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Handling a Room Reservation A = Reservation staff B = Mr Chris Scott

A : Good morning Reservation (of Kimuni Hotel), how may I help you? ( Good morning : Beginning a presentation How help may i help you? : Asking for help B : I want to book a room (requesting) A : When would you like to stay with us? ( job responsibilities ) B : Around the end of this/the year. A : All right Sir. We have 3 types of room, standard, deluxe, and suite. The price of the standard room is Rp 50.000 (fifty thousand rupiah) per night, deluxe room is Rp 100.000 (one hundred thousand rupiah) per night, and the suite is Rp 200.000 (two hundred thousand rupiah) per night. (describing products) What(which) type of room would you like to book? (asking for information) B : I want to book a deluxe room for me and my wife. A : Please wait a moment. I will check if the deluxe room is still available for the end of the year. A : All right Sir, we still have deluxe room available for the end of the year. May we know your arrival and departure date? (forward looking statements) B : I will arrive on 27th December and depart on January 03rd. A : All right Sir I will make a room reservation for you. Could I have/know your name please? (asking for information) B : Chris Scott A : Could you spell it for me please? (asking for information) B : C for Charlie, H for Hotel, R for Romeo, I for India S for Sierra. S for Sierra, C for Charlie, O for Oscar, T for Tango, T for Tango(explaining) A : All right Mr Scott, I have made a room reservation for you. You will check in on December 27 and check out on January 03, total 7(seven) nights. I will send the confirmation by fax. (conclusion) Could I have your fax number? (closing conversation - follow up) B : I am sorry I dont have fax. A : How about email? (closing conversation - follow up) B : Yes, this is my email address : A : Thank you. I will send the confirmation by email. B : Thank you (closing)

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