12-6-13 Men's Soccer All-Americans

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RELEASE DATE: December 6, 2013 SUBJECT: S$URCE: NJCAA DIII Mens Soccer A !

Amer"c#ns Don# % D&'c(er, D"rec'or o) A'( e'"cs *66!0300, e+', *2--

HERKIMER, NY Yesterday three Mens Soccer players were awarded All-American stat s in the N!"AA #i$ision III% &hey were 'orward (eter McA$oy )# ndee, Scotland*, +oalie &riston Henry )Scar,oro +h, -nt%* and 'orward !immy "alderon )New Rochelle, NY*% (laced on the 'irst team was McA$oy and Henry% McA$oy scored a team-hi+h ./ +oals in 01.2, three comin+ in the National "hampionship to rnament% All +a$e his team the lead in each +ame% Henry had .2 sh to ts in 01.2, +ettin+ his 'inal sh to t a+ainst S ''ol3 "o nty "omm nity "olle+e in the National "hampionship +ame ).-1*, played at 4ehr m Stadi m% Henry 'inished the season allowin+ only 'o r +oals, , t sa$in+ 5.% Ma3in+ it to the second team was "alderon% In .6 +ames "alderon amassed one +oal and se$en assists, playin+ ,oth win+ positions 'or the 7enerals% Her3imer 'inished the 01.2 season on an ..-+ame win strea3, helpin+ the team to its third consec ti$e N!"AA #III National "hampionship% &he 7enerals Head "oach is (epe Ara+on% Ara+on in .5 seasons has a 089-09-. o$erall record, .5 consec ti$e Re+ion III "hampionships and si: National "hampionships% -21;59-.1<0=<01.2-.= >-R ME#IA -N?Y@>-R >AR&HER IN>-RMA&I-N "-N&A"& KA&HERINE M-N&AN-, 655-1211 -R 666-7- =-H""", EB&% 60/8%

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