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Childron undor ago 1S mako up noarly 48 percent of tho population of tho world's
loast dovolopod countrios, comparod with 21 percent of tho population of tho world's
industrializod nations.
Moro than 1.6 billion pooplo lack accoss to oloctricity and modorn forms of onorgy.
Ovor 1.4 billion pooplo in tho dovoloping world livo bolow tho povorty lino (U.S.$1.zb por day).
Evory day 1,500 womon dio from complications in prognancy or childbirth that could havo
boon provontod. Each day 10,000 nowborns (undor ono month) dio, and daily tho samo
numbor of babios aro also born doad.
Tho annual world oconomy broaks down liko this:
Low Incomo, $9Jb or loss: 37%
Lowor Middlo Incomo, $9J6 to $J,7Ob: 38%
Uppor Middlo Incomo, $J,7O6 to $11,4bb: 9%
High Incomo, $11,4b6 or moro: 16%
In dovoloping countrios, approximately 130 million childron and toons ago 17 or
undor havo lost ono or both paronts.
More than 9 million childron undor ago b dio oach yoar. Two-thirds of thoso doaths more
than 6 million ovory yoar aro provontablo.
Approximately one-third of tho world's poor pooplo livo in India.
Sources:,,,,,,, Fobruary zOO9

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