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Global Geography 12 C.P.

Allen High School

Natural disasters occur when natural hazards (physical processes) activate and have an effect humans. In this activity you will research and gain an understanding of the effects of natural hazards on human systems around the world, and will analyze the impacts and often devastating consequences of natural disasters. With your partner(s), you will conduct online research to complete the table and answer the questions below. You and your partner(s) will get to choose a natural disaster to research, though only one group per disaster will be permitted, and you are not able to select Hurricane Katrina for this assignment (note: you may find it difficult to locate valid data/information for disasters that have not occurred within the past 20 years or so). Once you have gathered all the information in the table and have answered the questions below for comparing and analyzing your disaster, you will create a short oral presentation that encapsulates what you have learned. This sheet must be passed in along with your presentation upon completion. Category (Atmospheric/Biological/Geological) (1 point) Natural Disaster / Date and Place (1 point)

Consequences and Aftermath of Disaster (Provide at least five) (5 points)

Other potential natural hazards faced by this place/region/country (2 points)

Total Population at time of event, total deaths/injuries from event (2 points) Once finished the table above, answer the six main factors for comparing and analyzing disasters 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequency: How often is the event likely to occur? Why? (2 points) Duration: How long did the event last? (1 point) Extent: Did the event affect a large area or region or a small one? (1 point) Speed of onset: Did the event happen quickly with no warning and over quickly or build slowly before the peak period? (2 points) 5. Spatial dispersion: Is the area likely to be affected by this particular event and why or why not? (2 points) 6. Temporal spacing: How did this disaster occur in time? Was it random or did it occur within a cycle? (2 points)

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