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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact Rationale/ Reflection NAEYC Standard: STANDARD 6.

BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs a) identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They b) know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They c) are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that d) integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are e) informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies. Brief Description of Evidence: As part of my ECED 260 Early Childhood Professional Course, I functioned with a small group to identify and conduct an art project with children that attend Apple Tree YMCA Child Development Center. We made an art project with the children that involved each child making their own watercolor painting. After the paintings dried we used each childs piece of art in a way to put the painting together as one inside a nice wooden frame. The purpose of making the watercolor painting was to enter into the art auction at Apple Tree to help raise money to assist getting families involved in the community. Analysis of what I learned: As a result of this project, I learned the importance of identifying and conducting myself as a member of the early childhood profession. There will be times where I may have to go out in the field, and I should conduct myself appropriately and professionally. When going out to the field it is important to know and understand professional standards related to early childhood practice. I will use my knowledge and education to benefit the way other early childhood professionals view me. It is important to use a variety of resources and credited sources to demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on my work, while making informed decisions. I learned that it is important to be an advocate for the whole community of early childhoodgoing outside of my comfort zone and being an advocate for sound educational practices and policies everywhere is key. How this artifact demonstrates my competence on the NAEYC Standard: By going out of my comfort zone and traveling to another center to do an art project with other children as a part of the early childhood program demonstrates my competence for this standard. I was able to conduct myself appropriately and professionally while doing a watercolor painting with the children from Apple Tree. I demonstrated my knowledge and practices with other children involved in the early childhood program in the same community that I am employed in. I am an advocate for the YMCA Apple Trees art auction to raise money and trying to assist getting families involved in the community. I now seek to explore and expand my skills to other facilities and children within the early childhood program.

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