2-4-14 Softball Herkimer College Nite

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RELEASE DATE: February 4, 2014 SUBJECT: S'URCE: Softball Team Reco !"#e$ at Ut"ca Comet% &ame Coac( )J A!

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HERKIMER, NY The Herkimer Generals softball team was recognize for their !"#$ N%&'' (i)ision III National &ham*ionshi* on +at,r a- at the .tica ', itori,m/ The team was in)ite to ro* the ceremonial first *,ck at the .tica &omets game )ers,s the Rockfor IceHogs/ (oing the honors of ro**ing the *,ck was hea softball coach 0/%/ 'na io, in front of the &omets se)enth sell o,t this season/ The recognition was one of the e)ents hel as *art of Herkimer &ollege Nite at the ', / Herkimer Generals ear ban s were gi)en to the first #,""" fans in the oor an a large Herkimer &ollege gro,* was in atten ance/ The Generals are ret,rning si1 starters an #$ total *la-ers from last season an are c,rrentlranke 2# in a N%&'' (i)ision III 0re3+eason *oll/ The- finishe last season 4$3!, an the !"#4 season begins in mi 3March when the team hea s to M-rtle 5each, +& for their ann,al s*ring tri*, before ret,rning home to begin regional an conference *la-/ The Generals are le b- Hea &oach 0/%/ 'na io, 'ssistant Hea &oach (an +talteri, an 'ssistants +te)e +*eno, +te*hen +- oriw an Emil6o, enberg/ 3$"3 Photo Attached: Herkimer College head softball coach PJ Anadio drops the ceremonial first puck at the Utica Comets hockey game on Saturday, February st at the Utica !emorial Auditorium" Also participating are members of the Herkimer #enerals $% & 'ational Championship softball team" 2 7"#8$"8!"#$3#4

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