Jody S Lazarski-Tv Teaching Resume-Updated 8-24-12

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Jody S.

Lazarski Teaching Certifications:

Standard Certificate- Teacher of Audio/Visual Broadcast roduction Technology Standard Certificate-!le"entary !ducation #-$

rofessional %ork !&'erience:

%!ST%(() *!+,(-AL J*./S*. .,+. SC.((L )igital /edia Teacher 0 /S+ Varsity Ad1isor2 Se'te"3er 4565- resent Responsible to teach five sections of Digital Media and Digital Media II to students grades 8-12 Use 21st-Century tools in lessons with an e phasis on pro!ect based assess ents as evidence of learning Responsible for integrating "eb 2#$ tools into y Digital Media curriculu to ensure students are current in web technologies M%& 'arsity (dvisor responsible for ensuring student produced content reaches the M%& 'arsity platfor for internet and broadcast )il Club (dvisor overseeing student pro!ects and coverage of school events* responsible for overseeing activities such as ovie nights and field trips+ including trips to ,-C %tudios and Montclair %tate University.s -roadcasting depart ent LA,-7,!L) ACA)!/8 7(* T.! A*TS A-) A)VA-C!) ST9),!S : AAAS; Tele1ision roduction Teacher2 Se'te"3er 455<-June 4565 / 0aught 0' 1roduction theory and studio based classes to 2th and 8th grade students / Developed y own curriculu based upon e3perience in the 0' industry / De onstrate both technical and creative aspects of production to students with a focus on dedication and tea wor4 / %tudents analy5ed the nature of consu ing edia and analy5e how ethics play a valuable role in news and television production / 0ranslated 4nowledge of writing television show pitches+ proposals+ public service announce ents and co ercials to students / (naly5ed various careers within the television industry while infusing 21 st Century 0echnology into y teaching style / 1roduced pro!ects that allowed students to create their own videos and participate in a studio-based rotation perfor ing in each !ob role LA,-7,!L) .,+. SC.((L Tele1ision roduction Teacher2 January 455=-June 455< :transferred to AAAS for 455<-4565 school year; / 0aught si3 sections of 8$ inute 0elevision 1roduction classes that consisted of 11$ students / 0wo students were chosen as first Runner6s7 up in the Depart ent of 8ducation.s 91ro s and (lcohol Don.t Mi3: 1%( script writing co petition T*9 TV :7(*/!*L8 C(9*T TV; Associate )irector2 January 455>- -o1e"3er2 455> :staff; / )ece"3er2 455>-January2 455= :freelance; / (ssociate Director for live and taped dayti e shows and trial coverage including; 9<pen Court: with =isa -loo and 'innie 1olitian 90he -est Defense: with >a i )loyd 9Courtside: with (shleigh -anfield and >ac4 )ord 9Closing (rgu ents: with ,ancy &race 9%tar >ones: 9?ollywood ?eat: with (shleigh -anfield 6airs pri eti e7 / Responsible for traffic+ bac4 ti ing+ assisting Directors+ and all ele ent related preproduction / )ill in as a Director when needed Assign"ent )esk -e?s roduction Coordinator2 July 455@-January 455>-staff :7reelanced in this 'osition fro" /arch 455$-July 455@; / Responsible for good relationships with other networ4s and production houses / Responsible for gathering tape and news ele ents for various Court 0' shows / (cted as the point person for Court 0'.s co unication with C,, / &athered video fro locals for both live and taped trials and in e3change for trial coordinates / Responsible for boo4ing trans ission for various tape feeds or for our daily live trial feeds S!T(- .ALL 9-,V!*S,T8 AdAunct rofessor2 TV Studio roduction ,2 7all 455$ and S'ring 455@ se"esters / 0rained undergraduate students television production curriculu and all control roo and studio e@uip ent for a studio production / 0aught both technical and creative aspects of production with a focus on dedication and tea wor4 based on y own wor4 e3periences / &raded y students based on !ob e3pectations and recorded productions for reflection and review C!)A* +*(V! 9BL,C SC.((LS Su3stitute Teacher2 +rades #-64 School 8ear 455$-455@ / Responsible for teaching aterial re@uired by the classroo teacher at various grade levels


7*!!LA-C! ASS(C,AT! ),*!CT(*2 )ates Vary M0' ,ews+ M0' U+ M0'.s Direct 8ffect+ M0' <verdrive+ ,ew Aor4+ ,A->une 2$$B->uly 2$$C )U%8 0'+ 6'arious shows- SURSDFList7 ,ew Aor4+ ,A-%epte ber 2$$B->uly 2$$C )ood ,etwor4.s 30 Minute Meals with Rachel Ray ,ew Aor4+ ,A-<ctober 2$$B ,-C Universal.s Home Delivery+ ,ew Aor4+ ,A-<ctober 2$$E College %ports 0elevision ,etwor4 6C%0'7-<ctober 2$$F 7*!!LA-C! STA+! /A-A+!*2 )ates Vary 'arious ?oc4ey+ 0ennis G -as4etball 6DevilsDIslandersD%t# >ohn.s+ etc7-<ctober 2$$B->uly 2$$C 7*!!LA-C! 7(-T C((*),-AT(*2 )ates Vary 1&(#co -22th (nnual 1&( Cha pionship+ (ugust 2$$B F2nd (nnual Dayti e 8 y (wards+ May 2$$B 2Hth (nnual Dayti e 8 y (wards+ May 2$$2 7*!!LA-C! *((/ ),*!CT(*2 )ates Vary >un4et 1roductions+ King Kong, Dece ber 2$$B >un4et 1roductions+ The Secret in!ow, )ebruary 2$$E >un4et 1roductions+ Something"s #otta #ive, Dece ber 2$$F 7(B S (*TS -!T/-! 2 C,2 /ABD ?ith /a& #eller"an Associate )irector2 A'ril2 455E-7e3ruary 455$-staff / Responsible for tape traffic+ bac4 ti ing+ assisting Directors with e3ecution shows+ and preproduction T.! /A9*8 S.(% 4nd Associate )irector/Technical roduction Coordinator2 July 4556-A'ril 455E-staff / %upervised chyron and still store operations during tapings / 8dited graphics for relevance+ shot disposition and gra ar / (ssisted Director with tape traffic+ stills and graphics / Coordinated with 1ost 1roduction Depart ent for taping and ti ing infor ation / Coordinated license agree ents with legal dept# for all footage+ still+ or usic clearance /S-BC Control *oo"/*esearch roduction Assistant2 /ay 4555-/ay 4556- er"a-lance M%,-C.s S$ecial %!ition with Laurie Dhue* &rime Files* MS'(& )nvestigates / )unctioned as liaison between M%,-C and out-of-house production co panies for ele ents / %upervised graphics during liveDtaped shows assisting Director with C& hit ti es / (ssisted producer by fact chec4ing+ logging+ pre-interviewing+ transcribing field tapes and selecting ,ntern2 January 4555-/ay 4555 Hea!liners an! Legen!s with Matt Lauer / Researched* logged tapes* shot graphics* assisted 81 during show tapings* attended edits

usic cuts

ABC2 ,-C. Cor'orate Co""unications and Synergy )e'art"ent ,ntern2 /arch 6<<<-August 6<<< / <rgani5ed onthly eetings* co piled the %ynergy Depart ent.s calendar and special su aries* organi5ed and updated %ynergy files
.onors and Affiliations: / 2$$$ &racie (llen (ward+ ?onorable Mention+ 9<ut of the -roo Closet: national co petition+ ( erican "o en in Radio and 0elevision / <ne of three students who were the first broadcasting group at Montclair %tate University to receive ("R0 recognition / (chieve ent in 1roducing+ <utstanding 1roducerD"riter--roadcasting Depart ent at M%U+ 2$$$

/ 83cellent co unications s4ills* 4nowledge of "eb 2#$ tools* strong use of technology integration into lesson plans* ethodologies focused on cooperative learning and pro!ect based learning* e3perience using % art -oard and 1ro ethiu * )inal Cut editing e3perience* 4nowledge of control roo studio e@uip ent functions

rofessional !ducation:
>uly+ 2$11-1resent >anuary+ 2$$8->une+ 2$$H >anuary+ 2$$2-Dece ber+ 2$$2 -oise %tate University+ 8ducational 0echnology Master.s 1rogra %t# 1eter.s College (lternate Route 8ducation 1rogra

&raduate %chool 6co pleted one 8ducation Course before getting hired in Plainfield)
Montclair %tate University.s


1ost--accalaureate 1rogra classes7

>anuary+ 1HH8-May+ 2$$$ >une+ 1HHC->anuary+ 1HH8 %epte ber 1HH2->une+ 1HHC Montclair %tate University Undergraduate %chool -achelor of (rts in %peech and 0heater Concentration; -roadcasting D Minor; >ournalis Caldwell College-Co unications Ma!or 1assaic 'alley Regional ?igh %chool

6prior to (lternate Route


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