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RELEASE DATE: January 29, 2014 SUBJECT: S)URCE: Two Generals rece !

e "SCSA All#A$er can awar%s n &' la%el(' a Coac' &e(e Ara*on, +,,#0-00, E./0 +-++

HERKIMER, NY Herkimer Generals goalkeeper Triston Henry (Scarboro g!, "ntario, #ana$a% an$ $e&en$er 'ete Mc()oy (* n$ee, Scotlan$% tra)ele$ to '!ila$elp!ia, '( last Sat r$ay (+,+-% to recei)e t!eir$s at t!e NS#(( (ll/(merican 0 nc!eon1 Henry, a t.o/time &irst/team selection, poste$ +2 s! to ts &or t!e season, conce$ing only &o r goals in +- games1 He !as 34 career s! to ts an$ !as allo.e$ only nine goals in t.o years1 ($$e$ to t!is, Henry poste$ back/to/back national c!ampions!ip s! to ts an$ .as name$ to t!e national (ll/ To rnament Team bot! years1 5Triston is one o& t!e best keepers I6)e e)er coac!e$,7 Hea$ #oac! 'epe (ragon sai$1 5He is an nbelie)able at!lete .it! a tremen$o s .ork rate1 In o r National #!ampions!ip game t!is year, !e ma$e t.o o& t!e most ama8ing sa)es t!at I !a)e e)er seen97 (s &or Mc()oy, !e .as name$ bot! &irst/team (ll/(merica an$ NS#(( National : nior #ollege 'layer o& t!e Year1 He appeare$ in +- games &or t!e Generals also, starting e)ery one o& t!em1 Not only .as !e t!e anc!or o& a $e&ense .!ic! allo.e$ only &i)e goals all season, b t !e .as t!e lea$ing goal scorer &or t!e Generals1 Mc()oy score$ +4 goals, incl $ing t!ree game/.inning goals in t!e national to rnament1 It earne$ !im t!e Most ;al able 'layer$ o& t!e to rnament, !el$ at <e!r m Sta$i m, !ome o& t!e Herkimer Generals1 5'ete in an nbelie)able lea$er .!o .as not only a big part o& o r $e&ense, b t playe$ a ! ge part in o r o&&ense,7 sai$ (ragon1 5I !a)e ne)er coac!e$ a player .!o ma$e s c! an impact on bot! en$s o& t!e &iel$97 In t.o years at Herkimer #ollege, Mc()oy an$ Henry .on t.o Mo ntain ;alley #on&erence #!ampions!ips, Region III #!ampions!ips an$ National #!ampions!ips, a$$ing to t!e programs

$ominance, .!ic! !as += c rrently, se)en n$er (ragon1 T!eir t.o/year .inning percentage .as e>cellent as .ell, .inning ?2 percent o& games t!ey playe$ in (2@/2/=%1

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