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RELEASE DATE: February 6, 2014 SUBJECT: S(URCE: Softball Soc al !e" a Fu#"ra $er at !

oe%$ a#" &oo'la Coac) *J A#a" o, +66,0-00, E.t/ ++00 or cell at 01+,+4+,661-

HERKIMER, NY The Herkimer Generals softball team will hold a fundraiser on Saturda at Hoo!la "ro#en Yo$urt and Moe%s Southwest Grill in North &ti'a from (( a)m) to * !)m) +ustomers su!!l in$ an e,mail, te-t, tweet or "a'ebook !ost of the 'ou!on from one of the Generals% so'ial media sites will $et (. !er'ent of their !ur'hase from Moe%s or /0 !er'ent of their !ur'hase from Hoo!la donated to the /0(1 Herkimer Generals softball team) 2ro'eeds will hel! fund the team%s s!rin$ tri! in mid,Mar'h) 3ll so'ial media used b the 3thleti' 4e!artment 'an be found at www)herkimer$enerals)'om) Hoo!la "ro#en Yo$urt and Moe%s Southwest Grill are both lo'ated at *0 North Genesee Street in &ti'a, NY) ,50, 6(17,/878/0(5,(1

Attachment: Attached is the coupon customers will need to present at Moes or Hoopla in North Utica this Saturday to help the Herkimer Generals softball team.

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