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A 28-years-old professional lady, resident of Karachi , is in the first trimester of her first pregnancy. Though her pregnancy has been progressing uneventfully, recently she has noticed that she gets tired easily and is short of breath on even slight exertion. She also has experienced periods of light-headedness, though not to the point of fainting. urther she has noticed cramps in her legs, a desire to crunch on ice, and that her tongue has become sore. She is concerned so she ma!es an appointment to see her physician. "n examination the physician finds that her heart rate is #2$% minute, &' is #$$% ()mm*g, she has pallor, pale gums and nail beds. +iven her history and the findings on her physical exam, the physician orders some blood tests. The results are sho,n belo,-

Table #..omplete &lood count /ed &lood .ell .ount *emoglobin 1*b2 0.( million%mm0 ).3 g%dl

*ematocrit 5ean corpuscular volume 1 5.62 5ean .orpuscular *b .oncentration 15.*.2 5ean .orpuscular *b 15.*2

20.04 )2f7 0$g%dl #8.$pg%cell

9hite blood cell count 'latelet count



/eticulocyte count


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