1 Skeeters Subject-Verb Agreement

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Skeeters Subject and Verb Agreement Rules: The subjects and verbs of sentences must agree, meaning that

if the subject is single, the verb must be in its singular form, too. If the subject is plural, the verb needs to be pluralized. A good way to ensure this relationship is correct is the rule of s. If a subject, in the present tense, ends in !s, the verb will not end in !s. If the subject is singular, the verb will li"ely end in !s. Tip: In determining which words are subjects and verbs, remember to exclude prepositional phrases. Examples: The subject of the sentence is italicized; the verb is underlined. #ita $"eeter%s articles lie in order to entice readers. #ita $"eeter%s article lies in order to entice readers. S eeter "nows how to twist information to ma"e it more interesting. Exercise: !ircle the correct verb"s# in each sentence. &. 'arry (fume, fumes) in anger whenever he (read, reads) #ita $"eeter%s lies about him. *. 'ermione (try, tries) desperately to figure out how #ita (get, gets) her information. +. The professors (agree, agrees) that $"eeter%s tactics (is, are) annoying. ,. The vibrancy of #ita $"eeter%s outfits (ma"e, ma"es) -uite an impression. .. /ryffindor house (is, are) confused about what to thin" of #ita%s latest article about 'arry. 0. $"eeter (invite, invites) herself to all major events. 1. $he (is, are) able to snea" around because she (change, changes) into an animal. 2. 3eople who can change into animals (is, are) re-uired to report themselves an animagus to the 4inistry of 4agic. 5. #ita $"eeter (ignore, ignores) this important rule6 the 4inistry of 4agic (has, have) no idea that she (is, are) an animagus. &7. 'er tight blonde curls (bounce, bounces) around as she (wal", wal"s).

Answer Key: &. 8umes6 reads *. Tries6 gets +. Agree6 are ,. 4a"es .. Is 0. Invites 1. Is6 changes 2. Are 5. Ignores6 has6 is &7. 9ounce, wal"s

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