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-01223 42567 !889:;<
!8K>86M :; 5998;75;08 N868H Mlke Corradl, newLon uavls, Cordon Llnhorn, Melvln lager,
1erry Cllman, uavld !ohn, and Mlchael 8lchards

!8K>86M ;29 :; 5998;75;08 N868H 8arbara Layne and amela rlce

-95OOPQ?>3:0 :; 5998;75;08 N868H ur. Lorl Suskl, SuperlnLendenL of Schools, ChrlsLlne
MosLoller, AsslsLanL Lo Lhe SuperlnLendenL for Currlculum, lnsLrucLlon, and AssessmenL,
uavld lranklln, AsslsLanL Lo Lhe SuperlnLendenL for llnance and CperaLlons/8oard
SecreLary, !ody Zorbaugh, CommunlcaLlons SpeclallsL/8ecordlng SecreLary, !osh 8leecher,
CompuLer 1echnlclan, Marle urazenovlch, ulrecLor of SLudenL Servlces, Peldl Zula, ulrecLor
of Puman 8esources, 8lll Melser, ulrecLor of CperaLlons, Chrls SaLLele, Mlddle School
AsslsLanL rlnclpal, !eremy klng, Plgh School AsslsLanL rlnclpal/ulrecLor of ALhleLlcs, 1om
Shaffer, llnk LlemenLary rlnclpal, !usLlne Shlppllng, !ennlfer Wlllard, !odl Sessa, ulsLrlcL
rofesslonal SLaff, 8lck 8urglL, uon CowserL, Ld Cralg, uavld Crlck, kelll lrederlck, Mlchael
Carman, Wllllam Poyer, Lora LaverLy, Marlna Mlller, 8ob Mongold, Shawn Myers, Mlchael
8alph, urew 1rump, Ld Pelsey, ulsLrlcL CperaLlons SLaff, kyra 8lzk, 8achael 8usnov, vlcLorla
WhlLe, Cameron ulckerson, Mackenzle Lombardl, Megan Cobaugh, Lllen and nlck
urawbaugh, eggy and nlc Maneval, 8lch and 8arb klnsey, 8rad and naLhanlel klnsey, Llnda
Mehaffle, Clndy MorLzfeldL, klmb !ohn, Mlchael 1rump, lnLeresLed SLudenLs and ClLlzens.

.533 92 '6786 Mr. !ohn called Lhe meeLlng Lo order and announced LhaL School 8oard
resldenL, Ms. 8arbara Layne, was unable Lo aLLend because she ls sLlll
recoverlng from a car accldenL. Mr. !ohn asked Lhose presenL Lo
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe ledge of Alleglance and a momenL of sllenL
,233 .533 Mr. !ohn asked Lhe SecreLary, uavld lranklln, Lo call Lhe roll. A quorum
was presenL as noLed above. Mr. !ohn noLed LhaL Ms. rlce was ouL of
Lown on buslness and Ms. Layne was absenL due Lo lllness as noLed
!"#$%&'(#)%" %+
,--#)". /'-0#0 1"&

-9?78;9 .2KK8;9M -9?78;9 .2?;0:3H ur. Suskl lnLroduced Cameron ulckerson, Mackenzle
Lombardl and vlcLorla WhlLe. 1he sLudenLs reporLed on Lhe acLlvlLles of
SLudenL Councll.

R8@ .3?>H ur. Suskl lnLroduced 8achael 8usnov and kyra 8lzk. 1he
sLudenLs reporLed on Lhe acLlvlLles of key Club.

ur. Suskl called upon klmb !ohn Lo reporL on Lhe upcomlng MAPS
Sprlng Muslcal on lebruary 27, 28 and March 1. Mrs. !ohn lnvlLed Lhe
meeLlng parLlclpanLs Lo aLLend Lhe muslcal and sald LlckeLs are now
avallable. Mrs. !ohn sald LhaL Lhere ls sLlll a need for approxlmaLely Len
adulLs for backsLage help. Mrs. !ohn sald LhaL Lhe sLudenLs are worklng
hard Lo be ready and are Lrylng Lo caLch up from Lhe days mlssed for
lnclemenL weaLher.
,802<;:9:2;M ur. Suskl lnLroduced Megan Cobaugh as Lhe SLudenL of Lhe MonLh for
lebruary and nlck urawbaugh as Lhe 8oLary SLudenL of Lhe MonLh for
lebruary. Megan selecLed Ms. !ennlfer Wlllard as Lhe educaLor who has
mosL lnfluenced her school career and nlck selecLed Ms. !usLlne
Shlppllng as Lhe educaLor who has mosL lnfluenced hls school career.
1he sLudenLs and educaLors came forward Lo be congraLulaLed by Lhe
8oard members.
Coach Chrls SaLLele was recognlzed by Lhe board for achlevlng hls 100

vlcLory as a varslLy 8oys 8askeLball coach.
nlcholas Maneval was recognlzed by Lhe board for belng drafLed as an
All SLar for Lhe CenLral ennsylvanla lnLerscholasLlc Pockey League.
naLhanlel klnsey was recognlzed by Lhe board for achlevlng a perfecL
score aL Lhe uecember 2013 meeL of Lhe WordMasLers Challenge.
MalnLenance sLaff members were acknowledged for Lhelr dedlcaLed
servlce ln asslsLlng wlLh clean-up and repalr of Lhe MAPS cafeLerla afLer
a plpe bursL on !anuary 8, 2014: ken 8louch, Mlke 8louch, !oe CorsnlLz,
uon CowserL, Ld Cralg, 8odger CraLer, uavld Crlck, uan uuncan, kelll
lrederlck, Cody lrledrlch, Mlke Carman, 8lll Parned, Ld Pelsey, 8lll
Poyer, Lora LaverLy, MaLL LaverLy, Marlna Mlller, 8ob Mongold, Shawn
Myers, 8rendon arkhlll, Mlke 8alph, 1odd Sldes, 8rlan SLehle, urew
1rump. 1hose presenL aL Lhe meeLlng came forward Lo be presenLed
wlLh a cerLlflcaLe of recognlLlon.
ur. Suskl recognlzed Mr. Wllllam Melser, ulrecLor of CperaLlons, who
wlll be deployed for hls fourLh Lour of duLy ln Lhe Alr lorce 8eserves.
ur. Suskl sald LhaL he wlll be mlssed greaLly and LhaL everyone looks
forward Lo hls safe reLurn ln Lhe fall.
Q68M8;959:2;M Clndy MorLzfeldL, LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe CaplLal Area lnLermedlaLe
unlL, presenLed an overvlew of Lhe servlces provlded by Lhe CAlu Lo

Lhe member dlsLrlcLs.
Q?>3:0 .2KK8;9 no one came forward aL Lhls Llme. Mr. !ohn commenLed LhaL lL ls a
pleasure Lo recognlze sLudenLs because lL remlnds us why we are here.
Secretarys Report
!:;?98M Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
mlnuLes of Lhe !anuary 27, 2014 School 8oard MeeLlng. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
.2KK?;:059:2;M Mr. lranklln sald Lhe 8oard CommlLLee Calendar for March 2014 was
aLLached Lo Lhe agenda.
Treasurers Report Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
the Treasurers Report for !anuary 2014. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
4:33 $:M9M Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
S$:M9 2O Q5:7 4:33MS wlLh LoLals by fund, as deLalled. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
lund 10 - Ceneral lund $133,213.26
lund 32 - CaplLal 8eserve lund $43,403.49
lund 39 - CaplLal ro[ecLs lund $0
lund 31 - lood Servlce lund $0
lund 39 - WMSS 8adlo SLaLlon lund $1,138.27
lund 72 - Lxpendable 1rusL lund $200.00
lund 74 - nonexpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 81 - SLudenL AcLlvlLles lund $6,667.33

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
Lhe S$:M9 2O L;I5:7 4:33MS wlLh LoLals by fund, as deLalled. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
lund 10 - Ceneral lund $378,702.09
lund 32 - CaplLal 8eserve lund $4,340.99
lund 39 - CaplLal ro[ecLs lund $0
lund 31 - lood Servlce lund $93,321.44
lund 39 - WMSS 8adlo SLaLlon lund $3,604.00
lund 72 - Lxpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 74 - nonexpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 81 - SLudenL AcLlvlLles lund $1,799.31
'37 4?M:;8MM none
5(1&-7)( 5++1)$0
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. uavls reporLed for Lhe Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee.




=:837 &6:IM


-01223 .538;756
1he mlnuLes from Lhe lebruary 11, 2014 Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee
MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. uavls moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo walve ollcy
#003 requlrlng a flrsL readlng and Lo adopL lnLerlm revlslons Lo ollcy
#913 wlLhouL a flrsL readlng. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo
0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

Mr. uavls moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
addlLlon of Lhe followlng courses Lo Lhe MlddleLown Area Plgh School
Course SelecLlon Culde for Lhe 2014-13 school year. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

1. Muslc 1heory ll (elecLlve)
2. Advanced lacemenL 8lology
3. PlsLory 1hrough opular CulLure (Soclal SLudles elecLlve)
4. AsLronomy (Sclence elecLlve)
3. non-flcLlon 8eadlng/WrlLlng 1hrough SporLs (Lngllsh elecLlve)
6. uramaLlc ArLs ll (Lngllsh elecLlve)
7. Senlor MaLh (.3 credlL maLh elecLlve, non nCAA)

Mr. uavls moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe fleld
Lrlps llsLed below. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

1. MlddleLown Area Mlddle School SLudenL Councll Lo Lhe ASC ulsLrlcL
Conference aL Pallfax Plgh School on lrlday, March 7, 2014 wlLh Lhe
ulsLrlcL coverlng Lhe cosL for Lwo subsLlLuLe Leachers.
2. MlddleLown Area Mlddle School 8Lh grade class Lo WashlngLon, u.C.
on May 28, 2014 aL no cosL Lo Lhe ulsLrlcL.

Mr. uavls moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve a
revlslon Lo Lhe subgranL conLracL beLween Lhe ulsLrlcL and CAlu for an
lncrease of $82 ln luLA fundlng for 2013-14 for a new LoLal of
$424,268. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. uavls moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo revlse Lhe
2013-14 academlc calendar Lo reflecL Lhe reclasslflcaLlon of flve (3) days
as AcL 80 excepLlons for sLaff developmenL and/or parenL/Leacher
conferences as allowable under AcL 80. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon
was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

Mr. uavls moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
ulsLrlcL calendar for Lhe 2014-13 school year. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe

moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
2-$0%""-< 9%77)##--
Mr. Llnhorn reporLed for Lhe ersonnel CommlLLee.



$85U8 2O +>M8;08

.15;<8 2O
%KI32@K8;9 -959?M

1he mlnuLes from Lhe lebruary 11, 2014 ersonnel CommlLLee MeeLlng
were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
reLlremenLs of Lhe lndlvlduals llsLed below. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

1. Llsa valenLl, 1eacher, effecLlve !une 30, 2014
2. uonna Pughes, 1eacher, effecLlve !une 30, 2014

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
reslgnaLlon of !ennlfer uavy, arL-1lme non-lnsLrucLlonal Alde,
effecLlve !anuary 27, 2014. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve a
leave wlLhouL pay requesL for Lorralne 8ose, lnsLrucLlonal Alde, from
lebruary 12, 2014 Lo lebruary 20, 2014. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
Lhe change of employmenL sLaLus for Lhe lndlvlduals llsLed below. 1he
voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

1. uavld Crlck from a CusLodlan (MALSA, CusLodlan 1A) Lo a Pead
CusLodlan (MALSA, CusLodlan 2) aL an hourly raLe of $12.33
effecLlve !anuary 31, 2014
2. uavld 1ennls from a Pead CusLodlan (MALSA, CusLodlan 2) Lo a
CusLodlan (MALSA, CusLodlan 1A) aL an hourly raLe of $11.80
effecLlve lebruary 3, 2014.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo adopL
revlslons Lo ollcy #439 (uncompensaLed Leave - rofesslonal
Lmployees) afLer a flrsL readlng and Lo walve ollcy #003 requlrlng a
flrsL readlng and Lo adopL revlslons Lo ollcy #339 (uncompensaLed
Leave - AdmlnlsLraLlve Lmployees) and ollcy #339 (uncompensaLed
Leave - Classlfled Lmployees) wlLhouL a flrsL readlng. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. 8lchards reporLed for Lhe CperaLlons CommlLLee.

.2;M96?09:2; Q62W809M

%V?:IK8;9 Q?6015M8M


LM8 2O =50:3:9:8M

1he mlnuLes from Lhe lebruary 12, 2014 CperaLlons CommlLLee
MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo revlse Lhe
agreemenL wlLh 8audenbush Lnglneerlng, lnc. Lo provlde clvll
englneerlng servlces as a consulLanL Lo Lhe deslgn professlonal for an
lncrease ln Lhe scope of work aL a cosL of $23,492.30. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Llnhorn seconded a moLlon Lo purchase
securlLy equlpmenL and lnsLallaLlon from Cholce SecurlLy Servlces for
Lhe CperaLlons 8ulldlng and Lhe Mlddle School wlLh CaplLal 8eserve
funds aL a LoLal cosL of $33,330 uslng CosLars prlclng for maLerlals and
sLaLe conLracL prlclng for lnsLallaLlon. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon
was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
agreemenL wlLh Lhe Amerlcan naLlonal 8ed Cross Lo provlde Lhe Plgh
School and/or Lhe Mlddle School as mass care shelLer faclllLles ln Lhe
evenL of a dlsasLer or emergency. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was
7 Lo 0.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
use of faclllLles on Lhe llsLlng aLLached Lo Lhe agenda. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo award Lhe
bld for Lhe fleld supplles llsLed below Lo Lhe vendors llsLed as Lhe
lowesL responslble bldders have decllned Lo provlde Lhe lLems as
awarded ln board acLlon on november 23, 2013. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

1. Andre & Son - ferLlllzer & ryegrass aL a cosL of $8,348
2. !amco roducLs - lmadacloprlc aL a cosL of $1,348
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. Cllman reporLed for Lhe ALhleLlcs/AcLlvlLles CommlLLee.

1he mlnuLes from Lhe lebruary 12, 2014 ALhleLlcs/AcLlvlLles CommlLLee
MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.


%V?:IK8;9 Q?6015M8M

Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
employmenL of Lhe lndlvlduals or volunLeers on Lhe llsLlngs aLLached Lo
Lhe agenda as co-currlcular and exLra-currlcular personnel for Lhe 2013-
2014 school year aL Lhe sLlpends llsLed, pendlng submlsslon of all
requlred clearances. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34--

Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
purchase of four (4) banners for currenL and former Mld enn
Champlonshlps aL a LoLal cosL of $326.73. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
purchase of (13) LhlrLeen plaques for Lhe Mld enn CaplLal ulvlslon
champlons aL a LoLal cosL noL Lo exceed $323.00. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
@)"1"(- 9%77)##--
Mr. Llnhorn reporLed for Lhe llnance CommlLLee.


%V?:IK8;9 Q?6015M8M


1he mlnuLes from Lhe lebruary 11, 2014 llnance CommlLLee MeeLlng
were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
agreemenLs llsLed below. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

1. A1&1 Lo provlde cellular and daLa LelecommunlcaLlons servlces aL a
base monLhly cosL of $773.40 (before L-raLe on cellular plans only)
on a monLh-Lo-monLh basls beglnnlng !uly 1, 2014 Lhrough !une 30,
2. Sunesys Lo provlde a neLwork connecLlon beLween Lhe CperaLlons
and AdmlnlsLraLlon bulldlngs aL a monLhly cosL of $298 for Lhe 2014-
13 school year
3. Sunesys Lo provlde a neLwork connecLlon beLween Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlon 8ulldlng and llnk LlemenLary School aL a monLhly
cosL of $1,800 for Lhe 2014-13 school year

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
purchase of a safe and furnlLure from 1anner of A, lnc. aL an
esLlmaLed cosL of $13,323 uslng CosLars and u.S. CommunlLles prlclng
and CaplLal 8eserve funds. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

1he LlecLronlc 8ecords and SlgnaLure ollcy #819 was presenLed for
flrsL readlng. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8


Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo adopL Lhe
Ceneral lund 8udgeL as presenLed on Lhe uL-2028 documenL
aLLached Lo Lhe agenda as Lhe prellmlnary budgeL for Lhe 2014-2013
school year ln accordance wlLh AcL 1 of 2006. A roll call voLe was Laken
and Lhe voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0 wlLh all members
presenL voLlng ln Lhe afflrmaLlve. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
)8N 4?M:;8MM
5(1&-7)( 5++1)$0
Mr. uavls moved and Mr. Llnhorn seconded a moLlon Lo approve a fleld
Lrlp for approxlmaLely 43 Plgh School sLudenLs Lo new ?ork ClLy on
May 9, 2014 wlLh Lhe ulsLrlcL provldlng Lhe cosL of Lwo subsLlLuLe
Leachers. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo add Mlddle
Creek Search and 8escue Lo Lhe faclllLy usage caLegory llsL for Lhe 2013-
2014 school year as a CaLegory 4 organlzaLlon. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo walve
ulsLrlcL pollcy prohlblLlng dogs on school grounds and approve Lhe use
of faclllLles on Lhe llsLlng aLLached Lo Lhe agenda. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. lager seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
agreemenL wlLh Approved Code Servlces, lnc. Lo provlde elecLrlcal
revlew and lnspecLlon for Lhe Plgh School pro[ecL aL a cosL of $3,623.
1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. Llnhorn seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
employmenL of Lhe lndlvlduals or volunLeers on Lhe llsLlngs aLLached Lo
Lhe agenda as co-currlcular and exLra-currlcular personnel for Lhe 2013-
2014 school year aL Lhe sLlpends llsLed, pendlng submlsslon of all
requlred clearances. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
@)"1"(- 9%77)##-- Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
agreemenL wlLh ComcasL Lo provlde a neLwork connecLlon beLween Lhe
Plgh School and kunkel LlemenLary School aL a monLhly cosL of
$2,447.90 from !uly 1, 2014 Lhrough !une 30, 2016. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

.5I:953 +685
";986K87:598 L;:9
Ms. Layne was absenL, Lherefore no reporL was glven.
#5?I1:; .2?;9@
&801;:053 -01223
Mr. uavls asked board members Lo compleLe Lhe balloLs aL Lhelr seaLs
and reLurn Lhem Lo Mr. lranklln.
/566:M>?6< +685
.2KK?;:9@ .2338<8
Ms. Layne and Ms. rlce were absenL, Lherefore no reporL was glven.
'3KM987 ,8<:2;53
,806859:2; 42567
Ms. Layne was absenL and Mr. lager had noLhlng Lo reporL.
Q-4+ $:5:M2; Mr. !ohn reporLed LhaL Lhe leglslaLure ls currenLly ln budgeL hearlngs
and commenLed abouL Lhe poLenLlal for lncreases ln educaLlon fundlng.
ur. Suskl reporLed LhaL Ms. Layne ls recuperaLlng well and LhaL she
asked ur. Suskl Lo Lhank everyone for Lhelr supporL. ur. Suskl Lhanked
Mr. Melser for hls servlce Lo our counLry and wlshed hlm a safe reLurn.
ur. Suskl sald she ls looklng forward Lo Lhe Plgh School Muslcal, SLaLe
lalr, and noted Lhe speclal maLlnee performance for senlor clLlzens on
Wednesday, lebruary 26, 2014. ur. Suskl sLaLed LhaL Lhe Plgh School
wlll have an early dlsmlssal on lrlday, lebruary 28, 2014 Lo allow
senlors Lo presenL Lhelr career acLlon plans. ur. Suskl sald LhaL she wlll
be parLlclpaLlng ln a weblnar abouL Lhe sLaLe budgeL and looks forward
Lo hearlng more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe proposed fundlng lncreases.
,2?;795>38 Mr. Cllman wlshed Mr. Melser a safe reLurn from hls deploymenL and
congraLulaLed Lhe sLudenLs and Coach SaLLele on Lhelr achlevemenLs.

Mr. uavls congraLulaLed Coach SaLLele and Lhanked Mr. Melser for hls

Mr. 8lchards sald lL was a good nlghL of well-deserved recognlLlon of
sLudenLs and sLaff and Lold Mr. Melser Lo geL home safe and qulckly.

Mr. lager congraLulaLed Coach SaLLele and lnsLrucLed Mr. Melser Lo
sLay safe. Mr. lager commenLed on Lhe ouLsLandlng work of Lhe
malnLenance sLaff. Mr. lager sald LhaL he noLlced Lhere ls a leak ln Lhe
offlce area and Lhe ongolng problems afflrm Lhe need for a new Plgh

Mr. Corradl sald someLlmes Lhe hard work of Lhe malnLenance sLaff
goes unnoLlced and he appreclaLed Lhelr well-deserved recognlLlon.
Mr. Corradl wlshed Mr. Melser a safe Lrlp and qulck reLurn.

Mr. Llnhorn dlLLoed hls colleagues, Lold Mr. Melser he wlll be mlssed
and wlshed for a qulck and safe reLurn.

Mr. !ohn Lhanked Lhe malnLenance sLaff and acknowledged LhaL lL was
nlce Lo meeL Lhem ln person. Mr. !ohn reporLed for Lhe arenLs of
erformers LhaL Lhough Lhe weaLher has been challenglng, Lhe sLudenLs
have worked hard. Mr. !ohn Lhanked Lhe parenLs for Lhelr help ln
bulldlng seLs and noLed Lhe need for addlLlonal adulL crew members.
Mr. !ohn announced LhaL Zac CaLes wlll be parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe ?MCA
naLlonal ?ouLh Advocacy uays and LhaL he wlll be aLLendlng a brleflng
nexL 1uesday aL Lhe WhlLe Pouse. Mr. !ohn Lhanked Mr. Melser for hls
good work for Lhe ulsLrlcL and hls servlce Lo our counLry. Mr. !ohn
wlshed hlm well ln hls deploymenL and Cod speed for a safe reLurn.
+7W2?6;K8;9 Mr. !ohn announced LhaL Lhe school board would meeL ln LxecuLlve
Sesslon Lo dlscuss legal maLLers upon ad[ournmenL of Lhe meeLlng. Mr.
8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo ad[ourn. 1he
voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 1he meeLlng ad[ourned aL 7:31


uavld A. lranklln, 8oard SecreLary

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