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Shaima Phase 1 10/10 Instructional Analysis: Instructional Need Needs Assessment Describe the learning environment Phase 2 10/10

Describe audience What are the design implications of your audience analysis Phase 3 5/10 Describe learning goal Information processing analysis Prerequisite analysis Learning objectives Classify the objectives according to a taxonomy (ex. Merrill, Blooms, etc) -5 Phase 4 10/10 Create summative assessment Specify your questions, activities and rubrics Specify pre-assessments and formative assessments Phase 5 10/10 Lesson organization plan

Phase 6 10/10 Use Gagnes Events of Instruction or other system Describe how each step is based on your prior analysis Create instructor guide and student guide Phase 7 7/10 Expert reviews User tests -3 more detail here. Implement and gather data Phase 8 7/10 Revisions -3 demonstrate the revisions and describe the lessons learned from the entire project Lessons learned Presentation 10/10 Standards addressed 10/10 89/100 Good project.

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