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I Treceti la toate gradele de comparative urmatoarele adjective: Pozitiv Comparativ Superlative short beautiful small interesting happy big II. Treceti la plural urmatoarele substantive: child dog wolf goose city radio horse mouse I. Complete with to be. 1. She .. an ambitious women. !. They ......... beautiful. ". I . at the school. #. $y aunt and my uncle .. at home. %. &e .. happy.

II. Complete the sentences with Present Simple. 1. $y mother .'ma(e) coffee. !. They 'play) football. ". $y mother and my sister ..'drin() mil(. #. Tom 'eat) nuts. %. *ur mother+in+law .'go) at school. ,. She .'have) many flowers.

III. Put Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. I ..'read) in this moment. !. &e ..'play) tennis every day. ". $ary ...'wor() in this moment. #. $y parents never 'go) at $all. %. I ..'have) a cat in this moment.

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