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West%ood !

egional School District

Course Syllabus
Course Information Course Title: Digital Media II Teachers Work Email: Teachers Personal School !elated Email: mrs"la#arski$gmail"com Class Website: %%%"digitalmediaII"%eebly"com Web &ddress: %%%"%%rsd"org ' (r" Sr" )igh School ' Staff ' (ody *a#arski Course Descri+tion: The goal of this course is to enhance the technological skills of students who have

already taken the prerequisite course, Digital Media I, y providing the! with opportunities to shoot and edit various school activities y creating projects using cooperative grouping, colla oration, planning, research, tea!work, writing, and visual literacy. "dditionally, these students will e e#pected colla orate y shooting and editing pieces to e used as roll$in packages to create a show using our virtual set, the Tricaster. %y using these higher order$thinking skills and activities, students will learn not only work ethic, ut they will also learn to apply life skills that !eet the &ew 'ersey (ore (urriculu! (ontent )tandards for (areer and Technical *ducation which translates to any real$ world working environ!ent.
Course ,oals and -b.ecti/es: The goal of this course is to eco!e an active !e! er of society y utilizing technology and a variety of digital !edia including we +., tools, editing progra!s, video ca!eras, we sites, logs, and videos. )tudents will de!onstrate their creative a ilities y shooting and editing the following projectso o o o o o o o o %ack to )chool &ight .ideo /ackages for a 0eekly1%i$0eekly 2T%D3 show called 4(ardinal (orner5 using )ony 6.($6D (a!eras, *diting on 7inal (ut *#press and Taping 0raps with our new Tricaster )tudio .irtual )et )ports 6ighlight /ackages to e used in the 4(ardinal (orner5 0raps 8ala .ideo "thletic Dinner .ideos 27all, 0inter, )pring )ports3 0riting )cripts for (ardinal (orner 9 0riting corresponding articles for /roject ' on M)8! (o!!ercial .ideo with an actual client Individual docu!entary 2in colla oration with another discipline3 *:$6istory of 0estwood. Music Technology .ideo (olla oration for )ound Design

Te0ts1 !eadings1 Materials- There will e no te#t ook used for this course. )tudents must get +ermission form signed by +arent guardian 2see p.;9 <3 that identifies the we sites you will e#plore for this class, either fro! ho!e or at school and that the student is financially responsi le for the equip!ent when it is signed out in their possession y their group. )tudents !ust have a flash drive, note ook, and a g!ail address. )tudents will to create a g$!ail account ecause we will use 8oogle Docs, =eader, and (alendar. Tests are given online, unless student requests a hard copy, on !y www.>! we site.
Credit Breakdown: 30%-Formal Grades (Tests) 30%-Performance Based Grades (Projects/Videos) 20%-Class Participation ( ail!) 20%-"ome#or$ (%ate &or$ #ill res'lt in (rade red'ction) )00% Co'rse Grade 2ormal 3Tests 4 5ui##es6789: 4 Performance ;ased ,rades 3Pro.ects or <ideos6789:: ?$Most of our quizzes and tests will e given on >!. +$"ny /erfor!ance %ased "ssess!ent, such as a video project, will have a grading ru ric that will acco!pany it prior to the start of the project. @n this ru ric, you will receive a clear outline of the e#pectations you !ust !eet for that assign!ent. Class Partici+ation 3=89:- (lass /articipation will e ased on !y o servation of you on task, active participation in class and ho!ework log discussions, constructive class colla oration with class!ates and diligence when working on a project in order to acco!plish the project at hand. )ome%ork 3=89:- 6o!ework will likely e either a reflection or assign!ent to write in our class log. It is i!portant to do your ho!ework the night it is given out, as it often reinforces what you learned in class that day. )ince the ho!ework is done on our class log, you !ay e required to respond to other studentsA posts. 0hen doing this, I ask that you use proper 4netequiette.5 That !eans equitte on the we , proper spelling, gra!!ar usage and

consideration when responding to other studentsA opinions or work. (onstructive feed ack is so!ething that helps so!eone !ake so!ething etterB it is the foundation of !y class and is how we can all get etter together. 6o!ework assign!ents often will require you to recall steps of a lesson taught within that dayAs lesson, so take good notesC

Course -utline of To+ics E0+ected Time 2rame

*esson (lass )ylla us 1 )tudent (ontract =eview, (lass =ules, *quip!ent Dse /olicy, 0e site Introductions and @verall (lass *#pectations. "ssigning .ideo /rojects 9 (a!era =eview Eessons =eview of *diting Ter!s 9 Techniques Intro to 7inal (ut 9 Intro to EiveType 9 Motion =eview of + (olu!n and &arrative )criptwriting &ssessments during this month %ill include: >e% Skill !einforced The first week of the course students will set rules for the classroo! and analyze our *quip!ent Dse /olicies. )tudents will learn what their e#pectations are for outside projects and understand !y e#pectations for use of Macs, (a!eras, and 6o!ework "ssign!ents. 0e will spend a lot of ti!e e#ploring the various we sites and online tools we will use readily in class. The second week of this course will e spent assigning future projects to groups and giving review lessons in ca!era usage, shot dispositions, fra!ing, shooting tips and tricks. 0e will do this y shooting and editing the %ack To )chool &ight .ideo as a class. The third week of this course will e spent reviewing editing ter!s and techniques. Much of the editing language will e reviewed and students will e introduced to 7inal (ut *#press tools. )tudents will also e introduced to EiveType and Motion software. The fourth week of this course we will review + colu!n and narrative scriptwriting. )tudents will e required to outline their upco!ing shoots and write scripts accordingly. 6!ules Camera 5ui# 6;ack to School >ight <ideo Shoots 6;ack to School >ight <ideo Edit 6Editing 5ui# 6Scri+t Due for Documentary *ong Term Pro.ect The first week of this !onthAs course will e introducing students to our new Tricaster .irtual )et. )tudents will watch tutorials and each rotate a chance to operate the tricaster to fully understand itAs functions. The Tricaster is a virtual set and students will act in a variety of roles, fro! ca!era operator to host, !astering each individual roleAs responsi ilities in an effort to !ake our class !ore of a studio 4crew.5 The second week of this !onthAs e#plore how to cover sports. 0e will have a guest speaker fro! 0(T. in to discuss the preproduction involved in covering a ga!e and allow students to practice play y play coverage. )tudents will e asked to schedule the!selves to cover ga!es for the "thletic )eason. "dditionally, we will invite a professional fil! crew to the class to discuss i!portance of interviewing and shooting1editing for the docu!entary final e#a! project. In the third week of this !onthAs course, students will develop the overall look and content of our %i$0eekly )how called 4(ardinal (orner.5 )tudent can practice pre$ production skills y ooking guests to appear, writing wrap$arounds for packages of the weeks events and all while planning a crew rotation for each student to act in each role. Eessons will include the responsi ilities of each separate role. This pre$production will e co!pletely student driven, and teacher guided. The fourth week of this !onthAs course will de!onstrate the first taping of a 4(ardinal (orner5 episode. Depending on what packages we have ready to roll in, we will start our weekly crew rotation and students will e required to shoot outside of class for the pieces that will roll into the show on a weekly asis. )tudents will also e graded on their individual perfor!ance on the day of taping in their individual jo role. 6Tricaster 5ui# 6Play by Play Commentary Cli+ %ith Student <oice -/er 6Packages shot edited or laid off into cli+s for our Pre+roduction of ?Cardinal Corner@ 6Cre% !otation6?Cardinal Corner@ each students indi/idual role is assessed In the first week of this !onthAs course, students will learn to analyze the e#pectations of the end of the course y discussing the docu!entary project. )tudents will eing checking out ca!eras, as needed, to shoot their footage. This is an individual !idtern1final e#a! project where students will colla orate with another teacher or depart!ent in order to discover or docu!ent a story of interest. (ontinued field packages and wrap tapings for 4(ardinal (orner5 show 6Packages shot edited or laid off into cli+s for our Pre+roduction of ?Cardinal E0+ected Time 2rame

)ept 9 @ct

Tricaster Introduction

&ov 9 Dec

/lay y /lay (o!!enatry and )hooting )ports @verview Docu!entary /roject @verview

/reproduction creation of our ?st )how 4(ardinal (orner5

Eaunch of first taping of 4(ardinal (orner5

&ssessments during this month %ill include:

Docu!entary /roject

'an 9 7e

&ssessments during this month %ill include: (o!!ercial

Corner@ 6Cre% !otation6?Cardinal Corner@ each students indi/idual role is assessed 6=nd Draft of Documentary Scri+t Due This project !ay take !ost of the entire !onth to co!plete. )tudents will then choose a usiness in town and offer the !anager1owner a proposal for a co!!ercial for that usiness. )tudents will !eet with the owner and write a script for hi!1her and create their vision. )tudents !ust all attend the shoot ti!es and then !ust edit collectively. )tudents !ust delivery a final edited version of the co!!ercial and their client will grade the! using a ru ric I will outline. 0eek ?$ will e spent learning the asic ele!ents of any good co!!ercial, rainstor!ing a out an idea for a co!!ercial for a local usiness in town then planning a preproduction schedule and pitching their idea to the owner. 0eek +$ 0ill e spent coordinating dates and shooting the co!!ercial. 0eek F$ 0ill egin the editing. 0eek ;$ will egin the e#porting and delivering the video to the client. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ This project involves colla oration with Mr. /enaAs Music Technology (lass. Digital Media II students will e paired up with a Music Tech student and together they !ust create a !usic video. The Music Tech student will e responsi le for creating the track and the Digital Media student will e responsi le for shooting and editing the video the artist envisions, oth colla orating to create an interesting and visual !usic video. Commercial <ideo 3meeting all reAuirements as established in !ubric: -! Music <ideo 3meeting all reAuirements as established in !ubric: 2inal E0am: P&!T ->E: )tudents will e required to type a two$three page essay or a three$five !inute presentation su !itted using prezi, powerpoint,! or final cut 2.!ov3 !ovie file a out to he or she can eco!e an active !e! er of society y utilizing technological tools presented and used throughout this course. )tudents !ust analyze how and why it is i!portant for the! to use these tools and what they can acco!plish y doing so. This essay should descri e how the tools theyAve learned will etter ena le the! to eco!e an active !e! er of our de!ocratic society. P&!T TW-: )tudents will edit the docu!entary they shot and su !it to count as half of their !idter!1final e#a! grade. The ru ric will outline the require!ents and ti!e will e given in class for the edit to e co!pleted.

March 9 "pril


2@r Music Tech .ideo3

&ssessments during this month %ill include: 7inal *#a! 9 (ourse (onclusion/"=T @&*(reation of a presentation or essay that e#plains the various Digital Media tools that can e used as platfor! for active citizenship y answering the following two questions?$*#plain how you envision yourself using !edia to eco!e a !ore active !e! er of societyG 2In what ways would you get involved with your school or co!!unityG3 +$6ow will you use the tools youAve learned in this class in future high school or college coursesG *#hi it1/resent your online co!!unity contri ution /"=T T0@7I&"E *:"M D@(DM*&T"=H .ID*@ 2)** =D%=I(3

May 9 'une

&ssessments during this month %ill include: B6 2inal E0am P&!T ->E &>D TW- com+leted 3SEE !C;!IC 2-! DET&I*S:"

=DE*) and (@&)*>D*&(*)=ule I?$ %e on ti!e and co!e prepared with note ook, flash drive, writing utensil and ho!ework every dayC (onsequence$ /oint deductions fro! (lass /articipation 9 6o!ework as well as a phone call ho!e. =ule I+$ %e =espectful to one another, the teacher and to the equip!ent 3&;S-*CTE*D >- E&TI>, D!I>EI>, &**-WED: (onsequence$ /oint deductions fro! grades1call ho!e1financial repercussions =ule IF$ "ny !issed assign!ent !ust e su !itted within one week. I will accept ho!ework on paper, ut logging is preferred. (onsequence$/oint deductions, call ho!e, and parents !eeting. =ule I;$ There is >- %athroo! /ass given during the first F minutes and last F minutes of our class. This is so I can take proper attendance and properly end !y class ensuring all studentsA are present to hear i!portant infor!ation a out ho!ework, upco!ing quizzes or deadlines. (onsequence$ Hou will e told &@ unless it is an a solute e!ergencyC =ule I<$ Do &@T go on we sites that have &@T6I&8 to do with the task at hand. H@D !ust e on T")J at all ti!es. (onsequence$I will enforce the (ode of (onduct, will call ho!e and send you to the "ssistant /rincipal if necessary.

;ottom *ine- ItAs not !y classroo! is -C! classroo!. 0e will all treat each other as we wish to e treated. 0e will listen to each other and help one another. 0e each contri ute to our collective success and we learn est y doin( o'r *est. 0e have a fantastic learning environ!ent and we !ust take care of the equip!ent we have so it will stay that way.

Internet Use Acknowledgement and Release Form Dear /arents, %y signing this docu!ent, you are here y allowing your child to e#plore the various we sites listed elow in the Digital Media II course. /lease review the course sylla us a ove and do not hesitate to contact !e if you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these sites or how they will e used within the classroo! setting. In order to protect your childAs identity please e!phasize that they should never use their full na!e when posting, ut instead should use 7irst Initial, East &a!e or an a reviation that I can decipher, such as 2jlazarski, lazarskij, or +ndperlazarski3. "lso, they should never disclose any personal infor!ation such as a phone nu! er or ho!e address. In addition to access to these sites, your child will need a valid e!ail address for this course to send docu!ents as well as to login to >! and )chooltu!. ?. www.)chooltu! 2This is a platfor! si!ilar to Houtu e, ut is school ased and all content is !onitored +. Houtu e 2@ur school now has an 4*ducation 7ilter5 and therefore students are only a le to access videos with appropriate content. I use youtu e as a teaching tool, for so!e short clips 9 specific lessons and if I do I usually play it at !y co!puter. /lease understand students are not per!itted to rando!ly 4search5 on youtu e within !y class.3 F. 8oogle Docs 2This is an application that allows docu!ent sharing using an e!ail login3 ;. www./! 2This is a we site that allows you to create your own presentation. )tudents are a le to see other presentations created, so please !onitor3. <. www.>! 2This is a we site I will use to host our quizzes, tests, practice activities and do now questions3 K. www.M)! 2This is a we site I will refer our students to when producing their M)8 video3 L. www.(y! 2This is a we site for !edia ethics studies that I will refer students to for reading assign!ents3. M. &ews )ites- Hahoo&ewsN 8oogle &ewsN "/ &ewsN "%(.co!, (&&.co!, M)&%(.co! , &%(.co! 2This will e used to research news articles and current internet journalis!.3 O. www.!! 2" Media 'o )earching 0e site3 ?,. www.!edia! 2a !edia 1pu lishing jo searching we site3 ??. 2"n "udio1/odcast recording we site3 ?+.! 2" place for students to colla orate online on projects3 ?F. Class Website: %%%"%%digitalmediaII"%eebly"com 2Eastly, of course is !y we site3 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I here y grant per!ission for !y child, PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP, to e#plore the a ove !entioned we sites within the classroo! setting of the Digital Media II course. &a!e 2/lease /rint3-PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Date-PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP &a!e 2)ignature3-PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Student Waiver-Videotaping o Sc!ool "vents or Film Clu#

and "$uipment Use %olic&

2(hildAs &a!e3PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP has !y 2our3 per!ission to participate in all 0estwood =egional )chool District events throughout the school year in which he1she will e videotaping for either the .ideo17il! (lu or the Digital Media (ourse of which he1she is a !e! er1student. These events !ay include videotaping any 0estwood =egional events either after school1classroo! hours, at various fields, after school hours, on weekends either at 0estwood =egional 'r.1)r. 6igh )chool or at another school %ithout my direct su+er/ision. )tudents who attend video shoots are doing so in a !anner si!ilar to any other ho!ework assign!ent that would require the student to research at an off site location. It is an essential part of the learning process for video production that students can work independently fro! !y supervision and still apply the techniques taught in class, work within a crew of peers and colla orate in a way that !eets the needs of the script, or event highlights. )tudents !ay also participate in events taking place at the 0(T. studio in the Twp of 0ashington without !y direct supervision. (overage of events for this class or clu , and either for 0(T. or 00=)D, !ay take place independent of !y direct supervision. )tudents will have a scheduled /roduction Meeting ti!e with the "dvisor1Teacher prior to leaving with equip!ent, where the advisor will review roles and responsi ilities of the shoot, ut the student will e responsi le to work independently or within his1her group for the re!ainder of the shooting ti!e at a particular event. The student must also immediately re+ort any loss or damage done to any +iece of eAui+ment %hile %ithin his her +ossession %ithin =G hours to an administrator or the ad/isor" If a loss damage goes unre+orted1 the student may be held res+onsible for re+lacing the eAui+ment to the school at the e0+ense of the +arent guardian" The undersigned parent or guardian assu!es all risk and lia ility in connection with the studentAs participation in any and all of the 0estwood =egional )chool District sponsored events that require a 7il! (lu or Digital Media student to cover1videotape that event. I 3%e: hereby release1 discharge and hold harmless the West%ood !egional School District1 its officers1 em+loyees and agents from all liability1 claims1 or demands for any damage1 loss or in.ury to the student1 the students +ro+erty or +arents +ro+erty in connection %ith +artici+ation in these acti/ities" I do hereby certify that my student %ill be held res+onsible for +ro+erly re+orting any issue %ith regard to the eAui+ment he she is using1 and failing to do so may result in re+air or re+lacement of the eAui+ment at my cost" I do here y certify that to the est of !y 2our3 knowledge !y 2our3 child is in good health and is fully a le to participate in these activities. In case of accident or illness, per!ission is granted for e!ergency treat!ent to e ad!inistered. It is further understood and agreed that the undersigned will assu!e full responsi ility for any such action, including pay!ent of !edical costs. I 2we3 here y advise that the a ove na!ed !inor has had the following allergies, !edical reactions or unusual physical condition which should e !ade known to a treating physician. QI7 "&H /"=*&T 0@DED EIJ* T@ DI)(D)), /E*")* (@&T"(T M* DI=*(TEH .ia *!ailQ 'ate:((((((((( %arent)*uardian Signature:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Student Signature:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Student %rinted +ame: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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