wars set that I have wanted for 1 whole year or my birthday presents. That is also when I work best.
Dilip Devadass Wednesday, 2 April, 2014 11:41:36 AM Hong Kong Standard Time

I also tend to work best on a laptop in a dark room because I like the dark but not pitch black. I like to because I like working on a computer and plus, if I nish my work I have my computer in front of me and I can play games directly.

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