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January 28, 2014 Softball Clinic !ff"r"# at $"r%i&"r Coll"'" Coac( )J Ana#io, 8**+0,00, E-t. 880/ or c"ll at /18+848+**0,

HERKIMER, NYThe Herkimer Generals Softball Team will be hosting a hitting clinic on S n!a" afternoons in #ebr ar", beginning #ebr ar" $n! from $%& '(m(in the Herkimer )ollege*s +arsit" G"mnasi m( The )linic is o'en to 'artici'ants ages ,%-,( The )linic will foc s on the offensi.e game while b il!ing confi!ence thro gh mental training an! strength thro gh 'h"sical !rills( /artici'ants will be ate! !ail" with .i!eo anal"sis an! break!own for each 'artici'ant( The )linic will r n S n!a"s ! ring #ebr ar" an! !oors will o'en for registration at - '(m( )ost is 012 for fo r weeks, or 0$2 'er session( /artici'ants are enco rage! to bring their own bat an! helmet, some will be a.ailable on a limite! basis( The" are also enco rage! to wear athletic clothing an! sneakers( #or more information refer to www(herkimergenerals(com or b" contacting )oach /3 4na!io .ia email ana!io'r5herkimer(e! or b" 'hone 6-2%,77%8688, E9t, ,,82 or cell at 2-,%,&,%77:6( %68%

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