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Candidate: Irene Navarro Lesson Title: Give Me Some Room! Duration-1-2 days S!"#e$t %atter: Math Lesson Content Des$ri&tion: Students wi !e to d that they wi !e desi"nin" their dream home and they wi !e usin" their #now ed"e o$ area in this esson% &'his esson is !est used a$ter students have !een instru(ted a!out area and )erimeter* this esson is used to rein$or(e the s#i + Drivin" ,uestion: -ow wou d my dream house oo# i#e. Content Standard: &Same as /ommon /ore Standards+ Co''on Core Standard: Measurement and Data% MD0%4- 1)) y the area and )erimeter $ormu as $or re(tan" es in real( )orld and 'at*e'ati$al &ro"le's% 2or e3am) e* $ind the width o$ a re(tan"u ar room "iven the area o$ the $ oorin" and the en"th* !y viewin" the area $ormu a as a mu ti) i(ation e4uation with an un#nown $a(tor+ Lesson O"#e$ti e: 1 students wi (reate a ! ue)rint ayout o$ their dream home% Assess'ent: For'ati e: - o!servations S!''ati e: - ! ue)rint -)u! ish $ina ! ue)rint on (om)uter Te$*nolo,-: - (om)uter Date: 04/02/14 Grade Le el: 4th Grade


'ea(her wi review what area and )erimeter is 'ea(her wi ead dis(ussion as to when area/)erimeter is used and have students

"ive their in)ut as we &e3: )uttin" a $en(e around a house* ma#in" a 4ui t* et(+ 'ea(her shows 1rea/5erimeter 6ou 'u!e video &tea(hes students throu"h son"+: htt)s://www%youtu!e%(om/wat(h.v7D89'5-4:'"I 'ea(her )resents drivin" 4uestion: ;e are "oin" to use our #now ed"e o$ area to (reate your own dream homes% &1s#+ -ow wou d your dream home oo# i#e. /reate a <word e/word ( oud= to !rainstorm student ideas o$ their dream home &e3: video "ame room* tv room* !edroom* et(+

THROUGH Give students "rid/"ra)h )a)er to wor# on 'e students to out ine their dream home and divide their dream home into rooms &must !e re(tan" es+

'e students to a!e ea(h o$ the rooms Students wi $ind the area $or ea(h o$ the rooms on their ! ue)rint

Sour(e $or wor#sheets: htt)://a thin"su))ere ementary%! o"s)ot%(om/2010/00/dreamhouse-additive-area-)ro9e(t-0rd%htm

Students wi )u! ish their ! ue)rints on the (om)uter* usin" )ro"rams su(h as 5aint or Mi(roso$t ;ord >n these )u! ished )ie(es* students wi a!e their ! ue)rints !y room and area measurements ?3am) e ;or#:

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