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RELEASE DATE: February 19, 2014 SUBJECT: S(URCE: Kristina Reyn !"s earns #JCAA Re$i na!

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HERKIMER, NY Herkimer Generals sophomore Kristina Reynolds, Sherburne-Earl ille, NY, !aptured her "irst N#$%% Re&ional $hampionship at Monroe $ommunity $olle&e Sunday, in the '(( yd) *utter"ly) Reynolds added to her already impressi e resume this season +hi!h in!ludes ,' -op . "inishes) It all !ulminated "or her +hen she "inished in "irst pla!e in the '(( yd) *utter"ly, postin& a '/,()01, almost three se!onds better than the ne2t "inisher) It +as the se!ond time this season she "inished "irst in the e ent, kno!kin& o"" 30 se!onds "rom her time at S4NY 5elhi +here she had three "irst-pla!e "inishes in the 3(( yd) *a!kstroke, '(( yd) *utter"ly and .(( yd) 6reestyle) -o date, the 7iberal %rts 8 S!ien!es/ General Studies ma9or at Herkimer $olle&e has "our "irstpla!e "inishes and t+o s!hool re!ords) Her Head $oa!h :i!ki *ro+n !ommented on Reynolds su!!ess by sayin&, ;Kristina is a talented s+immer +hose butter"ly is impe!!able) She kno+s e2a!tly +hat she needs to do to out s+im her opponents) It<s been a 9oy to +at!h her e2!el as an athlete here at Herkimer $olle&e these past t+o seasons)= -he Generals s+immin& and di in& team still has Nationals to !ompete in durin& Mar!h at Indian Ri er State $olle&e) -he "our-day !ompetition +ill be the last time Reynolds has a !han!e to brin& home a National $hampionship) 7ook "or her to pla!e +ell in the "reestyle, ba!kstroke and butter"ly) -,(Photo: Attached is a photo of Kristina Reynolds, a sophomore swimmer at Herkimer College.

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