Alicias Resume

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Alicia Neal

5825 Marble Ct. Anderson, IN 46013 765-639-7776 aneal3 i!"tec#.ed$

%ner&etic and dedicated ed$cator '#o (ro!ides &reat ent#$sias) and *no'led&e +or earl" c#ild#ood ed$cation and (resc#ool a&e c#ildren alon& 'it# an" ot#er &oal t#at is set. ,ets alon& 'ell 'it# ot#ers, and is eas" to 'or* 'it#, and #el(+$l in e!er" 'a" t#at is (ossible. %n-o"s a str$ct$red en!iron)ent t#at enco$ra&es st$dents to )eet t#eir &oals. .as a )ind+$l #eart in #el(in& ot#ers stri!e to be t#e best t#e" can be in '#ate!er t#e" c#oose to do, so t#e" can contin$e to )eet t#eir indi!id$al &oals. /er" sel+ dri!en and s$re to (erse!ere $ntil &oals are ac#ie!ed. 0or*s !i&oro$sl" to o$t'or* t#e co)(etition and ac#ie!e t#e )ost o+ eac# sit$ation.

.i&# 1c#ool ,rad$ate C#ildcare Assistant at Mine, 2o$rs, and 3$rs .o)e 4a"care C#ildcare Assistant at 5#e 5ot 1(ot 66C In+ant7 5oddler teac#er at 5#e 5ot 1(ot 66C 8resc#ool Assistant at 5#e 5ot 1(ot 66C 5ec#nical Certi+icate in %arl" C#ild#ood %d$cation

9$ne 08- No!. 12 No!. 12- A$&. 13 A$&. 13- 9an 14 9an 14- 8res 9an. 2014 Assistant at Mine, Yours, an Ours Assistant at T!e Tot S"ot LLC In#ant an To $er Tea%!er at T!e Tot S"ot LLC

Pres%!oo$ Assistant at T!e Tot S"ot LLC Te%!ni%a$ Certi#i%ate in Ear$& C!i$ !oo E u%ation

9$ne 08- No!. 12 Assistant tea%!er at Mine, Yours, an Ours 0or*ed 'it# c#ildren +ro) t#e a&es o+ si: 'ee*s old t#ro$&# ei&#t "ears old. I 'as res(onsible +or bein& in attendance +or t#e dro(-o++ o+ c#ildren, (re(arin& brea*+ast, snac*, and l$nc#, #a!in& t#e abilit" to s#o' t#e a((ro(riate care +or all t#e c#ildren '#o 'ere (resent, ens$re eac# c#ild;s sa+et", dia(er c#ildren (ro(erl", and &et c#ildren on and o++ o+ t#e sc#ool b$s. I also #ad t#e res(onsibilit" o+ co))$nicatin& 'it# (arents on #o' t#eir c#ild;s da" 'as at t#e end o+ eac# da". Assistant at T!e Tot S"ot In#ant an To $er Roo( 4ia(ered all o+ t#e c#ildren. <ee( a !er" detailed acco$nt o+ all t#e t#in&s t#at 'ent on in t#e classroo), and doc$)ented t#e) on a dail" s#eet. Ma*e s$re t#at all o+ t#e lesson (lannin& ite)s 'ere o$t at t#e start o+ t#e da". C#ec* c#ildren at t#e ti)e o+ dro(-o++ and )a*e s$re t#eir #ands 'ere 'as#ed. Co)(lete t#e dail" o(enin&, )id-da", and closin& c#ec*lists. =ollo' t#e sa+et" c#ec*list.

No!. 12-A$&. 13

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A$&. 13- 9an 14 9an. 13 > 8res.

In#ant an To $er Tea%!er In#ant an To $er Roo( 4ail" #ealt# c#ec*s at dro(-o++. %ns$re c#ildren 'as# t#eir #ands. Ma*e s$re (arents si&n t#eir *ids in and o$t eac# da". As* #o' eac# c#ild;s ni&#t 'as. Cloc* t#e c#ildren in on o$r dail" a((, beca$se 'e no lon&er $se dail" s#eets. Ma*e s$re t#at all bottles #a!e na)e and dates. Co)(lete o(enin& and #ealt# sa+et" c#ec*lists. Pres%!oo$ Assistant Pres%!oo$ Roo( 4ail" #ealt# c#ec*s at dro(-o++. %ns$re c#ildren 'as# t#eir #ands. %ns$re c#ildren are si&ned in and o$t dail". %ns$re t#at table ti)e is done eac# )ornin& be+ore t#e c#ildren be&in circle ti)e. Ma*e s$re all c#ildren;s belon&in&s )a*e it in t#eir c$bbies. Assist t#e c#ildren '#o need it in toiletin& and (ott" trainin&. Ma*e s$re all ite)s +or brea*+ast, snac*, and l$nc# are o$t and read".

S!enan oa! Hi+! S%!oo$, Mi $eto-n In, o ,rad$ation 4ate? 9$ne 2010 o ,8A? 10.5712.0 1cale o Core 40 4i(lo)a I.& Te%! Co((unit& Co$$e+e o# In iana o ,rad$ation 4ate? Ma" 2013. Associates o+ A((lied 1cience 5ec#nical Certi+icate in %arl" C#ild#ood %d$cation

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