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Meet The Gods and Goddesses

Kelsey, John, Taylor

Student Selection - 26 students; 15 girls, 11 boys Girls

A. mother wants reduced workload - gone a lot B. Identical Twin - giggly - switch places C. Identical Twin - giggly - switch places D. Speech Disorder - misses class E. Possible Abuse - reduced self-esteem

F. IEP - ADHD G. IEP - ADHD H. IEP - ADHD I. Severe Behavior Disorder - aggression J. Tests Read - Extra books at home K. Dyslexic - books on tape, tests read L. 6th grade - math accelerated - 3 languages M. Older brother & dad have passed away recently (separated).

Seating Plan

Bell Ringer

Who is your favorite Greek God or Goddess, and why?

Group Activity - Meeting the Gods

- In Table groups: read the handout on Greek Gods as a group (quietly).
After you finish reading the handout, work on creating a bio-poem for your assigned God or Goddess in the given format. When you finish this as a group, you will turn in the poem to the teacher/s for a grade (part participation, part correctness).

After you TURN IN your assignment, get out your computer (or one
from the mobile lab) quietly and wait for instructions.

With your computers out, navigate to:

For Next Time, bring in:

A short, handwritten biography about a Greek God or create a bio poem about yourself as a Greek God (to be hung around the room to present at a later date).

Time Plan
Bell Ringer: 2 minutes Activity: 6 minutes Assessment: 6 minutes Total Time: 14 minutes

John (History) - 7-W2.1.3 Examine early civilizations to describe their common features (ways of governing, stable food supply, economic and social structures, use of resources and technology, division of labor and forms of communication). Taylor & Kelsey (English) - W.GN.07.01 write a cohesive narrative piece such as a memoir, drama, legend, mystery, poetry, or myth that includes appropriate conventions to the genre employing literary and plot devices (e.g., internal and/or external conicts, antagonists/protagonists, personication).

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