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1.Solve the puzzle. What can you find between A and B? A 1 How do you write 1 ? 2 Mother was in the par ieri. ! How do you write 2nd? " #ulu$s brother is........... % How do you write !rd? & 't is yellow and sour and you (a e le(onade with it. ) *he ca e is too sweet. 't$ +ot too (uch,,,,,in it. - #ulu$s and #arry$s favourite chi(p is,,,,,,,,.

2. #ulu$s drea(s last ni+ht were very funny. How did she feel? .ead and write/






1.She was very happy because she danced with the prince. 2.She was very,,,,,,,,.at the house of the *hree Bears. *hey didn$t have any food. !.She was very,,,,,,,,at the house of the 1ountry Mouse. *here wasn$t anythin+ to do. ".She was very,,,,,,,,when she cli(bed he beanstal . She didn$t want to see the +iant. %.She was very,,,,,,,,because she s ated all day with the 2+ly 3uc lin+.

3.Write the 4uestions5 usin+ was or were. *hen5 (atch the( to the answers/ 1.you6at ho(e6last ni+ht? A. 7es5 it was yu((y.

Were you at home last night?

2. 8aul 6 at school6yesterday? ,,,,,,,,,,,,. !. :ohn and :ane6on holiday6last wee ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,. ". the food6nice6at lunchti(e? ,,,,,,,,,,,,.. %. the shops6 open6 yesterday? ,,,,,,,,,,,,.. B. 9o5 ' was at the cine(a.

1. 7es5 fro( ; o$cloc until % o$cloc . 3. 9o5 he as ill. <. 7es5 they were in =rance.





4.>eor+e and :an are tal in+ about their holiday last year. .ead and fill in/ >eor+e/ *he hotel was old. :an/ 9o5 it 1? wasnt. 't 2? was 4uite new. >eor+e/ *he roo(s were s(all. :an/ 9o5 they !?,,,,,,,,. *hey "?,,,,,,, really bi+@ >eor+e/ *he owner was Australian. :an/ 9o5 he %?,,,,,,,,, He &?,,,,,,,,..A(erican@ >eor+e/ *he food was awful. :an/ 9o5 it )?,,,,,,,,,. 't -?,,,,,,,,,.+reat@ >eor+e/ *he waiters were slow. :an/ 9o5 they ;?,,,,,,,, *hey 1A?,,,,,,,,..4uite fast@ >eor+e/ *he weather was cold. :an/ 9o5 it 11?,,,,,,,,.. 't 12?,,,,,,,,,...really hot@ Bh5 >eor+e. 7ou$ve +ot a terrible (e(ory@

5.#oo and write the ordinals in the correct order/

12th 3rd 5th 11th

first ,,,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,..

4th 2nd 21st 1st

15th 20th 6th

,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,

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