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East Sac County High School Vocal Music

2012-2013 Handbook
Concert Choir

Kathryn Mosiman, Director

Welcome to the East Sac County High School Vocal Music P og am!
Why Sing" The purpose of the East Sac County Vocal Music Program is to help each individual develop musically, socially, and personally !ith a "elief that "eing in music classes "uilds self#discipline, confidence, dedication, and a learning of ho! to !or$ !ith others to!ard a common goal% &t East Sac County, !e strive to "e the "est !e can "e in all respects% What to Sing" 'iterature for the choir is chosen very carefully e(posing students to a variety of choral literature% The selection of choral music is determined "y the instructor "ased upon availa"ility, )uality, educational value and suita"ility for healthy vocal development% *t is not the intent of this department to persuade student vie!s !ith opposing "eliefs or ideals that a musical selection+s te(t may present% ,y familiari-ing students !ith )uality choral literature, students !ill gain a "etter historical and glo"al perspective as !ell as "ecome conversant !ith musical aesthetics% The intent is to give students a "road perspective of the numerous choral composers, styles, and types% .or more information on the involvement of scared te(t in the school setting, please reference !!!%acdaonline%org%

Ea ning #ou $ ade

Pe %o mances-&0' Concerts and performances are the culmination of months of !or$ Participation in these events is re)uired performances should "e considered the e)uivalent of a classroom e(am Students !ill "e assessed on their individual contri"ution to the performance, their attitude and effort Students need to "e on time and !ear proper attire for each concert /ne(cused a"sences from a performance !ill result in a -ero grade for the )uarter0semester *n the case !here a"sence from a performance cannot "e avoided, an email should "e sent to the director t(o (eeks ) io to concert date .amily emergencies, ma1or events, and illness 2!ith doctor+s note3 may "e e(cused ma$e#up !or$ !ill "e assigned Part#time 1o"s0!or$ is not an accepta"le e(cuse to miss a performance *f there is a conflict "et!een t!o school-s)onso ed activities the sponsors involved !ill ma$e the "est decision for the student and "oth activities !ith input from administration, student, and parent0guardian *aily +ehea sal-&0' Daily rehearsal is !here success "egins 4ehearsal time is limited and not to "e !asted Each rehearsal is designed !ith high e(pectations Students earn 5 points per day for doing the follo!ing6 ,eing in assigned spot !hen the "ell rings Singing !hen as$ed ,eing respectful of themselves and others 7ot che!ing gum 7ot using cell phones ,ringing only !ater into the choir room Having their folder !ith assigned music and a pencil Contri"uting positively to the rehearsal 'eading "y e(ample 7ot demonstrating these e(pectations can lead to a reduced !ee$ly rehearsal score 8ccasional !ritten assignments may include the follo!ing6 Concert revie!s0feed"ac$ Self evaluations0feed"ac$ 9oal setting :ui--es04esearch related to literature Theory !or$sheets

,ndi-idual .ssessment-20' *ndividual voice lessons is !here personal vocal development techni)ue "egins Voice lessons and techni)ue learned during lessons are crucial to success in the rehearsal setting *ndividual time to focus on healthy vocal techni)ue is precious and should "e valued ;ee$ly attendance at lesson is e(pected and is re)uired to receive a top grade Students !ill "e assigned a !ee$ly lesson time "ased on availa"ility !ithin student+s schedule Each student !ill perform three <voice chec$s= to measure individual gro!th Each )uarter, students are allo!ed one une(cused a"sence from lesson% &ny additional une(cused a"sences !ill result in >0? of grade deduction 2i%e%> une(cused a"sence@&, 5 une(cused a"sences@& dropped to &#, etc%3 Students may schedule additional lessons0ma$e#up lessons E(cused a"sences may "e made up !ith no penalty to )uarter0semester grade 8nly t!o additional0ma$e#up lessons !ill count to!ard individual assessment grade Students !ill "e responsi"le to inform instructor of lessons that !ill "e missed Students !ill "e responsi"le for scheduling additional0ma$e#up lessons 7o ma$e#up lessons !ill "e scheduled during semester test days &dditional lessons may "e scheduled during semester test days upon discretion of instructor ,eing a mem"er of any of the choral ensem"les here at East Sac County HS is privilege that A8/ choose to participate in at the "eginning of each semester% &s !e are BCD individuals !or$ing together to create 87E choir, a positive attitude and your very "est effort is not 1ust encouraged everyday "ut assumed% The instructor !ill evaluate any student that interferes !ith the overall learning and success of the choir% /pon that evaluation and the instructors discretion, any student !ho does not adhere to the e(pectations stated a"ove !ill meet !ith the instructor, administration, and parents0guardians to figure out !hat action is "est moving for!ard for "oth the success of the student and the ensem"le%
To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life. --4o"ert 'ouis Stevenson

8ur goal is to "e the "est ensem"le that !e can "e% *ndividually, !e can "ecome good singers, "ut together !e can "ecome great performers% Aour attitude, effort, and a"ility to "e a valua"le mem"er of this group !ill assure success for East Sac County%

Conce t .tti e

Choir 4o"e and Stole 2ESCHS Provided3 Music in "lac$ folder 2ESCHS Provided3 Students assume responsi"ility for 4o"e0Stole repair or replacement due to neglect Students assume responsi"ility for replacing lost music 7o Ee!elry Men ,lac$ dress slac$s ,lac$ dress shoes ,lac$ soc$s ;hite T#shirt ;omen ,lac$ s$irt, dress, or shorts 2should not sho! "eneath hem of ro"e3 ,lac$, closed toe shoes ;hite T#shirt Ma$e#up in moderation recommended Hair should "e styled in a !ay that it stays out of eyes0face during entire performance and is not distracting to others

Performances are su"1ect to the 9ood Conduct Policy and academic eligi"ility outlined in the East Sac County CSD Student0Parent Hand"oo$% 'in$ to hand"oo$ "elo!6
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&cademic Eligi"ility outlined on pg ?IK 9ood Conduct Policy outlined on pg ?L

&t the discretion of the instructor, points or performances missed due to ineligi"ility may "e made up through additional assignments%

Pe %o mances a%%ected by ,neligibility/ Honor choirs Ea-- choir contests 7ational &nthem singing 9raduation ,accalaureate Community performances Musicals Voice Checks (ill basically be a mini-audition/
Vocali0e1 /p M B#N#B#?#> on <ee#oh= Starting Pitches # Soprano M , a"ove middle C 2E Ma1or3 # &lto M . a"ove middle C 2," Ma1or3 # Tenor M & "elo! middle C 2D Ma1or3 # ,ass M E "elo! middle C 2& Ma1or3 Do!n M B#I#?#5#> on <-oo= Starting Pitches # Soprano M D5 29 Ma1or3 # &lto M & a"ove middle C 2D Ma1or3 # Tenor M CO a"ove middle C 2.O Ma1or3 # ,ass M 9 "elo! middle C 2C Ma1or3 2onal Memo y1 Sing "ac$ on <la M if student misses t!ice, sing solfege for them Sight +eading1 *dentify $ey, Esta"lish Key, as$ a"out solfege e(perience .me ica1 Starting Pitches # Soprano6 *% ,#9O **% &"#. # &lto6 *% E"#C **% ,#9O # Tenor6 *% &#.O **% .#D # ,ass6 *% C#& **% 9#E

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