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Jirawit Yanchinda

* (Learning Organization)
(Leadership) (Team Learning)

*Chris Argyris Organization Learning Donald Schon

* Sociotechnical System ()

* Organization Strategy () * Production () * Economic Development () * Systems Dynamics ( ) * Human Resources () * Organizational Culture ()

* Single-loop learning Organization Model

I = theory-in-action or know-how

* Double-loop Learning Organization Model

II = Theory-in use or know-why

* Ice Breaking Techniques * Balance Scorecard Feedback Loop

*Single-loop learning Organization
Model I = or know-how theory-in-action

Working procedure Working Instruction Defensive Routine

*Double-loop Learning Organization

Model II = Theory-in use or know-why

Governing variable
Ice breaking

Financial Perspective Customer Perspective Internal Business Process Perspective Learning and Growth Perspective

Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton

Strategic Map Corporate Balanced Scorecard

SBU Scorecard

o Identify Vision and Missions o Build a Strategy Map (Strategy Themes at four perspectives and its cause-effect links) o Identified weight for each perspective and every strategic theme in the perspective o Build a corporate balanced scorecard on each strategy themes(objectives, measures, targets and initiatives)

o Prioritize and Distribute targets to SBUs and SMUs

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

o Build a balanced scorecard o Integrate to management o Use balanced scorecard / BSC software

Financial Perspective -> Budgets and Costs Management, for example, ABC Customer Perspective -> Customer Relationship Management Internal Perspective -> Total Quality Management Learning and Growth -> Knowledge Management and Learning Organization

Supplying information Aligning individual objectives to organization objectives

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

Dr. Nopasit Chakpitak

*Single Loop learning
- how ..better

*Double Loop Learning different *Triple Loop Learning focus on propose of Org. (hardest)

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