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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%



Discussion Model
An instructional strategy that involves students sharing ideas about a common topic
Main idea Main idea

Is about

Main idea

Main idea





Identifying topics- most effective when topics are controversial or allows for differences Specifying learning objectivesstudents should be able to think about the topic in a deeper more analytical way, practice critical thinking, and can contribute to students social development Developing student knowledgestudents must have extensive knowledge of the subject before having a discussion Establishing structure- important to establish a structure besides simply discussing an idea

Phase 1: Introduction-attract attention, provide a focus for the discussion, activate background knowledge Phase 2: Explorationpromote student involvement, promote deeper understanding of the topic, develop critical thinking and social development Phase 3: Closure-clarify points of disagreement and agreement

Assessment needs to be able to assess students critical thinking which can most successfully done by writing essays Assessment should also be able to assess social development which is just done by systematic observation (process of specifying criteria for acceptable performance in an activity and taking notes based on the criteria)

Motivation can be for the students wanting to have a say in the discussion, in order to have a say they must understand and know the prior knowledge

So what? What is important to understand about this?

This is very important in the sense of knowing how to successfully have a discussion in the classroom.

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