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Personal resilience for workplace adversity: A Literature Review

Personal resilience is a stratagem for retorting to workplace adversity and to recognize strategies to augment in nurses. Workplace adversity in nursing industry is allied with disproportionate work- heaps, lack of autonomy, discrimination and bloodshed and directorial issues such as restructuring. building positive and nurturing professional relationships; maintaining positivity; developing emotional insight; achieving life balance and spirituality; and, becoming more reflective. Research conclusion advocate that nurses can dynamically participate in the enlargement and fortification of their own personal resilience to condense their propensity to workplace adversity and in progress the by and large healthcare surroundings. Resilience-building can be integrated into nursing education and that proficient sustain should be optimistic through mentorship programmes outside nurses instantaneous working milieu. Keywords: Personal resilience, Nursing Industry, Healthcare Industry, Workplace adversity, Mentoring

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