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Benchmark Lesson Overview Week 3/243/28 Monday, 3/24: o 1) DO NOW: Why do you think Antonio hangs out with

h the boys from town (Horse, the Vitamin Kid, Bones, etc.)? Ex: even though Antonio doesnt like to hear his friends cussing and talking badly about Ultima, Antonio still hangs out with them o 2) Read BMU Ch. 14 Have students practice visualizing the text (guided reading) Students will draw the play scene from Ch. 14 Tuesday, 3/25: o 1) DO NOW: Make a claim in response to this question: Do you think that Antonio will decide his own fate? o 2) Write Argumentative Paragraph Prompt: can a person change their fate? Students will respond to the prompt, complete an argumentative paragraph outline o 3) Read BMU Finish ch. 14 Wednesday, 3/26: o 1) DO NOW: o 2) Write Argumentative Paragraph Prompt: should the president of the U.S. be religous? Another prompt: does religion make someone a better person? o 3) Read BMU Finish ch. 15 Thursday, 3/27: (NO INSTRUCTION, health survey) Friday, 3/28: o 1) DO NOW: do you think it is right that young people are exposed to violence in everyday life? Ex: there is violence in video games, tv, gang violence in neighborhoods, etc. o 2) Read article about media violence Read about the effects of violence in movies and media, relate it to BMU. Does Antonio change because of all of the violence he witnesses? How does it affect him? Students discuss article in groups of 3-4.

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