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Aptitude Questions With Answers for Time & Distance Problems

1)A train covers a distance in 50 min ,if it runs at a speed of 48kmph on an average.The speed at which the train must run to reduce the time of journe to 40min wi!! "e. 1. Solution:: Time#50$%0 hr#5$%hr &peed#48mph distance#&'T#48'5$%#40km time#40$%0hr#($)hr *ew speed # 40' )$( kmph# %0kmph

()+ikas can cover a distance in 1hr (4min " covering ($) of the distance at 4 kmph and the rest at 5kmph.the tota! distance is, 2. Solution:: -et tota! distance "e & tota! time#1hr(4min A to T .. speed#4kmph diistance#($)& T to & .. speed#5km distance#1/($)&#1$)& (1$15 hr#($) &$4 0 1$)s $5 84#14$)&') &#84')$14') # %km

))wa!king at 1 of his usua! speed ,a man is !ate " ( 2 hr. the usua! time is. 3. Solution:: 3sua! speed # & 3sua! time # T 4istance # 4 *ew &peed is 1 & *ew time is 4$) T 4$) T 5 T # 5$( T#15$( # 6 2

4)A man covers a distance on scooter .had he moved )kmph faster he wou!d have taken 40 min !ess. 7f he had moved (kmph s!ower he wou!d have taken 40min more.the distance is.

4.Solution:: -et distance # 8 m 3sua! rate # kmph 8$ 5 8$ 0) # 40$%0 hr ( 9 0)) # :8 ;;;;51 8$ /( 5 8$ # 40$%0 hr 9 /() # )8 ;;;;;5( divide 1 < ( e=uations " so!ving we get 8 # 40

5)>8c!uding stoppages,the speed of the "us is 54kmph and inc!uding stoppages,it is 45kmph.for how man min does the "us stop per hr. 5.Solution:: 4ue to stoppages,it covers :km !ess. time taken to cover : km is ?:$54 '%0@ min # 10min

%)Two "o s starting from the same p!ace wa!k at a rate of 5kmph and 5.5kmph respective! .wht time wi!! the take to "e 8.5km apart, if the wa!k in the same direction 6.Solution:: The re!ative speed of the "o s # 5.5kmph 5 5kmph # 0.5 kmph 4istance "etween them is 8.5 km Time# 8.5km $ 0.5 kmph # 16 hrs 6)( trains starting at the same time from ( stations (00km apart and going in opposite direction cross each other ata distance of 110km from one of the stations.what is the ratio of their speeds.

7. Solution:: 7n same time ,the cover 110km < :0 km respective! so ratio of their speed #110.:0 # 11.:

8)Two trains start from A < A and trave! towards each other at speed of 50kmph and %0kmph resp. At the time of the meeting the second train has trave!ed 1(0km more than the first.the distance "etween them.8. Solution:: -et the distance trave!ed " the first train "e 8 km then distance covered " the second train is 8 0 1(0km 8$50 # 801(0 $ %0 8# %00 so the distance "etween A < A is 8 0 8 0 1(0 # 1)(0 km

:)A thief stea!s a ca r at (.)0pm and drives it at %0kmph.the theft is discovered at )pm and the owner sets off in another car at 65kmph when wi!! he overtake the thief 9. Solution:: -et the thief is overtaken 8 hrs after (.)0pm distance covered " the thief in 8 hrs # distance covered " the owner in 8/1$( hr %08 # 65 9 8/ 2) 8# 5$( hr thief is overtaken at (.)0 pm 0 ( 2 hr # 5 pm

10)7n covering distance,the speed of A < A are in the ratio of ).4.A takes )0min more than A to reach the destion.The time taken " A to reach the destinstion is. 10. Solution:: Batio of speed # ).4 Batio of time # 4.) !et A takes 48 hrs,A takes )8 hrs then 48/)8 # )0$%0 hr 8 # 2 hr Time taken " A to reach the destination is 48 # 4 ' 2 # ( hr

Coda! Daper Eor Aptitude 1) The average ages of three persons is (6 ears. Their ages are in the proportion of 1.).5.Fhat is the age in ears of the oungest one among them.

&o!. -et the age of three persons "e 8, )8 and 58

// G :8$) # (6 // G 8 # :

() The average of 11 num"ers is 50. 7f the average of first % num"ers is 4: and that of !ast % is 5(.Eind the %th num"er.

&o!. The tota! sum of 11 resu!ts # 11 ' 50 # 550 The tota! sum of first % resu!ts # % ' 4: # (:4 The tota! sum of !ast % resu!ts # % ' 5( # )1( &i8th resu!t # (:4 0 )1( 5 550 # 5%

)) Eind -.H.C of 85( and 14:1.

85() 14:1 91 85( %):) 85( 91 %): (1)) %): 9) %): 0 I.H.E of 85( and 14:1 is (1)

. . -.H.C # 85('14:1$(1) # 5:%4

4) The sma!!est num"er which when divided " (0, (5, )5, 40 !eaves the remainder % Fhen divided " 14, 1:, () and )4 respective! is the difference "etween divisor and The corresponding remainder is %.

. . Be=uired num"er # 9-.H.C of (0, (5, )5, 40) 5 %

# 1400/% # 1):4

5) The !east mu!tip!e of 6 which !eaves a remainder 4 when divided " %,:,15 and 18 is

-.H.C of %,:,15 and 18 is :0.

-et 8 "e the !east mu!tip!e of 6, which when divided " :0 !eaves the remainder 4. Then 8 is of the form :0k 0 4. *ow, minimum va!ue of k for which :0k 0 4 is divisi"!e " 4. . . 8 # 4 ' :0 0 4 # )%4

%) &um of three even consecutive num"ers is 48, and then !east num"er is

1) () )) 4)

1% 18 (0 14

&o!. 4) -et the num"ers "e (n, (n0( and (n04 (n 0 9(n0() 0 9(n04) # 48 %n # 48/% # 4(, n # 6 Ience the num"ers are // G 14, 1% and 18 The !east num"er is 14.

6) 7t "eing given that J 15 # ).88, the "est appro8imation to

J5$) is

1) () )) 4)

0.4) 1.8: 1.(: 1.%) KK KKK KK KK KK

&o!. )) 8 #


# J5')$)') # J15 $J : # J15$) # ).88$) # 1.(:

8) Lf the two/digit num"ers 9those from 11 to :5, "oth inc!usive) how man have a &econd digit greater than the first digit,

1) () )) 4)

)6 )8 )% )5

&o!. )) 1( to 1: // G 8 () to (: // G 6 )4 to ): // G % 45 to 4: // G 5 5% to 5: // G 4 %6 to %: // G ) 68 to 6: // G (

8: // G 1

:) The +a!ue of J(4 0 )J%4 0 4J(8 is

&o!. (4'1$( 0 4)'1$) 0 (8'1$4

// G 4 0 4 0 4 // G 1(

10) ) M / 4$5 of 5$% $ 4 1$) $ 1$5 5 9 )$10 0 (1 1$5 ) is e=ua! to


1)$4 5 4$5 ' 5$% $ 1)$) $ 1$5 5 9 )$10 0 10%$5 ) 9use AL4CA&B3->)

// G 1)$4 5 4$% $ 1)$) $ 1$5 5 (15$10 // G )1$1( $ 1)$) ' 5 5 (15$10

// G )1$1( $ %5$) 5 4)$( // G )1$1( $ 1)0 5 1(:$% // G )1$1($1$% # )1$1( ' %$1 // G )1$( # 15 1$(

1) 1) sheeps and : pigs were "ought for Bs. 1(:1.85.7f the average price of a sheep "e Bs. 64. Fhat is the average price of a pig.

&o!. Average price of a sheep # Bs. 64 . . Tota! price of 1) sheeps # 964'1)) # Bs. :%(

Aut, tota! price of 1) sheeps and : pigs # Bs. 1(:1.85 Tota! price of : pigs # Bs. 91(:1.85/:%() # Bs. )(:.85 Ience, average price of a pig

# 9)(:.85$:) # Bs. )%.%5

1() A "atsman in his 18th innings makes a score of 150 runs and there " increasing his Average " %. Eind his average after 18th innings.

&o!. -et the average for 16 innings is 8 runs Tota! runs in 16 innings # 168 Tota! runs in 18 innings # 168 0 150

Average of 18 innings # 168 0 150$18

. . 168 0 150$18 # 8 0 % // G 8 # 4( Thus, average after 18 innings # 4(

1)) . Eind the I.H.E of 666 and 1146.

666) 1146 91 666

)60) 666 9( 640 )6) )60 910 )60 0 . . I.H.E of 666 and 1146 is )6.

14) The -.H.C of two num"ers is ()10 and their I.H.E is )0. 7f one num"er is (10 the Lther is

The other num"er # -.H.C ' I.H.E$given num"er

# ()10')0$(10 # ))0

15) The average of 50 num"ers is )8. 7f two num"ers name! 45 and 55 are discarded, The average of remaining num"ers is,

Tota! of 50 num"ers # 50 ' )8 # 1:00

Average of 48 num"ers # 1:00/945055) $ 48

# 1800 $ 48 # )6.5

1%) 4ivide 50 in two parts so that the sum of reciproca!s is 91$1(), the num"ers are

1) () )) 4)

(0,)0 (4,)% (8,(( )%,14

&o!. 1) -et the num"ers "e 8 and


N0 # 50. OOO9i) 1$8 0 1$ # 1( 1$8 0 1$50/8 # 1$1(..Erom 9i) // G 50/808$8950/8) # 1$1( // G 8(/5080%00 # 0 // G 98/)0) 98/(0) # 0 <am # 50 5 8

Aptitude Cateria! 1) Eive ears ago the average age of a fami! of ) mem"ers was (6 ears. A chi!d has Aeen "orn, due to which the average age of the fami! is (5 ears toda . Fhat is the Dresent age of the chi!d,

&o!. Average age of the fami! of ) mem"ers

5 ears ago # (6 ears &um of the ages of the ) mem"ers now # 9(6 0 5) ' ) # :% ears Average age of the fami! of 4 mem"ers now # (5 ears &um of the ages of the 4 num"ers now # (5'4 # 100 ears Age of chi!d # 100 5 :% # 4 ears

() 7n a c!ass of (0 students in an e8amination in Cathematics ( students scored 100 Carks each, ) get Pero each and the average of the rest was 40. Fhat is the average Lf the who!e c!ass,

&o!. Tota! marks o"tained " a c!ass of (0 students # ( ' 100 0 ) ' 0 0 15 ' 40 # (00 0 %00 # 800 . Average marks of who!e c!ass # 800$(0 # 40

)). The greatest num"er, which can divide 4)(, 5)4 and ):8 !eaving the same remainder 6 in each, is

Be=uired num"er is the I.H.E of 94)(/6), 95)4/6) and 9):8/6) i.e., I.H.E. of 4(5, 5(6, ):1 Be=uired num"er # 16

4) The sum of two num"ers is (1% and their I.H.E is (6. The num"ers are

. -et the num"ers "e (6a and (6" Then (6a 0 (6" # (1% a0" # 8 +a!ue of co/primes a and " are 91,6) 9),5) . . *um"ers are 9(6'1, (6'6) # 9(6,18:)

5) The greatest num"er of 4 digits which is divisi"!e " each one of the num"er 1(,18,(1 and (8 is

Qreatest num"er of 4 digits is :::: -.H.C of 1(, 18, (1, (8 # (5( Ln dividing :::: " (5(, the remainder is 161 . . Be=uired num"er is 9::::/161) # :8(8

%) Eour prime num"ers are arranged in ascending order according to their magnitude.Droduct of first three is )85 and the product of !ast three is 1001. The greatest num"er is.

1) () )) 4)

11 1) 16 1:

&o!. () )85) 10019(

660 ()1) )8591 ()1 91 154)()191 154 66) 1549( 154 0 Ience the product of the midd!e terms # 66 Qreatest prime num"er # 1001 $ 66 # 1).

6) 7f the s=uare root of 55%(5 is 65, then KKKK KKKK KKKKKK

J5%(5 0 J5%.(5 0 J0.5%(5 is e=ua! to

1) () )) 4)

8(.(5 8).(5 80.(5 6:.(5 KKKK KKKKK KKKKKK

&o!. () J5%(5 # 65R J5%.(5 # 6.5R J. 5%(5 # .65

// G 6506.500.65 # 8).(5

8) Fhich of the fo!!owing integers has most num"er of divisors,

1) () )) 4)

16% 18( :: 101

&o!. () 16% # (,4,8,11,1%,((,44,88 18( # (,6,1),14,(%,:1 :: # ), :, 11, )) 101# 101

:) 10) A "o was asked to find the va!ue of )$8 of a sum of mone . 7nstead of mu!tip! ing The sum " )$8 he divided it " )$8 and then his answer e8ceeded " Bs. 55. Eind the Horrect "e 8.

&o!. -et amount "e 8

8$)' / )$8 ' # 55

// G %48 5 :8$(4 # 55 // G 558$(4 # 55

// G 8 # (4'55$55 # (4

. . )$8 of 8 # )$8 ' (4 # Bs.:

10) A "o was asked to find the va!ue of 6$1( of a sum of mone . 7nstead of mu!tip! ing The sum " 6$1( he divided it " 6$1( and thus his answer e8ceeded the correct Answer A Bs.:5. Eind the correct answer.

&o!. -et sum # Bs. S

. . 1($6 k 5 6k$1( # :5

// G 144k 5 4:k$84 # :5 // G k # 84

.. 6$1( k // G 6$1( ' 84 # Bs. 4:

11) 7n a "oat (5 persons were sitting. Their average weight increased one ki!ogram when Lne man goes and a new man comes in. The weight of the new man is 60kgs. Eind the Feight of the man who is going.

&o!. Feight increased per person is 1 kg.

Tota! increase in weight # (5 kgs Feight of new man is 60 kgs, 9Fhich means his weight is (5 kgs heavier) The weight of the o!d man was 60 5 (5 # 45 kgs

1)) Fhat is the greatest possi"!e !ength that can "e used to measure e8act! the fo!!owing -engths 6m, )m 85cm, 1(m :5cm,

The !ength to "e measured is 600cm, )85cm, 1(:5cm. The re=uired !ength in cm is the I.H.E of 600, )85, and 1(:5, which is )5 cm.

14) The product of two/digit num"er is (1%0 and their I.H.E is 1(. The num"ers are

-et the num"er are 1(a and 1(" Then 1(a ' 1(" # (1%0 a" # 15 +a!ue of co/primes a and " are 91, 15) 9),5) . . The two digit num"ers are 9)'1(, 5'1() # 9)%, %0)

15) The !east num"er of % digits which it e8act! divisi"!e " 1(, 15 and 18 is -east num"er of % digits is 100000 -.H.C of 1(, 15, 18, is 180. Ln dividing 100000 " 180, the remainder is 100 . Be=uired num"er # 100000 0 9180/100) # 100080

1%) Two third of three fifth of one fourth of a num"er is (4. Fhat is 40T of that num"er,

1) () )) 4)

:% 6( 1(0 15%

&o!. 1) !et the num"er "e 8, then

N of ($) of )$5 of M # (4

N ' ($) ' )$5 ' M # (4, 8 # (40. Ience 40T of (40 # 40$100 ' (40 # :%

16) Fhich of the fo!!owing has the fractions in asce

Code! paper ) 1.A coffee shop "!ends ( kinds of coffee,putting in ( parts of a ))p. a gm. grade to 1 part of a (4p. a gm.7f the mi8ture is changed to 1 part of the ))p. a gm. to ( parts of the !ess e8pensive grade,how much wi!! the shop save in "!ending 100 gms.

a) ") c) d)

Bs.:0 Bs.1.00 Bs.).00 Bs.8.00


(.There are (00 =uestions on a ) hr e8amination. Among these =uestions are 50 Cathematics pro"!ems. 7t is suggested that twice as much time "e spent on each maths pro"!em as for each other =uestion. Iow man minutes shou!d "e spent on Cathematics pro"!ems

a) ") c) d)

)% 6( %0 100


).7n a group of 15,6 have studied -atin, 8 have studied Qreek, and ) have not &tudied either. Iow man of these studied "oth -atin and Qreek

a) ") c) d)

0 ) 4 5


4.7f 1) # 1)w$91/w), then 9(w) ( #

a) ") c) d)

1$4 1$( 1 (


5.7f a and " are positive integers and 9a/")$).5 # 4$6, then a) ") c) d) "Ua "Ga "#a " G# a

Ans. A

%.7n Vune a "ase"a!! team that p!a ed %0 games had won )0T of its game p!a ed. After a phenomena! winning streak this team raised its average to 50T .Iow man games must the team have won in a row to attain this average,

a) ") c) d)

1( (0 (4 )0

Ans. H

6.C men agree to purchase a gift for Bs. 4. 7f three men drop out how much more Fi!! each have to contri"ute towards the purchase of the gift

a) ") c) d)

4$9C/)) C4$) C$94/)) )4$9C(/)C)

Ans. 4

8.A compan contracts to paint ) houses. Cr.Arown can paint a house in % da s whi!e Cr.A!ack wou!d take 8 da s and Cr.A!ue 1( da s. After 8 da s Cr.Arown goes on vacation and Cr. A!ack "egins to work for a period of % da s. Iow man da s wi!! it take Cr.A!ue to comp!ete the contract,

a) ") c) d)

6 8 11 1(


:. ( hours after a freight train !eaves 4e!hi a passenger train !eaves the same station trave!ing in the same direction at an average speed of 1% km$hr. After trave!ing 4 hrs the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average speed of the freight train Fas, a) ") c) d) )0 40 58 %0

Ans. A

10.7f :8/) #1( and )8/5 #6 then %8/( # ,

a) ") c) d)

/5 4 ( 8

e) Ans. 4

11.7n a c!ass composed of 8 gir!s and

"o s what part of the c!ass is composed of gir!s

a) ") c) d)

$98 0 ) 8$8 8$98 0 ) $8


1(.Fhat is the ma8imum num"er of ha!f/pint "ott!es of cream that can "e fi!!ed with a 4/ga!!on can of cream 9( pt.#1 =t. and 4 =t.#1 ga!)

a) ") c) d)

1% (4 )0 %4

Ans. 4

1).7f the operation,W is defined " the e=uation 8 W in ( W a # a W )

# (8 0 ,what is the va!ue of a

a) ") c) d)

0 1 /1 4

Ans. A

14. ( hours after a freight train !eaves 4e!hi a passenger train !eaves the same station trave!!ing in the same direction at an average speed of 1% km$hr. After trave!!ing 4 hrs the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average speed of the freight train was, 9a). )0 9"). 40 9c). 58 9d). %0 Ans. A 15. 7f a "oat is moving in upstream with ve!ocit of 14 km$hr and goes downstream with a ve!ocit of 40 km$hr, then what is the speed of the stream, 9a) 1) km$hr 9") (% km$hr 9c) )4 km$hr 9d) none of these Ans. A

1%. Two trains move in the same direction at 50 kmph and )( kmph respective! . A man in the s!ower train o"serves the 15 seconds e!apse "efore the faster train comp!ete! passes " him. Fhat is the !ength of faster train , 9a) 100m

9") 65m 9c) 1(0m 9d) 50m

Ans.A 16. 7 drove %0 km at )0 kmph and then an additiona! %0 km at 50 kmph. Hompute m average speed over m 1(0 km. 9a) 40 9") )6 1$( 9c) (5 1$( 9d) 50

Ans.A 18. 7f a car starts from A towards A with some ve!ocit due to some pro"!em in the engine after trave!!ing )0km.7f the car goes with 4$5 th of its actuva! ve!ocit the car reaches A 45min !ater to the actua! time. 7f the car engine fai!s ofter trave!!ing 45km, the car reaches the destination A )%min !ate to the actua! time , what is the initia! ve!ocit of car and what is the distance "etween A and A in km 9a) 40 < 100 9") 10 < 150 9c) (0 < 1)0 9d) 50


1:. Two trains are trave!!ine at e=ui!atera! .Train A is trave!!ing in the direction of earths spin.Lther train A is trave!!ing in opposite direction of earths spin.Fhich trains whee!s wi!! wear first,and wh , 9a) Train A 9c) none of these 9d) Train A

Ans. A

(0. A person, who decided to go to weekend trip shou!d not e8ceed 8 hours driving in a da . Average speed of forward journe is 40 m$h. 4ue to traffic in &unda s, the return journe average speed is )0

m$h. Iow far he can se!ect a picnic spot, a) 1(0 mi!es ") Aetween 1(0 and 140 mi!es c) 1%0 mi!es Ans. A

(1. A person was fined for e8ceeding the speed !imit " 10mph. Another person was a!so fined for e8ceeding the same speed !imit " twice the same. 7f the second person was trave!ing at a speed of )5 mph, find the speed !imit. a) (0 mph ") 15 mph c) 18 mph Ans. A ((.A "us started from "us stand at 8.00am, and after )0 minutes sta ing at destination, it returned "ack to the "us stand. The destination is (6 mi!es from the "us stand. The speed of the "us is 18mph. 7n return journe "us trave!s with 50T fast speed. At what time it returns to the "us stand, 9a) 10.)0 am 9") 10.00 am 9c) 11.00 am 9d) 11.)0 am Ans. H

Code! Daper ( 1. 4ivide 45 into four parts such that when ( is added to the first part, ( is su"tracted from the second part, ( is mu!tip!ied " the third part and the fourth part is divided " two, a!! resu!t in the same num"er. 9a) 8, 1(, 5, (0 9")%,10,15,11 9c)(,8,14,: 9d)none of these Horrect Answer / c (. Fhat is the sum of the first (5 natura! odd num"ers, 9a)((5 9")1(5

9c)5(5 9d)%(5 Horrect Answer / d ). Eind the nth num"er in the series is 1, /), 5, /6 9a)0 9")90)'9n/1) 9c)9/1)'9(n/1) 9d)infinite Horrect Answer / c 4. Iow man rationa! num"ers are there "etween 0 < 5 9a)( 9")1 9c)) 9d)infinite Horrect Answer / d 5. A certain num"er of "u!!ets were shared " ) peop!e e=ua!! .>ach of them fired 4 "u!!ets and the sum of the remaining "u!!ets was e=ua! to the initia! share each had got.what was the initia! num"er of "u!!ets, 9a)(0 9")18 9c)1% 9d)14 Horrect Answer / " %. Fhich of the fo!!owing are prime num"ers 9a) 11: 9") 115 9c) 1(6 9d) none Horrect Answer / c 6). The sum of an seven consecutive num"ers is divisi"!e " a) ( ") 6 c) )

d) 11 Horrect Answer / " 8) 0 U 8 U 1 which is greater 9a) 1$8( 9") 1$8 9c) 8 9d) 8( Horrect Answer / a :).7f 1) # 1)w$91/w) ,then 9(w)( # 9a) 1$4 9") 1$( 9c) 1 9d) ( Horrect Answer / c 10. 50 is divided into ( parts such that the sum of their reciproca!s is 1$1(. Eind the ( parts. 9a) (0,)0 9") (4,(% 9c) )8,1( 9d) 40,10 Horrect Answer / " 11. A man goes from cit A to cit A situated %0 kms apart " a "oat. Iis onward journe was with the stream whi!e the return journe was an upstream journe . 7t took him four and ha!f hours to comp!ete the round trip. 7f the speed of the stream is 10 km$hr, how !ong did it take him to comp!ete the onward journe , 91) ) hours 9() ).5 hours 9)) (.(5 hours 94) 1.5 hours Horrect Answer / 94) 1(. An e8press train trave!ing at 6( km$hr speed crosses a goods train trave!ing at 45 km$hr speed in the opposite direction in ha!f a minute. A!ternative! , if the e8press train were to overtake the goods train, how !ong wi!! it take to accomp!ish the task. Assume that the trains continue to trave! at the same respective speeds as mentioned in case 1. 91) Hannot "e determined 9() )0 seconds

9)) 150 seconds 94) 1)0 seconds Horrect Answer / 94) 1). Train A trave!ing at %0 km$hr !eaves Cum"ai for 4e!hi at % D.C. Train A trave!ing at :0 km$hr a!so !eaves Cum"ai for 4e!hi at : D.C. Train H !eaves 4e!hi for Cum"ai at : D.C. 7f a!! three trains meet at the same time "etween Cum"ai and 4e!hi, what is the speed of Train H if the distance "etween 4e!hi and Cum"ai is 1(%0 kms, 91) %0 km$hr 9() :0 km$hr 9)) 1(0 km$hr 94) 1)5 km$hr Horrect Answer / 9)) 14. A man moves from A to A at the rate of 4 km$hr. Iad he moved at the rate of ).%6 km$hr, he wou!d have taken ) hours more to reach the destination. Fhat is the distance "etween A and A, 91) )) kms 9() 1)( kms 9)) )% kms 94) 144 kms Horrect Answer / 9() 15. A ship deve!ops a !eak 1( km from the shore. 4espite the !eak, the ship is a"!e to move towards the shore at a speed of 8 km$hr. Iowever, the ship can sta af!oat on! for (0 minutes. 7f a rescue vesse! were to !eave from the shore towards the ship, and it takes 4 minutes to evacuate the crew and passengers of the ship, what shou!d "e the minimum speed of the rescue vesse! in order to "e a"!e to successfu!! rescue the peop!e a"oard the ship, 91) 5) km$hr 9() )6 km$hr 9)) (8 km$hr 94) 44 km$hr Horrect Answer / 9() 1%. A man driving his "ike at (4 kmph reaches his office 5 minutes !ate. Iad he driven (5T faster on an average he wou!d have reached 4 minutes ear!ier than the schedu!ed time. Iow far is his office, 91) (4 km 9() 6( km 9)) 18 km 94) 4ata 7nsufficient Horrect Answer / 9))

16. Fhen an o"ject is dropped, the num"er of feet * that it fa!!s is given " the formu!a * # 2gt( where t is the time in seconds from the time it was dropped and g is )(.(. 7f it takes 5 seconds for the o"ject to reach the ground, how man feet does it fa!! during the !ast ( seconds, 91) %4.4 9() :%.% 9)) 1%1.0 94) (56.% Horrect Answer / 94) 18. 7f the whee! of a "ic c!e makes 5%0 revo!utions in trave!!ing 1.1 km, what is its radius, 91) )1.(5 cm 9() )6.65 cm 9)) )5.15 cm 94) 11.(5 cm Horrect Answer / 91) 1:. Bajesh trave!ed from cit A to cit A covering as much distance in the second part as he did in the first part of this journe . Iis speed during the second part was twice as that of the speed during the first part of the journe . Fhat is his average speed of journe during the entire trave!, 91) 9() 9)) 94) Iis average speed is the harmonic mean of the individua! speeds for the two parts. Iis average speed is the arithmetic mean of the individua! speeds for the two parts. Iis average speed is the geometric mean of the individua! speeds for the two parts. Hannot "e determined.

Horrect Answer / 9() (0. Two "o s "egin together to write out a "ook!et containing 5)5 !ines. The first "o starts with the first !ine, writing at the rate of 100 !ines an hourR and the second starts with the !ast !ine then writes !ine 5)4 and so on, "ackward proceeding at the rate of 50 !ines an hour. At what !ine wi!! the meet, 91) )5% 9() (66 9)) )56 94) (%6 Horrect Answer / 9)) Aptitude Xuestions Fith Answers for Time < 4istance Dro"!ems 1)A train covers a distance in 50 min ,if it runs at a speed of 48kmph on an average.The speed at which the train must run to reduce the time of journe to 40min wi!! "e. ()+ikas can cover a distance in 1hr (4min " covering ($) of

the distance at 4 kmph and the rest at 5kmph.the tota! distance is, ))wa!king at 1 of his usua! speed ,a man is !ate " ( 2 hr. the usua! time is. 4)A man covers a distance on scooter .had he moved )kmph faster he wou!d have taken 40 min !ess. 7f he had moved (kmph s!ower he wou!d have taken 40min more.the distance is. 5)>8c!uding stoppages,the speed of the "us is 54kmph and inc!uding stoppages,it is 45kmph.for how man min does the "us stop per hr. %)Two "o s starting from the same p!ace wa!k at a rate of 5kmph and 5.5kmph respective! .wht time wi!! the take to "e 8.5km apart, if the wa!k in the same direction 6)( trains starting at the same time from ( stations (00km apart and going in opposite direction cross each other ata distance of 110km from one of the stations.what is the ratio of their speeds. 8)Two trains start from A < A and trave! towards each other at speed of 50kmph and %0kmph resp. At the time of the meeting the second train has trave!ed 1(0km more than the first.the distance "etween them. :)A thief stea!s a ca r at (.)0pm and drives it at %0kmph.the theft is discovered at )pm and the owner sets off in another car at 65kmph when wi!! he overtake the thief 10)7n covering distance,the speed of A < A are in the ratio of ).4.A takes )0min more than A to reach the destion.The time taken " A to reach the destinstion is. Answers .

1. &o!ution.. Time#50$%0 hr#5$%hr &peed#48mph distance#&'T#48'5$%#40km time#40$%0hr#($)hr *ew speed # 40' )$( kmph# %0kmph

(. &o!ution..

-et tota! distance "e & tota! time#1hr(4min A to T .. speed#4kmph diistance#($)& T to & .. speed#5km distance#1/($)&#1$)& (1$15 hr#($) &$4 0 1$)s $5 84#14$)&') &#84')$14') # %km

). &o!ution.. 3sua! speed # & 3sua! time # T 4istance # 4 *ew &peed is 1 & *ew time is 4$) T 4$) T 5 T # 5$( T#15$( # 6 2

4.&o!ution.. -et distance # 8 m 3sua! rate # kmph 8$ 5 8$ 0) # 40$%0 hr ( 9 0)) # :8 ;;;;51 8$ /( 5 8$ # 40$%0 hr 9 /() # )8 ;;;;;5( divide 1 < ( e=uations " so!ving we get 8 # 40

5.&o!ution.. 4ue to stoppages,it covers :km !ess. time taken to cover : km is ?:$54 '%0@ min # 10min

%.&o!ution.. The re!ative speed of the "o s # 5.5kmph 5 5kmph # 0.5 kmph 4istance "etween them is 8.5 km Time# 8.5km $ 0.5 kmph # 16 hrs

6. &o!ution.. 7n same time ,the cover 110km < :0 km respective! so ratio of their speed #110.:0 # 11.:

8. &o!ution.. -et the distance trave!ed " the first train "e 8 km then distance covered " the second train is 8 0 1(0km 8$50 # 801(0 $ %0 8# %00 so the distance "etween A < A is 8 0 8 0 1(0 # 1)(0 km

:. &o!ution.. -et the thief is overtaken 8 hrs after (.)0pm distance covered " the thief in 8 hrs # distance covered " the owner in 8/1$( hr %08 # 65 9 8/ 2) 8# 5$( hr thief is overtaken at (.)0 pm 0 ( 2 hr # 5 pm

10. &o!ution.. Batio of speed # ).4 Batio of time # 4.) !et A takes 48 hrs,A takes )8 hrs then 48/)8 # )0$%0 hr 8 # 2 hr Time taken " A to reach the destination is 48 # 4 ' 2 # ( hr Aptitude Xuestion And Answer Eor Eresher

1) 7n the first Test match "etween 7ndia and &outh Africa,&outh Africa were "ow!ed out for 84 runs in their first innings which is their !owest score against 7ndia . what is their !owest ever score in a Test match,

1) () )) 4)

)0 )5 4) 46


Adam Qi!christ has "ecome the wicket keeper with most te8t centuries. Iow man centuries.

Iow man centuries has he scored so far,

1) () )) 4)

15 16 18 (0

)) Arian -ara recent! joined the c!u" of "atsmen with more than 10,000 run in L47s. Iow man p!a ers are this group ,

1) () )) 4)

) 4 5 %

4) Fhich women 7ndian ath!ete who won a si!ver meda! at the Asian Qames fai!ed to c!ear a gender test recent! ,

1) () )) 4)

&anthi &oudarajan &oma Aiswas DT 3sha *one of these

5) Thongchai Vaidee won the +o!vo masters Asia Qo!f tournament he!d in Aangkok. Ie is from which countr ,

1) () )) 4)

Thai!and Ca!a sia *orth Sorea Vapan


Fho is the wor!dYs oungest grandmaster,

1) () )) 4)

Bupam Sapoor &ohai! Shan Darimarjan *egi &ontosh &inha


Fhich of the fo!!owing c!u"s won the c!u" wor!d cup Eoot"a!! Troph recent! ,

1) () )) 4)

Aarce!ona 7nternationa! A H Ci!an Hhe!sea

8) 7ndia recent! won a test match in south Africa which of the fo!!owing facts regarding it are correct,


7t was 7ndiaYs first victor in 10 test matches in &outh Africa

") c) d) 1) () )) 4)

7ndia won the match " 1() runs The match was p!a ed at Vohannes"urg & &reesanth was dec!ared man of the match. a , " and c " , c and d a , " and d A!! are correct


&ri -anka recent! drew a test series with which of the fo!!owing teams,

1) () )) 4)

7ndia *ew Ze!and Dakistan &outh Africa

10) Fhich team was dec!ared as the soccer team of the ear (00% " E7EA recent! ,

1) () )) 4)

ArarPi! 7ta! Qerman Erance

11) The Qerman !u8ur car maker Audi is p!anning to use the faci!ities of which automo"i!es compan to assem"!e its !u8ur cars in 7ndia,

1) () )) 4)

&koda I undai Eord To ota

1() A new car mode! named Teana is going to "e !aunched in/7ndia " the automo"i!e compan of which countr ,

5) %) 6) 8)

Vapan Hhina Qerman 7srae!

1)) Fhich watch manufacturing compan is now going to make motor c c!es,



10) Titan 11) Ca8ima 1() Ajanta

14) Fhich of the fo!!owing has "een named as the two whee!er design of the ear,

1)) Ionda 3nicorn 14) Aajaj Ha!i"er 15) T+& star cit 1%) Sinetic A!aPe

15) The 7ndia scientists have teamed up with the scientists of which countr to find out the actua! source of Arahmaputra and &ut!ej,

16) Vapan 18) Dakistan 1:) Hhina (0) Ti"et


1) ( %) 1 11) 4

() 1 6) ) 1() 1 1))1

)) ( 8) ( 14) 4

4) ) :) 4 15) ) 10) (

5) 1

Aptitude interview Xuestions And Answers


Fhich one of the fo!!owing 7ndian "irds is high! endangered species,

1) () )) 4)

Qo!den Lrio!e Qreat 7ndian Austard 7ndian Eantai! Digeon 7ndian &un"ird


The head=uarters of the Qreen peace 7nternationa! are !ocated at

1) () )) 4)

Amsterdam Han"erra Lttawa *agasaki


Bourke!a stee! p!ant gets its supp!ies of iron ore from

1) () )) 4)

Seonijhar Ca ur"hanj 4e!!i/Bajhara Samangundi

4) Ln which date Austra!ian !eg spinner dismissed Andrew strauss of >ng!and in the pick his 600th test wicket,

1) ()

4ecem"er (1,(00% 4ecem"er 18 ,(00%

)) 4)

4ecem"er (4, (00% 4ecem"er (% , (00%


3nder whose patronage was the Sandari a Cahadeo Temp!e at Shajuraho "ui!t,

1) () )) 4)

&o!ankis Bashtrakutas Tomaras Hhande!!as


4uring the period of which of the fo!!owing was [DanchtrantraY written,

1) () )) 4)

*andas Caur as Quptas &ungas


Fho wrote the "ook ca!!ed Sita"i/ *auras,

1) () )) 4)

Amir Shusro Aadauni 7"rahim Adi! &hah 77 A!a/ud/din Aahmani


Fhich one of the fo!!owing p!aces has a nuc!ear power station,

1) () )) 4)

Soradi Bawat"hata Bamagundam Ta!cher


Fhere is the ocean current ca!!ed the [Qu!f &treamYfound,

1) () )) 4)

At!antic Lcean 7ndian Lcean *orth pacific Lcean &outh pacific Lcean

10) Fhich one of the fo!!owing countries is not a permanent mem"er of the 3* &ecurit Hounci!,

1) () )) 4)

Hhina Erance Vapan Bussia

11) A person c!im"ing a hi!! "ends forward in order to


avoid s!ipping

() )) 4)

increase speed reduce fatigue increase sta"i!it

1() The period of revo!ution of a geostationar sate!!ite is

1) () )) 4)

(4 hours )0 da s )%5 da s changing continuous!

1)) 7f an app!e is re!eased from an or"iting spaceship. 7t wi!!

1) () )) 4)

fa!! towards the earth move a!ong with the spaceship at the same speed move at a higher speed move at a !ower speed

14) The densit of sea water increases as

1) () )) 4)

depth and sa!init decrease depth decrease and sa!init increases depth increase and sa!init decreases depth and sa!init increase

15) Fhen a ship enters a sea from a river

1) () )) 4)

it rises a !itt!e it sinks !itt!e it remains at the same !eve! it rises or sinks depending on the materia! it is made of

Ans .

1) ( %) ) 11) 4

() 1 6) ) 1() 1

)) ) 8) ( 1)) (

4) 4 :) 1 14) 4

5) 4 10) ) 15) 1

Aptitude Xuestion And Answer Eor Vo" &eekers 1) Fhere was the united *ations charter signed in 1:45 at a conference,

1) () )) 4)

Qeneva *ew \ork &an Erancisco Daris


7n which one of the fo!!owing countries did the 7ndustria! Bevo!ution take p!ace first,

1) () )) 4)

Erance Bussia Vapan Qreat Aritain


Fhich among the fo!!owing is referred to as the Contagu Hhe!msford Beforms,

1) () )) 4)

7ndian Hounci! Act,1:0: Qovernment of 7ndia Act ,1:1: Bow!att Act Qovernment of 7ndia Act,1:)5

4) Ln 4ecem"er (1 , (00% the 3nion Ha"inet approved the sa!e of QovernmentYs remaining stake in Caruti 3d og -td at present is

1) () )) 4)

10.(6 per cent ((.(6 per cent 1(.6( per cent 14.%6 per cent


Fhen fine sand is carried " wind and deposited as wind"orne sedimentar rock, it is ca!!ed

1) ()

-oess 4 ke

)) 4)

&ha!e &i!!


Erom north to south, which one of the fo!!owing is the correct se=uence of the given hi!!s,

1) () )) 4)

Saimur Ii!!s/Cahadeo Ii!!s 5 &atma!a Ii!!s Cahadeo Ii!!s/Saimur Ii!!s/&atma!a Ii!!s Saimur Ii!!s 5&atma!a Ii!!s/Cahadeo Ii!!s Cahadeo Ii!!s/&atma!a Ii!!s/Saimur Ii!!s

6) According to Hensus (001,which one of the fo!!owing num"er of fema!es to ever 1000 ma!es in 7ndia,

1) () )) 4)

865 :00 :)0 :%0


Fhich one of the fo!!owing statements is correct,

1) () )) 4)

Q psum is a sedimentar rock 4eccan traps of peninsu!ar 7ndia are formed of granite -aco!iths are the !argest intrusive igneous rock "odies 7n 7ndia, gneiss is found on! in the Iima!a an region

:) Fho among the fo!!owing Cugha! ru!ers granted the >ng!ish Hompan 4iwani over Aenga!, Aihar and Lrissa " Treat of A!iaha"ad,

1) () )) 4)

Ahmad &hah A!amgir 77 &hah A!am 77 Ak"ar &hah 77

10) 4uring the 7ndian Ereedom strugg!e, what accusation was made against Caster Amir Hhand, Awadh Aihari,Aa! Cukund and Aasant Sumar Aiswas,

1) () )) 4)

Assassination of the commissioner of Doona Throwing a "om" on vicero Ys procession in 4e!hi Attempt to shoot the Qovernor of Dunja" -ooting an armour in Aenga!

11) Fhat is the su"ject of the 6)rd Amendment Act of the Honstitution of 7ndia,

1) 4efection " the Cem"ers of par!iament and Cem"ers of -egis!ative Assem"!ies from their po!itica! parties () )) 4) Eree and compu!sor education for the chi!dren in the age group %/14 ears &trong pancha ati Baj 7nstitutions in the countr Drotection of wi!d!ife

1() Qhatapra"ha is a tri"utar of which one of the fo!!owing rivers,

1) () )) 4)

Qanga 7ndus Qodavari Srishna

1)) Fhen the speed of a "od is dou"!ed. 7ts kinetic energ "ecomes

1) () )) 4)

dou"!e ha!f =uadrup!e one/fourth

14) Finding a watch is actua!! the process of storing

1) () )) 4)

e!ectrica! energ pressure energ kinetic energ potentia! energ

15) Honservation of energ means that


energ can "e created as we!! as destro ed

() )) 4)

energ con "e created "ut not destro ed energ cannot "e created "ut can "e destro ed energ can neither "e created nor destro ed


1) ) %) 1 11) )

() 4 6) ) 1() 4 1)) )

)) ( 8) 1 14) 4

4) 1 :) ) 15) 4 10) (

5) 1

TH& Code! Xuestion Daper +>BAA- &>HT7L* 4irections for =uestions 1/15. Eind the s non ms of the fo!!owing words 1. Cerr Ans. Qa , Iapp (. A!ienate Ans. >strange ). &o!icit Ans. To re=uest 4. Ieap Ans. To pi!e 5. Hargo Ans. Ereight %. Comentar

Ans. Transient 6. +o!ume Ans. Xuantit 8. +eer Ans. 4iverge :. 4ispe! Ans. 4issipate 10. Admonish Ans. Hautious 11. Ceager Ans. &cant 1(. -atitude Ans. &cope 1). -atent Ans. Dotentia! 14. Hovet Ans. Hrave 15. 4iscretion Ans. Drudence X3A*T7TAT7+> &>HT7L* 1. 7f two penci!s cost 8 cents, then how much do 5 penci!s cost, Ans. (0 cents (. &ome work is done " two peop!e in (4 minutes. Lne of them can do this work a!one in 40 minutes. Iow much time does the second person take to do the same work,

Ans. %0 minutes ). A car is fi!!ed with four and ha!f ga!!ons of fue! for a round trip. 7f the amount of fue! taken whi!e going is 1$4 more than the amount taken for coming, what is the amount of fue! consumed whi!e coming "ack, Ans.( ga!!ons 4. The !owest temperature in the night in a cit A is 1$) more than 1$( the highest during the da . &um of the !owest temperature and the highest temperature is 100 degrees. Then what is the !ow temp, Ans.40 degrees 5. Vavaga!, who decided to go to weekend trip shou!d not e8ceed 8 hours driving in a da . The average speed of forward journe is 40 mi!es$hr. 4ue to traffic on &unda sR the return journe ]s average speed is )0 m$h. Iow far he can se!ect a picnic spot, a) 1(0 mi!es ") "etween 1(0 and 140 mi!es c) 1%0 mi!es Ans. 1(0 mi!es %. A sa!esperson " mistake mu!tip!ied a num"er and got the answer as ), instead of dividing the num"er " ).Fhat is the answer he shou!d have actua!! got, Ans. ) 6. A "ui!ding with height 4 shadow up to Q. Fhat is the height of a neigh"oring "ui!ding with a shadow of H feet, Ans. 9H'4)$Q 8. A person was fined for e8ceeding the speed !imit " 10 mph. Another person was a!so fined for e8ceeding the same speed !imit " twice the same. 7f the second person was trave!!ing at a speed of )5 mph, find the speed !imit. Ans. 15 mph :. A "us started from "us stand at 8.00am, and after sta ing for )0 minutes at a destination, it returned "ack to the "us stand. The destination is (6 mi!es from the "us stand. The speed of the "us is 18mph. 4uring the return journe "us trave!s with 50T faster speed. At what time does it return to the "us stand, Ans. 11.00 am 10. 7n a mi8ture, B is ( parts and & is 1 part. 7n order to make & to (5T of the mi8ture, how much of B

is to "e added, Ans.Lne part of B 11. Find f!ows 1%0 mi!es in ))0 min, for trave!ing 80 mi!es how much time does it re=uire, Ans. ( hrs 45 mins 1(. Fith a 4$5 fu!! tank a vehic!e can trave! 1( mi!es, how far can it trave! with a 1$) fu!! tank Ans. 5 mi!es 1). There are two trees in a !awn. Lne grows at a rate )$5 of the other in 4 ears. 7f the tota! growth of trees is 8 ft. Fhat is the height of the sma!!er tree after ( ears, Ans. 1 1$( feet 14. Befer to the figure "e!ow. A ship started from D and moves at a speed of 7 mi!es per hour and another ship starts from - and moving with I mi!es per hour simu!taneous! . Fhere do the two ships meet, ^^///g///^^///h///^^///i///^^///j///^^///k///^^///!///^^ DQ I 7 V S - are the various stops in "etween denoted " ^^ . The va!ues g, h, i, j, k, ! denote the distance "etween the ports. Ans. "etween 7 and V, c!oser to V 15. 7f A is trave!ing at 6( km per hour on a highwa . A is trave!ing at a speed of (5 meters per second on a highwa . Fhat is the difference in their speeds in m$sec, Ans. 1 m$sec HB7T7HA- B>A&L*7*Q &>HT7L* The critica! reasoning section consists of some passages fo!!owed " 4 to 6 =uestions per passage. The =uestions are such that the re=uire a"i!it to read fast and comprehend. The =uestions asked in this section have three choices TB3>, EA-&>, HA*]T &A\. &ome e8amp!es of =uestions are given "e!ow. D!ease note that these passages are not the e8act passages asked. The passages used a good dea! of difficu!t words which have "een removed in this reproduction. A!so the passages appearing in the actua! paper are much !engthier.

4irections. Answer the =uestions given "e!ow the passage or statement as true, fa!se or can]t sa . DA&&AQ> A. C father has no "rothers. Ie has three sisters who has two chi!d]s each. Answer 1/5 "ased on the passage A

1.C grandfather has two sons . Ans. Ea!se (. Three of m aunts have two sons Ans. Han]t sa ). C father is on! chi!d to his father Ans. Ea!se 4. 7 have si8 cousins from m mother side Ans. Han]t sa 5. 7 have one unc!e Ans. Han]t sa 9unc!e can "e from the mother]s side as we!!) DA&&AQ> A. >ther injected into ga!!"!adder to disso!ve cho!estero! "ased ga!!stones. This t pe one da treatment is enough for ga!!stones not for ca!cium stones. This method is a!ternative to surger for mi!!ions of peop!e who are suffering from this disease. Answer =uestions %/: "ased on passage A %. Ha!cium stones can "e cured in one da Ans. Ea!se 6. Iundreds of peop!e contain ca!cium stones Ans. Han]t sa 8. &urger is the on! treatment to ca!cium stones Ans. True :. >ther wi!! "e injected into the ga!!"!adder to cure the cho!estero! "ased ga!! stones Ans. True DA&&AQ> H. Iacking is i!!ega! entr into another computer. This happens most! "ecause of !ack of know!edge of computer networking. Fith networks one machine can access to another machine. Iacking go a"out without knowing that each network is accredited to use network faci!it , Answer =uestions 10/1( "ased on passage A

10. Iackers never "reak the code of the compan which the work for Ans. Han]t sa 11. Iacking is the on! vu!nera"i!it of the computers for the usage of the data Ans. Ea!se 1(. Iacking is done most! due to the !ack of computer know!edge Ans. Ea!se DA&&AQ> H. A!pine tunne!s are c!osed tunne!s. 7n the past )0 rs not even a sing!e accident has "een recorded for there is one accident in the rai! road s stem. >ven in case of a fire accident it is possi"!e to shift the passengers into adjacent wagons and even the !ive fire can "e detected and e8tinguished with in the duration of )0 min. Answer =uestions 1)/1% "ased on passage H 1). *o accident can occur in the c!osed tunne!s Ans. True 14. Eire is a!!owed to !ive for )0 min Ans. Ea!se 1%. A!! the care that trave! in the tunne!s wi!! "e carried " rai! shutters. Ans.True DA&&AQ> 4. 7n the past he!icopters were forced to ground or crash "ecause of the formation of the ice on the rotors and engines. A new e!ectronic device has "een deve!oped which can detect the water content in the atmosphere and warns the pi!ot if the temperature is "e!ow freePing temperature a"out the formation of the ice on the rotors and wings. Answer =uestions 16/(0 "ased on passage 4 16. The e!ectronic device can avoid formation of the ice on the wings Ans.Ea!se 18. There wi!! "e the ma!function of rotor < engine "ecause of formation of ice Ans.True 1:. The he!icopters were to "e crashed or grounded

Ans.True (0. There is on! one device that warn a"out the formation of ice Ans.True DA&&AQ> >. 7n the surve conducted in Cum"ai out of %) new! married house wives not a sing!e house wife fe!t that the hus"ands shou!d take e=ua! part in the househo!d work as the fe!t the !oose their power over their hus"ands. 7n spite of their careers the opt to do the kitchen work themse!ves after coming "ack to home. The wives get ha!f as much !eisure time as the hus"ands get at the week ends. Answer =uestions (1/() "ased on passage > (1. Iousewives want the hus"ands to take part e=ua!! in the househo!d Ans.Ea!se ((. Fives have ha!f as much !eisure time as the hus"ands have Ans. Ea!se (). ):T of the men wi!! work e=ua!! in the house in c!eaning and washing Ans. Ea!se DA&&AQ> E. Hopernicus is the inte!!igent. 7n the da s of Hopernicus the transport and techno!og deve!opment was !ess < it took p!ace weeks to communicate a message at that time, wherein we can send it through sate!!ite with in no time. >ven with this fast deve!opment it has "ecome difficu!t to understand each other. Answer =uestions (4/(6 "ased on passage E (4. Deop!e were not inte!!igent during Hopernicus da s Ans.Ea!se (5. Transport faci!ities are ver much improved in now a da Ans.Han]t sa (%. >ven with the fast deve!opments of the techno!og we can]t !ive happi! . Ans. Han]t sa (6. Fe can understand the peop!e ver much with the deve!opment of communication

Ans. Ea!se. DA&&AQ> Q. &enior managers warned the workers that "ecause of the introductor of Vapanese industr in the car market. There is the threat to the workers. The a!so said that there wi!! "e the reduction in the purchase of the sa!es of car in pu"!ic. the interest rates of the car wi!! "e increased with the !oss in demand. Answer =uestions (8/)1 "ased on passage Q (8. Vapanese workers are taking over the jo"s of 7ndian industr . Ans.Ea!se (:. Canagers said car interests wi!! go down after seeing the raise in interest rates. Ans.True )0. Vapanese investments are ceasing to end in the car industr . Ans. Ea!se )1. Deop!e are ver interested to "u the cars. Ans.Ea!se DA&&AQ> I. 7n the Tota!itarian da s, the words have ver much deva!ued. 7n the present da , the are "ecoming domestic that is the words wi!! "e much more deva!ued. 7n those da s, the words wi!! "e ver much affected in po!itica! area. "ut at present, the words came ver cheap .Fe can sa the come free at cost. Answer =uestions )(/)4 "ased on passage I )(. Tota!itarian societ words are deva!ued. Ans.Ea!se )). Tota!itarians wi!! have to come much a"out words Ans.True )4. The art tota!itarian societ the words are used for the po!itica! speeches. Ans. Ea!se DA&&AQ> 7. There shou!d "e cop right for a!! arts. The ree! has came that a!! the arts has come under one cop right societ , the were use the mone that come from the arts for the deve!opments . There ma "e a !ot of mone wi!! come from the Tagore works. Fe have to ask the "enifiters from Tagore work to he!p for the deve!opment of his works.

Answer =uestions )5/): "ased on passage 7 )5. Tagore works are come under this cop right ru!e. Ans. Ea!se )%. Deop!e are free to go to the pu"!ic "ecause of the cop right ru!e. Ans. Han]t sa )6 Deop!e gives to theater and co!!ect the mone for deve!opment. Ans. Han]t sa )8 Fe have asked the Tagore residents to he!p for the deve!opments of art. Ans. Han]t sa D&\HILC>TB7H T>&T

\ou don]t need to fret much a"out this test. This test consists of 150 =uestions and is just a ps cho!og test which shou!d "e answered confident! and doesn]t re=uire an preparation. Lne must tr "eing consistent whi!e answering as the same =uestions are repeated! asked in different forms. A!so one must answer a!! =uestions. Xuestions are of es, no or can]t sa kind. 1. Fi!! ou "e interested in socia! activities, (. Fhi!e going upstairs do ou move two steps at a time, ). Han ou make friends with peop!e of the same se8 or with opposite se8 a!so 4. \our friends consider ou as a !eader in our group 5. Deop!e think that ouYre serious minded. %. There are times ou fee! du!! without an reason. 6. \ou host severa! parties 8. Fhen re!atives come to our house do ou entertain them, :. \ou can work for !ong hours without tiredness. 10. 7n our compan ou want to !ead the organiPation.

Aptitude Cateria! / Fith &o!utions

1) A "o was asked to find the va!ue of 6$1( of a sum of mone . 7nstead of mu!tip! ing The sum " 6$1( he divided it " 6$1( and thus his answer e8ceeded the correct answer A Bs.:5. Eind the correct answer.

&o!. -et sum # Bs. S . . 1($6 k 5 6k$1( # :5 // G 144k 5 4:k$84 # :5 // G k # 84 . . 6$1( k // G 6$1( ' 84 # Bs. 4:

() The va!ue of M 0 1$4.) 0 1$4.)( 0 1$4.)) correct to four p!aces of decima!s is

&o!. M 0 1$1( 0 1$)% 0 1$108 # (60:0)01$108

// G 40$108 // G 10$(6

# 0.)604

)) 7f ($)rd of a num"er is su"tracted from 6$) of the num"er, the resu!t is ( more than the num"er itse!f. Eind the num"er.

&o!. -et the num"er "e k

. . 6$) k 5 ($) k # k0( // G 5$) k # k0(

// G ($) k # ( // G # )

4) &imp!if

).6').60(.)'(.)0(').6'(.) $ 4.%'4.%/).4').4


// G

9).6 0 (.))( $ 94.% 0 ).4) 94.% 5 ).4)

// G

)%$8'1.( // G )%$:.% # )%0$:% # ) 1

5) Three num"ers are in the ratio ).4.5. The sum of the !argest and the sma!!est e=ua!s the &um of the third and 5(. The sma!!est num"er is.

&o!. -et the num"ers "e 8, , P

. . 8$) # $4 # P$5 # k

. . 8 # )k,

# 4k, P # 5k

. . )k 0 5k# 4k 0 5( // G k # 1)

. . &ma!!est num"er # ):

%) Lf the three num"ers, second is twice the first and a!so thrice the third. 7f the average num"ers is 44, the !argest num"er is 9))

of the three



() )) 4)

)% 6( 108

&o!. -et the )rd num"er "e 8, Then, second num"er # )8

. . Eirst num"er # )8$( . . 80)8 0 )8$( # 944')) // G 118$( # 1)( // G 8 # (4 -argest num"er // G )8 // G )'(4 # 6(

6) The !east num"er of five digits which is e8act! divisi"!e " 1(, 15 and 18 is

1) () )) 4)

10010 10015 100(0 10080

&o!. -east num"er of 5 digits is 10000. -.H.C of 1(, 15, 18 is 180 Ln dividing 10000 " 180, the remainder is 100. . . Be=uired num"er # 10000 0 9180 5 100) # 10080

8) &imp!if ($) $ 4$: of 6 2 0 ::: 4:4$4:5 ' ::

1) () )) 4)

::::: 10000 ::000 11111

&o!. ($) $ 4$: of 15$( 0 9::: 04:4$4:5) ' ::

# ($) $ 10$) 0 :::':: 0 4:4$4:5 ' ::

# ($) ' )$10 0 91000 5 1) :: 0 4:4$4:5 ' :: # 1$5 0 ::000 5 :: 0 4:4$5 # 4:4$5 0 ::000 5 :: # ::000

:) 7f a$( # "$) # c$5, the va!ue of a0"0c$c is

1) () )) 4)

( 5 2 1$5

&o!. a$( # "$) # c$5 # k

// G a # (k, " # )k, c # 5k

. . a0"0c$c # (k0)k05k$5k # 10k$5k # (

10) &imp!if . ( 2 of 1 ' 2 $)$( 0 2 $ )$( 9($) 5 2 of ($)) to get

1) () )) 4)

1 5$8 ( 5$8 1 8$11 ) 5$8

&o!. 1) ( 2 of 1 ' 2 $ )$( 0 2 $ )$( 9($) 5 2 of ($))

// G 95$( ' 1) ' 2 ' ($) 0 2 ' ($) ' 9($) 5 2 ' ($))

// G 15$8 ' 1$) 0 1$) ' ? 9 ($) 5 1$) )@ // G 15$8 ' 1$) 0 1$) ' ?9($)/ 1$)) @ // G 5$8 0 1$) $ 1$) // G 5$8 0 1 # 1 5$8

11) 7f a # 1% and " # then a(0"(0a"$a)/") wi!! "e

1) ()

11 1$11

)) 4)

1(1 *on

&o!. 1) 1%(05(080 $ 1%)/5) # (5%0(5080$40:%/1(5

# )%1$):61 # 1$11

1() Eind the sma!!est num"er which when divided " %,10 and 15 respective! !eaves 5 as Bemainder in each case,

&o!. -.H.C of %,10,15 // G )0 Be=uired num"er #)0 0 5 # )5

1)) 7f 1$)rdof a num"er su"tracted from 2 of that num"er, then the difference is 10more Than 1$6th of the same num"er. Iow much is that num"er,

&o!. -et the num"er # 8

. . 8$( 5 8$) # 8$60 10 // G )8/(8$% # 8$6010 // G 8$% 5 8$6 # 10 // G68/%8$4( # 10 // G 8 # 4(0

14) 7f we mu!tip! a fraction " itse!f and divide the product " its reciproca!R the fraction Thus o"tained is 15 5$8. The origina! fraction is.

&o!. -et the origina! fraction "e 8$

N$ '8$ $ $8 # 15 5$8

// G 8$ ' 8$ ' 8$ #1(5$8

// G 8)$ ) # 1(5$8 KKKK G 8$ # )J1(5$8 # 5$( # ( 1$(

15) Eind the I.H.E. of 85(, 10%5 and 14:1.

&o!. 85() 10%591 85( (1)) 85( 94 85( 0 (1)) 14:196 14:1 0

Ience (1) is I.H.E of given num"ers.

1%) Eind the greatest num"er which divides )4%0 and :)80 !eaving as remainder : and 1) respective! .

&o!. &ince on dividing )4%0 remainder : is !eft, the re=uired num"er must divide 9)4%0/:) # )451 e8act! . &imi!ar! it must divide :)80 5 1) # :)%6 e8act! . Ience I.H.E of :)%6 and )451 wi!! "e re=uired num"er Aptitude Xuestion And Answer Eor Vo" &eekers 1) Voe Aar"era who died recent! at an age of :5 was famous for

1) () )) 4)

Ie was the first defence secretar of 3&A Ie had won *o"e! DriPe twice Ie was a famous cartoonist who designed Tom < Verr Ie was the first American to c!im" Ct.>verest


Fhich of the fo!!owing was voted as the "est AAH documentar ,

1) () )) 4)

Aeing American Aeing 7ndian Aeing Dakistani Aeing Aritish


Fhich is going to "e the seventh and the fina! "ook of the Iarr potter series,

1) () )) 4)

Iarr meets his end Iarr potter. The !ast destination Iarr potter and the 4eath! Ia!!oms Iarr potter and the fina! countdown


Fho is the author of the "ook _ ou can hea! our !ife`,

1) () )) 4)

-ouise - Ia &tephen Bo"erts Fi!!iam 4a!r mp!e Bo"ert Horps

5) Vignesh &hah, the H>L of which of the fo!!owing companies has won the 3& 5 7ndia "usinessman award,

1) () )) 4)

Tata &tee! Aharti Airte! Einancia! Techno!ogies Qroup *one of these


Fho is the author of the "ook _The of >ver ing . The Lrigin and Eate of The 3niverse,

1) ()

Fi!!iam 4a!r mp!e &tephen Iawkings

)) 4)

&tephen Bo"erts -ouise - Ia


Fho was the vice president of *AA& HLC who died recent! ,

1) () )) 4)

Siran Sarnick &uni! Cehta Ani! Sumar *one of these


Fho is the author of the "ook, _Cith a .A Iand"ook of Iindu C tho!og `,

1) () )) 4)

4evdutt pattanaik &amir &inha Amrita Dritam Bishi &hankar


Fho is the author of the "ook, _Ce. A Iand"ook Eor -ife`,

1) () )) 4)

Bavi &hekhar Canish &inha Baksha Aharadia Amrita pitam

10) Fhat is the profession of Hhitra Aharucha, who is going to "e the ne8t head of AAH,

1) () )) 4)

Actor 4octor >ngineer Friter

11) According to a recent surve which state was e!ected to have !argest area under forest 9)1T)

1) () )) 4)

Aihar Assam Cadh a pradesh Sera!a

1() Fho is going to "e the new e8ecutive managing director of g!o"a! rea! estate consu!tanc firm Hushman and wakefie!d,

1) () )) 4)

*andan *i!ekaru &uresh Cehta &anja +erma Dawan &hrivastava

1)) 7n the -ine of Eire. A Cemoir is the auto"iograph of which of the fo!!owing persona!ities,

1) () )) 4)

Qenera! V.V &ingh Haptain +ikram Aatra Qeorge Eernandes Qen.perveP Cusharraf

14) Fhich of the fo!!owing p!aces was the venue for the 14th *AC &ummit,

1) () )) 4)

Iavana Coscow *ew 4e!hi 7s!ama"ad

15) Fho among the fo!!owing is the winner of the Qandhi 7nternationa! peace priPe for the ear (00%,

1) () )) 4)

4esmond Tutu &a"ana APmi *e!son Cande!a Cuhammad \unus

Ans. 1) ) %) ( 11) ) () ( 6) ( 1() ) 1)) 4 )) ) 8) 1 14) 1 15) 4) 1 :) ) 5) ) 10) (

Xuatitative Aptitude Code! Daper / ( 1. %, (4, %0,1(0, (10 a) ))% ") )%% c) ))0 d) %%0 Answer . a) ))% >8p!anation . The series is 1.(.), (.).4, ).4.5, 4.5.%, 5.%.6, ..... 9 ].] means product) (. 1, 5, 1), (5 Answer . 41 >8p!anation . The series is of the form 0W(01W(, 1W(0(W(,... ). 0, 5, 8, 16 Answer . (4 >8p!anation . 1W(/1, (W(01, )W(/1, 4W(01, 5W(/1 4. 1, 8, :, %4, (5 9Iint . >ver successive terms are re!ated) Answer . (1% >8p!anation . 1W(, (W), )W(, 4W), 5W(, %W) 5. 8,(4,1(,)%,18,54 Answer . (6 %. 61,6%,%:,64,%6,6( Answer . %6 6. 5,:,1%,(:,54 Answer . 10) >8p!anation . 5'(/1#:R :'(/(#1%R 1%'(/)#(:R (:'(/4#54R 54'(/5#10) 8. 1,(,4,10,1%,40,%4 9&uccessive terms are re!ated) Answer . (00 >8p!anation . The series is powers of ( 9(W0,(W1,..). A!! digits are !ess than 8. >ver second num"er is in octa! num"er s stem. 1(8 shou!d fo!!ow %4. 1(8 "ase 10 # (00 "ase 8. :. ),5,6,1(,1),16,1: Answer . 1( >8p!anation . A!! "ut 1( are odd num"ers 10. (,5,10,16,(%,)6,50,%4 Answer . %4 >8p!anation . (0)#5R 505#10R 1006#16R 160:#(%R (%011#)6R )601)#50R 50015#%5R 11. 105,85,%0,)0,0,/45,/:0

Answer . 0 >8p!anation . 105/(0#85R 85/(5#%0R %0/)0#)0R )0/)5#/5R /5/40#/45R /45/45#/:0R

Quatitative Aptitude Model Paper - 3 1. What is the number of zeros at the end of the product of the numbers from 1 to 100? Answer : 127 2. A fast typist can type some matter in 2 hours and a slow typist can type the same in 3 hours. f both type combinely! in how much time will they finish? Answer : 1 hr 12 min "#planation : $he fast typist%s wor& done in 1 hr ' 1(2 $he slow typist%s wor& done in 1 hr ' 1(3 f they wor& combinely! wor& done in 1 hr ' 1(2)1(3 ' *(+ ,o! the wor& will be completed in +(* hours. i.e.! 1)1(* hours ' 1hr 12 min 3. a.era/e in his first *0 innin/s was *0. After the *1st innin/s! his a.era/e was *1. 0ow many runs did he score in his *1st innin/s. 1supposin/ that he lost his wic&et in his *1st innin/s2 Answer : 101 "#planation : $otal score after *0 innin/s ' *03*0 ' 2*00 $otal score after *1 innin/s ' *13*1 ' 2+01 ,o! runs made in the *1st innin/s ' 2+0142*00 ' 101 f he had not lost his wic&et in his *1st innin/s! he would ha.e scored an unbeaten *0 in his *1st innin/s. 5. 6ut of 70 coins! one is counterfeit. What is the minimum number of wei/hin/s needed to find out the counterfeit coin? Answer : 5 *. What can you conclude from the statement : All /reen are blue! all blue are red. ? 1i2 some blue are /reen 1ii2 some red are /reen 1iii2 some /reen are not red 1i.2 all red are blue 1a2 i or ii but not both 1b2 i 8 ii only 1c2 iii or i. but not both 1d2 iii 8 i. Answer : 1b2 +. A rectan/ular plate with len/th 7 inches! breadth 11 inches and thic&ness 2 inches is a.ailable. What is the len/th of the circular rod with diameter 7 inches and e9ual to the .olume of the rectan/ular plate? Answer : 3.* inches "#planation : :olume of the circular rod 1cylinder2 ' :olume of the rectan/ular plate 122(7235353h ' 731132 h ' 7(2 ' 3.* 7. What is the sum of all numbers between 100 and 1000 which are di.isible by 15 ? Answer : 3*3;2 "#planation : $he number closest to 100 which is /reater than 100 and di.isible by 15 is 112! which is the first term of the series which has to be summed. $he number closest to 1000 which is less than 1000 and di.isible by 15 is ;;5! which is the last term of the series. 112 ) 12+ ) .... ) ;;5 ' 1517);) ... ) 712 ' 3*3;2 7. f s1a2 denotes s9uare root of a! find the .alue of s112)s112)s112) ...... upto infinity. Answer : 5 "#planation : <et # ' s112)s112)s112)..... We can write # ' s112)#2. i.e.! #=2 ' 12 ) #. , this 9uadratic e9uation! we /et # ' 43 or #'5. ,um cannot be 4.e and hence sum ' 5.

Quatitative Aptitude Model Paper 1. $he diameter of the wheel of a bus is 150cm. 0ow many re.olutions per minute must the wheel ma&e in order to &eep a speed of ++ &mph? Ans. 2*0 ,ol. >istance to be co.ered in 1 min'1++310002(+0 m'1100m ?ircumference of the wheel '12322(730.702m'5.5m. ,o! @umber of re.olutions per min'1100(5.5'2*0. 2. :i.e& tra.elled 1200&m by air which formed 2(* of his trip.6ne third of the whole trip ! he tra.elled by car and the rest of the Aourney he performed by train. $he distance tra.elled by train was ? Ans.700&m ,ol: <et the total trip be # &m. $hen 2#(*'1200 #'12003*(2'3000&m >istance tra.elled by car '1(333000'1000&m Bourney by train 'C3000411200)10002D'700&m. 3. $wo trains 200mts and 1*0mts are runnin/ on the parallel rails at this rate of 50&m(hr and 5*&m(hr. n how much time will they cross each other if they are runnin/ in the same direction. Ans: 2*2sec ,ol: Eelati.e speed'5*450'*&m(hr'2*(17 mt(sec $otal distance co.ered 'sum of len/ths of trains '3*0mts. ,o! time ta&en '3*0317(2*'2*2sec. 5. From hei/ht of 7 mts a ball fell down and each time it bounces half the distance bac&. What will be the distance tra.elled Ans.: 25 ,ol. 7)5)5)2)2)1)1)0.*)0.*) and etc .. '25 *. f a man wal&s at the rate of *&mph! he misses a train by only 7min. if he wal&s at the rate of + &mph he reaches the station * minutes before the of the train. Find the distance co.ered by him to reach the station. Ans:+&m. ,ol: <et the re9uired distance be # &m. >ifference in the times ta&en at two speeds'12mins'1(* hr. $herefore #(*4#(+'1(* or +#4*#'+ or #'+&m. 0ence !the re9uired distance is + &m +. Wal&in/ *(+ of its usual speed! a train is 10min late. Find the usual time to the Aourney? Ans:*0 min ,ol: @ew speed ' *(+ of usual speed @ew time ' +(* of usual time

$herefore! 1+(* of usual time2 G usual time ' 10min $herefore Hsual time ' *0min 7. A train runnin/ at *5 &mph ta&es 20 seconds to pass a platform. @e#t it ta&es 12 seconds to pass a man wal&in/ at + &mph in the same direction in which the train is /oin/. Find the len/th of the train and the len/th of the platform. Ans. len/th of the train'1+0m len/th of the platform'150 m. ,ol: <et the len/th of the train be # meters and len/th of the platform be y meters. ,peed of the train relati.e to man'1*54+2 &mph '57 &mph. '1573*(172 m(sec '50(3 m(sec. n passin/ a man! the train co.ers its own len/th with relati.e speed. $herefore! len/th of the train'1Eelati.e speed 3$ime2 '150(3 3 122 m '1+0 m. Also! speed of the train'1*5 3 *(172 m(sec'1* m(sec. $herefore! #)y(2#y'20 or #)y'300 or y'130041+0 m'150 m. $herefore! <en/th of the platform'150 m. 7. A man is standin/ on a railway brid/e which is 170m lon/. 0e finds that a train crosses the brid/e in 20seconds but himself in 7 seconds. Find the len/th of the train and its speed. Ans: len/th of train'120m ,peed of train'*5&mph ,ol: <et the len/th of the train be # meters $hen! the train co.ers # meters in 7 seconds and 1# ) 1702 meters in 20 seconds. $herefore #(7 ' 1#)1702(20 I 20# ' 71#)1702 I # ' 120 $herefore <en/th of the train ' 120m ,peed of the train ' 120(7 m(sec ' 1* m(sec '1* 3 17(* &mph ' *5&mph

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