Installing Ram

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Installing RAM

To desktop computer

1st step
Find out what type of RAM is required for your desktop computer. RAM is a aila!le as ""R #dou!le data rate$% ""R&% and ""R'. Most newer computers use ""R& or '. (ou must get the type that matches what your mother!oard supports RAM is identified !y two different speed num!ers) the *+,*+&,*+' num!er and the M-. speed. Make sure that !oth match your mother!oard/s specifications. The *+ num!er #e0. *+' 1&122$ refers to the ma0imum !andwidth #e0. 1&122 3 1&.1 45 ma0imum !andwidth$. The speed of the RAM is signified !y the num!er after the ""R specification #e0. ""R' 1622 3 1622 M-.$.

&nd step
Check how many sockets you have for RAM. (our mother!oard has a limit to the num!er of RAM sticks you can install.7 8ome mother!oards support only two% while others support four% si0% or e en more. Most mother!oards ha e a limit to the amount of memory that they support% regardless of the num!er of slots. iMacs use note!ook memory% so refer to the ne0t section for instructions on how to install it.

'rd step
Browse the options. (ou can find RAM from a ariety of different manufacturers% and for a wide ariety of prices. Manufacturers ary in quality% and a large percentage of RAM ships dead on arri al. 8ome of the most relia!le companies include) +orsair 9ingston +rucial 4. 8kill :+; *atriot

<th step
Browse the options. (ou can find RAM from a ariety of different manufacturers% and for a wide ariety of prices. Manufacturers ary in quality% and a large percentage of RAM ships dead on arri al. 8ome of the most relia!le companies include) +orsair 9ingston +rucial 4. 8kill :+; *atriot

=th step
Shut down the computer

6th step
Open your computer case. >ay your computer tower on its side% so that you can access the mother!oard when the side panel is remo ed. (ou may need a *hillips?head screwdri er to remo e the panel% or you may !e a!le to unscrew it !y hand.

@th step
Discharge any static. Ansure that you do not ha e static !uild?up on your !ody. 8tatic can damage computer parts% and can !e impercepti!le to a human. 4round yourself !efore starting% or use an antistatic wrist strap. (ou can ground yourself !y touching a metal part on your computer case while it is plugged in !ut turned off. (ou can ground yourself !y touching any plugged in appliance that has a grounded wire% or !y touching a water tap. "on/t stand on carpet while working on the interior of the computer.

1th step
Locate your RAM sockets. Most mother!oards ha e & or < RAM slots. RAM sockets are typically located near the +*B% though their location may ary depending on the manufacturer or model. Refer to your mother!oard/s layout diagram in your documentation if you are ha ing difficulty locating he sockets.

Cth step
Remove o d RAM !if upgrading". If you are replacing old RAM% remo e it !y releasing the clamps on each side of the socket. The RAM will !e released from the socket% and you/ll !e a!le to lift it straight out of the mother!oard with little to no effort..

12th step
#nsert the RAM into the RAM s ot. >ine up the notch in the stick of RAM to the !reak in the slot. 8et the stick into the slot and then apply equal pressure onto the stick until the clamps on the side click and lock the RAM in. (ou may ha e to apply a fair amount of pressure% !ut ne er force it in.Make sure matching pairs are inserted into their matching sockets. Most are la!eled on the !oard or !y color% though you may need to refer to your mother!oard layout diagram. Repeat the process for each stick of RAM you want to install.

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