Anna Resume

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Anna McCubbin

1217 Center Street, Lansing, Michigan 54321 Home: (517)-627-1288 Objective !ant to "ecome a crime scene in#estigator EDUCATION $ran% Le%ge High Schoo&, $ran% Le%ge, Michigan 48837 '()ecte% gra%*ation +*ne, 2,14 '-'S. Career /re)aration Center at Lansing Comm*nit0 Co&&ege, Lansing, Michigan Crimina& +*stice /rogram, Se)tem"er, 2,131+*ne, 2,14 WORK EXPERIENCE Stocker, 2rion 3*rns, /a%*cah, 4ent*c50 Stoc5 materia&s on se&#es an% meas*re 6a"ric Utilit Worker! Mei7er, $ran% Le%ge, Michigan 3agger, cart )*sher, c*sto%ian, stoc5er, c*r"si%e ser#ice, c*stomer he&) 2,13-/resent


SKI""S Comm*nication S5i&&s 1 e()ressing i%eas, )ro#i%ing a))ro)riate 6ee%"ac5, &istening, o*tgoing )ersona&it0 2rgani8ationa& s5i&&s- c&eaning, stoc5ing 9eam!or5 H*man -e&ations- coo)erating, moti#ating, res)ect6*&

ACTI#ITIES AND ACCOMP"IS$MENTS Mem"er o6 $&ee :o&*nteere% at she&ters Certi6ication 6rom ;a&e Carnegie c&ass Ch*rch <o*th $ro*) 2,12-2,13 2,12-2,13 2,12-2,14 2,,=-2,14

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