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Schedule F Visits to countries outside Australia

Applicant: D.O.B: Trupti Mehulkumar Pipliya 2 .! ."#$

%i&e details o' all &isits (includin) short stays* to countries outside Australia 'or the last "! years (Please note day/year/month is required in all cases.

Country or Countries

Reason for visit

From To

!"Dec" #$% !"Dec" #$%



From To From To From To From To From To From To From To From To Note* - if you do not provide the day of your arrival or departure, you will be considered to have arrived or departed on the first day of the month

&chedule F ) *isits to countries outside +ustralia " version ,uly ##-

. Co(yri'ht +us/ay Mi'ration

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