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Theatre of the oppressed Theatre of the oppressed is a unit that is more powerful than its term one counterpart

the Anti-Racism. The Anti-Racism unit opened my eyes to a whole new issue I knew existed but not to its fullest. The Anti-Racism was an amazing unit because of how passionate our teacher was, it was that passion that brought us together to work on our theatre of the oppressed. It is that collecti e passion that makes this particular unit spectacular. It broadness of expressing so many other oices makes e eryone more in ol ed, it is also the passion to create change that dro e the unit. !hich leads back to the anti-racism unit it was that unit that con"ured that passion to not only care about oursel es and family but for those who are oppressed and marginalised. The thing about theatre of the oppressed#hope is that it was more than "ust racism, It was a time where e ery single oppressed oice could be heard. It was racism$ it was animal oppression, people being bullied, %&'T oppression, (lassism, %ookism, etc. I also think more people en"oyed it because of the difference. The Anti-Racism unit was focused on racism and I lo ed that because it definitely was an issue which I knew was in society and wanted it to be talked about, the main fact that theatre of the oppressed is broad and allows you to express the oice which you think needs a oice. The artistic thing about the unit was probably the most difficult. 'ecause for me I like art but I also like to be the one doing behind the scenes where nobody knows who I am or if they do that I made the art. Art has been one of my faults and the fact that it was an art based unit made it challenging and fun. This unit has made me come out of my shell and I can perform anything in front of anyone. I know I am an actor but that seemed to be the only art I could perform but know I can sing in front of an audience, or do spoken word. )y confidence is so high that I will be performing at *co+ustice,s part of oices for change. )y last point, in the paragraph abo e brings me to my next my next point. Theatre of the was ery artistic and part of the reasons for that is the fact that we would perform at the Roxy theatre for an e ent called oices for change. It is an e ent meant for the

same thing as the unit which is good because know not only do the *co+ustice class talk about the issues so do other schools and e entually the community.

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