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Tantramar Regional High School Broad Based Technology 9 Design Process

Company President (your name):

Period: Pro!ect Title:

Chad Alder th period "#ame$

Your TuTu needs are our command

Design Brie%:



Our game is creative and fun. It consists of 3 levels with 5 stages in each, the stages do not have an order, they are random and crazy. 1. In Burnout aradise! O"oma had cam#aign $ds on "ill"oards around the trac%s and streets. &. In ever'uest &! you could order #izza from izza (ut right from the game to your house. 3. In infamous &! there)s a *u"way in one of the missions, and you can return to the s#ot where the *u"way is in free#lay. +. In madden ,-. 13! there)s a verizon half time show, aerial coverage "y snic%ers. 5. In /razy 0a1i! you can go to #izza hut. .ots of games advertise different #roducts during their game#lay. 2y game really doesn)t have a s#ecific #lot or story line, its mainly for fun, the levels are random, they mean nothing. 3n4oy5

&&& 'se this template e(ery time you )egin a ne* pro!ect+ ,t is important to %ully thin- out e(ery aspect o% your pro!ects so you create the )est %inished product you are capa)le o%. Don/t %orget to delete all the te0t *ithin the ta)les and here. &&&

Brainstorming Board

Scenario 1: 6escri#tion and information5

Scenario 2: 6escri#tion and information5

Scenario 3: 6escri#tion and information5

Scenario : 6escri#tion and information5

Scenario 4: 6escri#tion and information5

Scenario 5: 6escri#tion and information5

Scenario 6: 6escri#tion and information5

Scenario 7: 6escri#tion and information5

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