Red Lake District High School

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TRIP ITINERARY Beaverbrae High School Thur !a"# A$ril %&!

Thur !a"# A$ril %&! 6:45 a.m. 7:45 a.m. #:45 a.m. $%:&% a.m. Leave the high school parking lot Pick up Ear Falls students at the Trillium (i necessar!" Tea' arrive a( Beaverbrae HS 'ames start (eparture time or )ed Lake is unkno*n at this time. Times *ill +e posted at )ams,port-et on T*itter as soon as the! are availa+le. Co ( o) (ri$ Food E.pense (estimated": /05.%% 1t is recommended that students +ring ood and drinks or the da!. 1t ma! +e di icult to arrange or students to purchase ood throughout the da!. Ba!'i&(o& *ee 2 ee o /75 is due to the o ice +e ore leaving or the trip. +&i)or' 2ll team mem+ers must *ear a *hite shirt. E,ui$'e&( 1 !ou do not have !our o*n rac3uet or goggles !ou *ill +e a+le to use those provided +! !our coaches. 4ou must sign or +oth rac3uets and goggles and *ill +e charged replacement costs i either !our rac3uet or goggles are not returned. Phone 5ontact person(s" or trip arrival time is: (arrin 6ausch (7077&767". 8pdates *ill +e posted on T*itter 9 )ams,port-et *or Coache - School Co&(ac( S(. Tho'a A,ui&a / Beaverbrae Travi Ba((er 2thletic (irector S(. Tho'a A,ui&a HS : ice Phone: (;%7" 54;7;0;0 Reg 0cDo&al! 2thletic (irector Beaverbrae High School : ice Phone: (;%7" 46;764%$

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