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Muscle & Fitnes System Home Training ( 1/5 Language:English

,Format:Xvid dvd rip)

This DVD includes 5 complete full- od! "or#outs, ranging from $%o-E&uipment%ecessar!$ to the $'ar ell and 'ench$ "or#out( These routines include )* different e+ercises to help !ou achieve !our training goals at home "ith little to no e&uipment( The Muscle & Fitness Training System "ill put !ou on the fast trac# to full- od! fitness at home,
Muscle & Fitnes Training System ABS (2/5

Language:English ,Format:Xvid dvd rip)

This DVD includes * complete routines designed to chisel !our a s li#e never efore( Muscle & Fitness has assem led oth home and g!m routines for eginner, intermediate and advanced training( The Muscle & Fitness Training System "ill put !ou on the fast trac# to carving ripped, roc#in- a s,
Muscle & Fitnes System Arms (3/5

Language:English ,Format:Xvid dvd rip)

This DVD includes . complete programs and /5 e+ercises for !our iceps and triceps( 0hether !ou are 1ust starting out, or have een training for !ears, the Muscle & Fitness Training System "ill put !ou on the fast trac# to uilding a phenomenal ph!si&ue,
Muscle & Fitnes System Back & Legs ( /5

Language:English ,Format:Xvid dvd rip)

This DVD includes mass-gaining and muscle-defining programs to uild a thic# ac# and po"erful legs( Muscle & Fitness has assem led the 22 est e+ercises for ac# and legs, plus . complete programs( The Muscle & Fitness Training System "ill put !ou on the fast trac# to uilding a phenomenal ph!si&ue,
Muscle & Fitnes System !"est & S"oul#ers (5/5

Language:English ,Format:Xvid dvd rip)

This DVD includes mass-gaining and muscle-defining programs to uild a strong chest and road shoulders( Muscle & Fitness has assem led the /3 est e+ercises for chest and shoulders, plus . complete programs( The Muscle & Fitness Training System "ill put !ou on the fast trac# to uilding a phenomenal ph!si&ue, http:44"""(musclestuff(com4mftrs!li(html

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