VocabList N4

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JLPT N4 Vocab List

This is not a cumulative list. (It doesn't contain the vocab needed by JLPT N5).
! "# $% &%

Ah like that to g eet a s!ace to match in"ant to ise baby


to o!en# to become em!ty accesso y to give shallo$#su!e "icial "lavou Asia tomo o$ !lay

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' ')

( ) *+, -. /.

to gathe to collect something announce A" ica Ame ica to a!ologi%e alcohol !a t&time 'ob elie" sa"ety such to guide less than $ith the e(ce!tion o" medical science to live o!inion stone

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< E H 9

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? KL M

) J

to tease mo e than#this is all to hu y (humble) to do (humble) to eceive once $ith utmost e""o t "ull th ead $ithin count yside to ! ay ( es!ect"ul) to be#to come o to go to !lant#to g o$ to visit ecei!t to take a lesson o test to move

&L N N



V ?> XY Z

W < < [ \T9


_` _H a

HH H b

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& c d9 e f g 9 h ( i jkl \ km n9 op opr oa q q9s Q tu.vw x yz ^ ^\z

a lie $ithin to hit beauti"ul to co!y o !hotog a!h to move house o t ans"e am delicious eve se side !lace $he e things a e sold glad (in"o mal) yes to d ive d ive to e(e cise escalato b anch# t$ig to choose

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^kJ }h~<

to be ese ved# to be est ained ( es!ect"ul) to be cong atulation moto cycle o$ing to st ange o "unny one hund ed million

} 645 } }9

k n 9n } }

} } J

oo"to! gi"t to send to be late to $ake to do to get ang y#to be ang y closet young lady (!olite) you house to "all o d o!

}k[ } }n } }< } }9n } J

}N }

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}T9 }TW }k k }k }G } }W }W }Qk }Q }Q }(k }( }1 } } } @k }q }1 }k }

( es!ect"ul) to say husband change " om !u chase# balance sound#note to d o! a dance to dance to be su ! ised "estival calling on someone $ho is ill#en)ui y souveni to emembe to think#to "eel toy the " ont !a ents to get o"" to b eak o to "old

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} n k

}n }n }k .,

e(! ession o" g atitude to b eak o be "olded the end cu tain coast meeting meeting oom assembly hall o meeting !lace conve sation etu n to change science mi o to hang something to deco ate "i e !et ol !et ol

l k ^ -C H

9 ^k ^ H u , J

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,uw, ** `H N N NH J T > 9 < <9 <\

!et ol station ha d sha!e to tidy u! section manage to $in a!!ea ance house$i"e sad ce tainly#necessa ily ich man she#gi l" iend $all to mind hai to bite#to che$ to commute a glass !ane

} *} [ ( u J

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\ k ^ ^

n n\ k ^ H b N E E EH E^ E9 s

he#boy" iend they to get d y substitute#alte nate to change to conside elationshi! "emale nu se sim!le s!i it#mood o!!o tunity dange to be hea d steam t ain a t#technology#skill season egulations su ely


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9 ) K K

E E%9 Ez E( E E) E E[ E Es Es EJ EJ EJ& EJ E L E J

silk st ict mood to be decided (in"o mal) +ou (used by men to$a ds $omen) to decide "eeling#mood kimono guest#custome u gent# stee! s!eedy# e(! ess education chu ch com!etition an inte est neighbou hood condition#health ai #atmos!he e

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ai !o t g ass ( es!ect"ul) to give neck cloud to com!a e to give to get da k#to come to an end su""i( "o "amilia young male hai o "u to !lan to e(!e ience "inance#economy !olice cake to in'u e scene#landsca!e e ase

% \ n

n H H HH H H H

H9E H9

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@ 9q

9s HT9q HnQ*HnQ

lodging neve ho$eve cause#sou ce to )ua el esea ch study oom#labo ato y sightseeing child this $ay outski ts lectu e the manu"actu ing indust y high school high school student "acto y headmaste t a""ic#t ans!o tation

HEs HEs9 Hz

A D l


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C !" #$ 8 %&' () b* ,

Q WT b9s

audito ium high school gove nment $o ke inte national co e#hea t (hono able) you husband to b eak&do$n kno$ing#ac)uaintance es!onse a "east thing#matte small bi d the othe day# ecently these days#no$adays small# "ine ubbish to be c o$ded uncooked ice

9J b+ N^ b& W


Wk [ [b

( b

0 1

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b\~< n\ 2 3 3n n 3,6 4P Q 3,56w*3,56w 47 8 89 8: ; < @ = @ 1 E b 9J

( es!ect"ul) to see a"te this " ightening to b eak to be b oken conce t no$#ne(t time com!ute tonight latest#no$adays last#end beginning#"i st slo!e#hill to look "o to get do$n#to descend !o!ula ity#! os!e ous to hang#to lo$e #to move back (!olite) to give

>9 9

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TE ?9 @A @B %9 \ \9s C DL E L J ,C2 ,5FG HI J K L MN 9 9N 9 L ( 9H 9

some time ago lonely the month a"te ne(t the $eek a"te ne(t salad to make noise#to be e(cited to touch indust y sandal sand$ich disa!!ointment city cha acte match#game method a !a ticula e(amination accident

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9 9N 9N 9Tk

ea th)uake ea unde $ea to ! e!a e "i mly#steadily "ailu e#mistake dictiona y goods little $hile island citi%en o""ice society#!ublic com!any ! esident hind ance#int usion 'am " eedom custom#manne s


9TU q 9<[ 9m\

X JY ! Z Z

9( 9 9J 9 9J ( ![

\] _`

^ 9s

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a bc d e f g hi jk -C -l mn op q@ r rsW u p\ v

s9J sQ sz 9sTE 9sTU 9s s% 9J 9JT 9J 9JN 9J 9J\ 9J

an add ess#a esidence 'udo enough to attend to de!a t hobby to ! e!a e int oduction elementa y school novel to invite to consent "utu e#! os!ects to have a meal g oce ies $oman to noti"y to investigate

9JkJt J 9\ 9\

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'w xZ y 8z {Z |} |c

!o!ulation ,hinto sh ine kindness to $o y ne$s!a!e com!any s$imming $ate su!!ly e(t emely mathematics#a ithmetic suit suitcase to e(ceed to become em!ty sc een te i"ic to make ! og ess com!letely st aight#all o" a sudden

9 9U 9z9 ^ Q z


u uu


b Tk TW

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u q q uv < m\9 k W D D e l" E ) <

steak to th o$ a$ay ste eo sand $onde "ul to slide#to sli! co ne #nook to "inish !ick!ocket then to live to ! oduce !olitics#gove nment $este n count ies the $o ld seat e(!lanation back o" the body

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;t ;; & U & q & &q &J & -6 & &nh &n~ &nQ && &<

$ithout "ail to look a"te line not enti ely (used in a negative sentence) $a senio eally to discuss to ea #to b ing u! g aduation g and"athe so"t g andmothe because o" that mo eove to that e(tent g adually#soon that so t o"

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&<~ CD N N Nq w5 n z N N}n \ 9 q N9 N N N N9 NN Nq

so much#like that to leave hos!ital unive sity student im!o tant#valuable#se ious matte gene ally usually ty!e#style g eatly ty!hoon to b eak do$n so#the e"o e de"inite to add a numbe to visit to ask co ect Ja!anese st a$ mat to stand something u!

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q ^m -9 -

Nq NW^m N< N[9 N[9 N(~

to build "o e(am!le shelves 'oy to en'oy onesel" occasionally in o de to no good to be enough male heating blood to check st ength#!o$e not at all (used $ith a negative ve b) su""i( "o "amilia "emale !e son caution 'unio high school#middle school

N) )

k u


\ TW


s sT

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l O (^

s9 s9 k (^ E J

in'ection !a king lot geog a!hy to sei%e moon to be attached to soak#to !ickle ci cumstances#convenience to e!o t to be continued to continue to $ a! (humble) $i"e intention to "ish to lead !olite te(t#te(t book

` H ^ H

H b N^ H ( k

n q u6

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suitability as much as !ossible to assist tennis glove tem!le !oint#dot sho! assistant $eathe "o ecast elect ic light teleg am e(hibition met o!olitan tool#means "inally# a"te all %oo distant to go th ough

q u

r " c

qz q\ q q qE hW h q\ W QL WW

a {

Qz^ W} W}

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W~ W W1

!a ticula ly#es!ecially s!ecial ba be on the $ay limited e(! ess t ain ("aste than an e(! ess t ain) to each to lodge at to sto! something to e(change thie" mo e and mo e to "i(#to e!ai to be "i(ed#to be e!ai ed to be cu ed#to heal conside ably to $ee! to disa!!ea #to get lost to die

K H ( )


k^ Wk^ Q QQ < < <} <} <} << < << <<

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< <

to th o$ o cast a$ay ( es!ect"ul) to do to sound as much as !ossible no$ I unde stand to g o$ accustomed to a smell bitte t$o sto ied to esca!e 'ou nal to hos!italise to ente school o unive sity to be simila doll# "igu e to steal to !aint#to !laste to get $et

< < <Q


<n ~}

q # C '

~ ~q ~ ~TE ~s ~s ~ ~J n

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T9 H [ [Q k^ [k^ k l [k[ m 6 G B oz ) m H 9 z )

! ice "eve enthusiasm slee!ing in late slee!y to slee! to emain th oat to change bet$een buses o t ains vehicle lea" situation !a t time double (humble) to look at dentist to t ans!o t to begin

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location it should be so emba assed !e sonal com!ute ! onunciation clea ly che y&blossom vie$ing $oods#"o este to !ay television o adio ! og am o!!osition handbag day# sun "i e !iano to g o$ cold light to shine#to glitte

9 9 3, f } TEk G < 19 \ mL N ,4F # t t 5 ^ t^ tk t

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E9 E

tE9 tE t

d a$e #d a$ing out to $ithd a$ bea d J ai !o t a"te a long time a t galle y e(t emely to be su ! ised to move house necessa y a$"ul to o!en an event building o bill daytime#du ing the day noon b eak to !ick u!#to gathe "a( to inc ease

l 9zk d ~

t9zk % t s J~

%Tk T tT t tQ t\ 2 t( t1 t -Fu ^ ^

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9s zJ zQ

dee! com!le(ity#com!lication evision head o" a section usually# o a t ain that sto!s at eve y station g a!es to become "at Ja!anese bedding# "uton shi! inconvenience to ste! on to sta t to ain ! esent cultu e lite atu e g amma di""e ent bell

! "# $ %k

W W k v&,6

'( 'C ')

z z z *2

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, -. / )0 1 2

+ + ^E & k 9 Q WQ )

st ange e!ly t ade to b oadcast la$ I (used by males) sta e(tent mostly to ! aise t anslation (humble) to go#to come to lose se ious "i st o" all o #othe $ise to make a mistake to be in time "o

34 5 6H

1 ( (H ( ( (N )

7^ ~

(^ (~

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8k 9 : ; G^ < = G GH > ? @^ A B C D

(k ( ( (< ^ & H < <W ^ 9 9 ) k

su oundings to go a ound comic middle to be in sight lake bean !aste to be discove ed to discove eve ybody ha bou to "ace to go out to meet olden days# "o me insect (humble) son (humble) daughte im!ossible

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E9 )9 F9 )\9

(!olite) to eat ae (humble) to say#to tell (humble) to be called#to say soon i" o" cou se e(t emely to tu n back cotton to eceive "o est to bake#to g ill ! omise to be hel!"ul to bu n#to be oasted kind to become thin

G9 9 G L 9 TW H IJ Q ) \ K L MN O~ LH P9 Q k 1 1& 1~N 1H 19 1

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1TW 1k*1TUk ) b\ R S S T TU V Wn X XF X Yn _ Z 1 1) 1\ ^ ^9s ^~s ^% ^% ^) ^n bn 9s q

at last as I thought#absolutely to sto! to sto! so"t hot $ate to e(!o t to im!o t "inge "inge ing d eam to shake#to s$ay use ! e!a ation things to do to get di ty ! e!a ation "o a lesson a angement

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M [ \z

1 z 9

ese vation to visit to be delighted ( es!ect"ul) -.#all ight eason utili%ation both sides Ja!anese hotel absence ai conditioning histo y egiste e!o t contact $o d ! ocesso to boil#to heat to se!a ate to boil# to g o$ hot#to get e(cited

] ]X ^N _ `a bc

k^ k kJ kJ n nE9 v! vd6*d6

n\ fg

h n h

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4 in j k kn }N

H n[ \ k n }N

meaning# eason lost a ticle to laugh#to smile ate# atio#!e centage to b eak $ay o" s$imming

1 1

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