Explicatii Generale Pentru Timpurile Verbului in Engleza

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Passive Voice

Pres. Simple. Pres. Contin. Pres. Perfect Pres. Perf.Cont. Past Simple Past Cont. Past Perfect Past Perf.Cont. Future Simple Future Cont. Future Perf. I wash the laundry weekly - The laundry is washed weekly (by me). I am washing laundry now - The laundry is being washed now (by me). I have washed the laundry - The laundry has been washed (by me). I have been washing the laundry - The laundry has been washed (by me). I washed the laundry yesterday - The laundry was washed yesterday (by me). I was washing the laundry - The laundry was being washed (by me). I had washed the laundry- The laundry had been washed (by me). I had been washing the laundry - The laundry had been washed (by me). I will wash the laundry- The laundry will be washed (by me). I will be washing the laundry - The laundry will be washed (by me). I will have washed the laundry - The laundry will have been washed (by me).

Future Perf.Cont. I will have been washing the laundry - The laundry will have been washed.

Explicatii generale pentru timpurile verbului in engleza Timp simplu - verbul reprezinta o actiune prezenta, trecuta sau viitoare nelimitata in timp. Timp continuu - verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor care in momentul acela se petrece simultan cu o alta actiune. Timp simplu perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor Timp continuu perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat prezent, trecut sau viitor si continuind sau nu in acel moment

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