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Apps For P.E.

Class Management Team Shake Team Shake is the technological and environmentally friendly way to choose teams. Instead of a hat and scraps of paper, the user enters his friends names in his iPhone and gives it a shake. The screen will then display a random set of color!coded teams. These teams can immediately "e used for game play or saved via email. Team Shake is great for making teams for "oard games and sporting events. It s also a very useful tool for teachers who need to create groups for pro#ects$ Cost: $0.99 Teachers Assistant Teachers can keep track of student actions, "ehavior, infractions, and achievements in the classroom. This improves communicate %uickly and easily with parents and administrators "y documenting student classroom ha"its and "ehaviors and sending reports via email or making a call right from an iPhone. Cost: Lite Edition Free, Pro Edition $7.99

Teachers o!! Ca!! Teacher s &oll 'all helps classroom instructors at any level track student attendance. The app is designed to make data entry and management %uick and efficient so you have more time to focus on actual teaching. Cost: $0.99

C!ass Cards After entering the names of your students this app will display a randomly generated list of students. The list will not only show you the name of the student to call upon "ut will also show the names of the ne(t four students to call upon. Cost: $".99

#racket $aker This is a great porta"le program to help create "racket for tournaments, friendly competitions, small leagues, and more. It s easy to use and it does the hard part of figuring out who goes where. Cost: $0.99

#racketmaker This is a great porta"le program to help you create "rackets for tournaments. A"le to customi)e team names for up to *+ teams. Cost: $0.99

Visuals/ Resources Ed%creations Educreations turns your iPad into a recorda"le white"oard. ,iagram a sports plays through voice recording, realistic digital ink, photo imports, and simple sharing through email, Face"ook or Twitter. Cost: F EE

&iant Score'oard A generic score"oard, featuring- Timer.'ountdown /edita"le01 Team names /edita"le01 2iant digits, visi"le from 34ft1 Fits any sport1 Simple, accurate and relia"le. Cost $0.99

&iant Timer (iPad on!)* This iPad app has crystal clear num"ers that can "e seen from across the gym. It has great sounds and users can make custom 5timer done6 messages. It can serve as a timer and a stopwatch. Cost: F EE

&ro%+ &ames The perfect app for teachers looking for a %uick and easy reference guide to over 34 games designed to actively engage a group of participants. 2ames promote teamwork, leadership, and trust. They can "e used with groups of varying si)es and maturity levels. Cost: $0.99

iFitness ,An e(ercise companion app. provides over **4 e(ercise images and full te(t descriptions. Allows tracking of progress for multiple users. 7sers create customi)ed workouts. Cost: $..99

/ma0e S+inner 'hoose up to 84 photos and record 84 pieces of audio to create your own spinner. Press of shake the spinner and it will randomly land on one of the photos. 'reate a workout game using Image Spinner. Cost: $0.99

$ake -ice 'reate dice on you iPad or iPhone. 7se phrases and num"ers on the dice and utili)e it for a game in your PE classes. Cost: Lite F EE, Standard: $1.99

PE Acti2ities A comprehensive list of games from a variety of activity and sporting categories. 2ames may "e used for students age 9:. Cost: F EE

PE P!%s This app contains over 844 games that will improve your student.player skill level, en#oyment and fulfillment. 2ames are categori)ed in 84 areas- chasing, reaction, relay, cooperative, and many more. Cost: $1.99

Pocket #od) A fully searcha"le interactive atlas of the human "ody. Cost $.9.99

Ta0 &ames Tag 2ames includes games and activities designed to keep students of all ages captivated and on the move. Provides an environment that is conducive to the way children learn the principles of pursuit ; evade. Cost: $0.99 The PE Shake <ade up of 844 PE warm!up games that are easy to set up with minimal e%uipment. =ust shake the phone and a new random game appears. All games are suited to "oth primary and secondary school students. Cost: $0.99

The PE &eek The PE 2eek app is the one stop shop for teachers interested in utili)ing emerging technologies within Physical Education. The app provides users with access to the PE 2eek >log, social media sources, and

conference materials ; handouts. Cost: F EE Timer Too!s ?ou get a suite of timers that are super easy to use. Timers include- 'ountdown, Stop @atch, Turn Timer, Seconds 7p, Seconds ,own, and Interval Timer. Access and set any timer with #ust a few clicks. Cost $1.99

Assessment/ Feedback

Coachs E)e &ecord or upload videos of your students or athletes, then, play it "ack in slow!mo, "ackward, or frame "y frame. ?ou can draw on the screen to help focus on certain aspects of skill. A really great app for skill assessment allowing instant feed"ack for students. Cost: $".99

Coach $) 3ideo &ecord or upload a video to analy)e. Two videos can "e put side "y side to e(amine and compare. 7sers have the a"ility to draw on the video to highlight certain aspects of skills. Cost: F EE

Eas) Assessment Easy Assessment is the app teachers, trainers and coaches have "een waiting for. A simple way to capture and assess performance in any conte(t or situation. E(perience a new level of efficiency. Cost: $..99

/ntro -esi0ner A great way to make introductions to videos. App allows users to type and save to phone s camera roll. Cost: Lite edition F EE, 4orma! edition 5 $1.99

Pinnac!e St%dio 7se this app to make movies. It is very user friendly and provides video training. Cost: F EE

S!oPro Shoot video at a high speed then play it "ack in slow motion and the speed of your choice. Cost: $1.99

Sna+ &%ide Snap 2uide is a simple way to share and view step!"y!step how to guides. Students can show skill progression or demonstrate the rules of a game "y creating their own guides and share through email, Twitter, Face"ook and more. Cost: F EE

Interactive Apps for Lessons 7 $in%te 6orko%t This app is a circuit training workout that re%uires no e%uipment. The workout consists of twelve scientifically selected e(ercised each done for *4 seconds with a 84 second rest in "etween. Also has the option to play workout music during the circuit. Plug it into a pro#ector and the whole class can work out together. Cost: $..99

Acti2e Ed%cation This app has a physical education section that includes warm!up e(ercises and group games. It also has an outdoor education section. Cost: F EE

#a!ance /t >alance It is task card resource for PE Teachers. A simple and powerful way to provide students with visual prompts and cues designed to help them develop gymnastic skills. It includes over A4 hand drawn "alances that progressively "uild up in difficulty, allowing students to develop their static "alance and team work skills. Cost: $..99

#asket'a!! PE This app includes tools that are valua"le for physical education teachers. It provides games and activities for all ages that are categori)ed "y skill. Each game and activity includes a list of e%uipment, rules, variations.progressions, ver"al cues and diagrams. Cost: $0.99

#rain #reak This app provides ideas for activities such as <ovement E(ercises, Thinking E(ercises, <ega"reak e(ercises, and &ela(ation E(ercises. The <ovement E(ercises are great for Physical Education classes and are split into su"categories of >alance ; 'oordination, 'ontrolled Activities, <ovements and Posture. Cost: $0.99

Cardio E7ercise This app gives a variety of cardio e(ercise ideas along with demonstrations and step!"y!step instructions. Cost: F EE

Cardio0ra+h 'ardiograph is an application, which measures your heart rate. ?ou can save your results for future reference, and even keep track of multiple people with individual profiles. Cost: $..99

C5Fit -ance C!assroom Fitness The app includes 9 ten!min dance videos of different genres. Each dance is "roken down into several lesson plans. ,ance moves are taught step!"y!step with demonstrations and picture e(amples. 2reat for a physical education classroom$ Cost: $0.99 Fitness,This app provides tools for teachers and students to improve their health "y tracking their progress through the calorie counter and "ody tracker as well as view diagrams and videos of e(ercises and workouts. Cost: $8.99

Le0 E7ercise This app is very similar to 'ardio E(ercises. Cost: F EE

$%sic 6orko%t A uni%ue interval timer that utili)es your music to inform you when it s time to rest and time to work. Perfect for teachers, coaches, trainers and those looking to improve their fitness. Simply set the work and rest duration, along with the num"er of sets to "egin your workout. Cost: $0.99

P!a) Picker This application offers over 894 games. It also gives suggestions "ases on the num"er of players, type of field availa"le and e%uipment. 7sers may choose to design their own games, as well. Cost: F EE

Pedometer Pedometer will work as you walk, run, #og or do your treadmill. The special algorithm B the same as used in hardware pedometers B is implemented in the application. Cost: F EE

Pocket ,eart Interactive educational App to show how the human heart works in *,. A great learning tool for cardiac anatomy and physiology. Cost: $9.99

T&F9 (Teachin0 &ames :or 9nderstandin0* This app was developed to help PE professionals incorporate fun in lessons aimed in keeping children active. 2ames are categori)ed into 3 sections- Pursuit.Evade, Invasion.Territorial, Cet.@all, Striking.Fielding, and Target.<isc. Cost: $..99

6hats $) ,eart ate This app helps you to measure your heart rate and "reath rate through your iPhone s or iPad s camera. Cost: F EE

6orko%t Prod%cer (iPad on!)* 7sers can create their own e(ercise routine from a wide variety of e(ercises. Dne work out consists of 83 e(ercises. <usic tracks can "e selected to add to the new workout video. The video can "e shown to a PE class for a fun workout$ Cost: $..99

;%m'a -ance An app with full Eum"a routines using chart topping hits. Initial purchase includes a +4!minute workout. >uying the advanced edition gives the user * pre!programmed A4!minute classes. Another option is to create a playlist of previously purchased routines with the custom class feature. Cost: $".99

emind .0. &emind848 provides a safe way for teachers to te(t message students and stay in touch with parents. It is 844F free and is used "y over 344,444 teachers, students and parents to send millions of messages every month. Cost: F EE

9'ersense &ecord. Analy)e. Improve. Athletes and coaches in over *4 sports use 7"ersense to improve through slow motion video analysis. ?ou too can use your iPhone, iTouch or iPad camera to record and "reakdown your sporting techni%ue to get instant slow motion. Cost: F EE S<orkit Sworkit takes you through 3!A4 minute circuit training workouts re%uiring no e%uipment. =ust choose what part of the "ody to workout and for how long. Dptions include strength training, cardio, stretching. Cost: F EE Sto+<atch The app shows time on a digital display and a clock face. After the timing has finished, it is most convenient to read the precise time from the digital display. The stopwatch will count the time even when interrupted "y other programs. Cost: F EE To+ 4%trition Ti+s This ama)ing app gives you hundreds of interesting and useful nutrition tips, diet ; weight loss tips, and nutritional health facts$ &eferenced from, 7S,, and the Food and Cutrition Information 'enter, some of the most prominent leaders in food ; human nutrition information$ Find a wealth of useful ; practical nutritional tips and information for a safe and healthy diet. Cost: F EE C!ass Cards 'lass 'ards is an app to "oost student engagement during lessons and discussions. The app will display a randomly generated list of entered students. A holding area is availa"le for a student who needs more time to develop a response. Cost: $ ".99

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